King's Business - 1940-03

T H E K I N G ’ S' B U S I N E S S


March, 1940

When the Lord Jesus Christ is thus given the preeminence, wonderful re­ sults have been reported from many of the missionary schools all over the world. The missionaries realize that the work can be more effectively done by the trained worker among his own people. The counsel and the prayers of the missionary are still required, but he concentrates his efforts upon those who “ shall be able to teach others also.” Among the Lisu tribespeople in China, for example, there are conducted what are known as “Rainy Season Bible Schools” which are well attended and where young men are trained to be pastors and evangelists. In other fields, missionaries give encouraging reports of their “Short-Term Bible Schools” where native Christians come —\ some from great distances—bringing their own tool), and bedding, sleeping on the floor of the chapel, so eager are they to learn God’s Word. The careful, daily teaching of the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit is not an easy form of missionary service. But experience has proved that it is essential for building a strong church. Are you finding it so in the homeland? Are you doing your utmost to uphold those who are “teaching all people” ?

from the Word of God the worth of an eternal soul, he will relieve physical distress from the highest of motives. He will be constrained by Christ’s own love for the souls of men (cf. 2 Cor. 5:14, 15).—I. M. S. in. B ibliography on M edical M issions Broomhall, Marshall, To What Pur­ pose? (The story of Emil Fisehbacher). Carmichael, Amy W., Gold Cord (chapters 41, 42, 47). Lambie, Thomas A., A Doctor With­ out a Country. Taylor, Mrs. Howard, Guinness of Honan. Questions for Discussion 1. Discuss the significance of the fact that “elders” in James 5:14 qre to pray together for the sick. What pitfalls are avoided when no one individual seems to be the agent through whom miraculous healing comes? 2. Can you give evidence that spec­ tacular miracles of healing today are most frequent in regions that the Lord is opening to the gospel message? Is there any significance in this fact as compared with the Book of Acts and its record of' evangelizing new terri­ tory? (Acts 3:1-16 and following: 4:29, SO; 5:15, 16; 9:33-35; 14:8-17, etc.). APRIL 14, 1940 TEACHING ALL PEOPLE M atthew 4:23; 2 T imothy 2:2 Meditation on the Lesson “Educational Missions” have been em­ phasized strongly on all missionary fields. And this stress has been a desir­ able one, whenever the purpose has been to teach the Word of God and to equip believers for the most efficient service for Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ taught wherever He went, some­ times from a boat, sometimes by the seaside, in the synagogues, to large crowds on a grassy slope, to small groups, sometimes to one individual. "Never man spake like this man” (John 7:46). Christ sent His disciples out on a missionary tour and told them what to say -as they both preached and taught. Teaching and preaching go hand in hand. A measure of teaching, of ex­ planation, must be a part of the initial preaching of the gospel if men and women are to be saved. Then, through the teaching of the Word of God, they are built up in the faith. Thus through educational missions that are on a Scriptural foundation, the work grows and expands. Through Bible classes, Sunday-schools, boarding schools, acade­ mies, colleges and seminaries, “short­ term” Bible schools, and Bible Instl- tutes, the Word is taught, and boys and girls and men and women are trained to teach.


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