King's Business - 1940-03

March, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


JUNIOR KING’ S BUSINESS [Continued from Page 98] New K. Y. B. C. Members

STIRRING BOOKS FOR THE HOUR! By Dr. Herbert Lockyer Well known Bible Teacher and Author The Rapture of S a in t s ............. ..50c Satan, The Ant i chr i st . . . . . . . . . . . .35c Panorama of Prophecy..................... .25c The Grim Shadow; Chaos and Cure Our Lord's Return........... .. .............each 10c FOR EASTER MEDITATION When God Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 .00 Beyond the Grave........................ 50c The Three Crosses; The Empty Tomb . _________ . . . . . . . . . . . .each 10c Other books by Dr. Lockyer. Terms: Cash SPIRITUAL BOOK SERVICE Box 720 Port Jervis, N. Y .

The follow in g have read through the Gospel according to John and are now members of the K n ow Y our Bible Club: ABERDEEN , S. DAK .: Edward A ck er- son; Laverne Johnson; Janet K och ; Elbert M orton; B everly Miae P etlig ; Phyllis Thom pson; Anna W alker; M ildred W eb­ ster, and Gertrude ¿nd Mary Ann Y oung (E lizabeth McCall and Ann H ollenbeck, leaders). BEAUTY, K Y .: Louise Blankenship; K atie Lee B ooth; Glendine C ook; Mary Ann D empsey; W anda Maynard; Bessie, Ollie, and Sherley M cCoy; Mabel Park; T otsy Perham , and Caroline Seleigh (Mrs. R ose Lee Barr, leader). GILMER, TEX .: Frankie M ontgom ery (R . H. W ilson, leader). HARTFORD, WASH .: Ruthie Clutter (Mrs. Peter J. Brashler, leader). RANDOLPH, N. Y .: Joyce, Sherman M. and Shirley Mosher. SANTA TECLA, EL SALVADOR, C. A.: L. Jean Zelaya. SIMSj N. DAK .: Joyce and Lucille L ar­ son (Mrs. C. O. Breeto, teacher). TACOMA, WASH .: Patricia D oyle; Shir­ ley G allagher; Nancy Lee H ale; Rosem ary M artepson; P atricia P ietila; B everly Sanis; L ouella Sanderson, and Lois Stokes (Mrs. A. G. Schafer, teacher). TYLER, MINN.: * Elmer and Gladys Christensen; Joseph D enny; Phyllis John- sen, and V ivian McGandy (V erna Jensen, teacher). Jesus said: “Take ye away the stone.” IV. There Is the Stone of Inconsis­ tency. This stone can assume various shapes. Sometimes it is seen in our home rela­ tions. We cannot divorce our home life from our public service. We may try to do it. There are men who preach and teach the Word and enjoy fame as ex­ positors of the Word. They are public successes, but private failures. If I have no influence over those round about me within the four walls of my own home, God help me when I come to a public platform. How do you stand in this respect, my friend? If God cannot use you right where you live, you will be of little use to Him in the great world of need. Suppose you leave home in an irritable frame of mind, saying something that is not Christlike to some one by your side. How can you expect God to pour through you His love and gentleness when, later, you are conducting a public meeting? It may be that if you will make amends in this direction, there will be a change in spiritual life that will surprise you. This stone of inconsistency may ap­ pear also in our business life. You can­ not persuade me that God is going to do very much in a church where deacons are found piously standing at the door on the Lord’s day, but engaging in crooked dealings In their business life throughout the week. We need to be straightened out on some of these things. We are to have a good report of those that are without. How do some of us stand in respect to debt? STONES THAT HINDER [ Continued from Page 96]

2,000,000 JEWS gathered in New York make it the largest Jewish. Mission field in the world. The New York Jewish Evangelization Society , Inc., founded in 1908 by the sainted Dr. Thos. M. Chalmers, is striving zealously to reach them. Its manifold ministry includes the care of Hebrew-Christian refugees from Europe. This faith work is dependent upon your coopera­ tion by gift and prayer. Subscribe for our monthly, uJewish Missionary Magazine $1.00 per annum. Sample copy, 10 cents. Write FREDERICK A. ASTON, Director New York Jewish Evangelization Society 56 Second Avenue, New York, N. Y. " F O R E C A S T " . . .... a prophetic forcv lew on the W orld’s com ­ ing Super Man, The F alse Prophet, an Armed Peace. “ O ld) TIME RELIGION and THE HARVEST,” illustrated tracts on Sal­ vation, Scriptural H oliness (K esw ick ), H ealing and Power. The three fo r 10 cents. Rev. Chas. A. Adee, Clarkfield, Minn. LEARN HOW TO BUILD SERMONS William M. Smith, the instructor in Homiletics and Psychology In Union Bible Seminary has pre­ pared a course of twenty lessons in Homiletics which will help you. Fifteen methods of outlining are employed. Sample below. Text: Thou will show me the path of life. Ps. 16:11 Subject: The Journey of life. Method: Thle Pictorial Oatline Method. n Outline: I The Guide—“ Thou"—-Jesus jü HI a. Qualification—wise, kind, etc. S ü b. Experience—been over the road. |s 5£ . c. Interest—He died for me. n II The Traveler—“ me" ü a. Must takô the journey, b. Have not j 2§ ü had enough experience, o. Need just i == such a guide. == IH The Road—“ path" ü a. One of many. b. Is a narrow road. ] 1 ü c. Not many going this way. ¡ü IT The Destination—“ life" H ü a. Contrast with death, b. A delight- j ü ü ful anticipation. 0. A glorious consura- ¡= mation. g Gentlemen: I enclose $1.00 for this set < 3t lessons and “ The Gospel Minister" weekly for 26 Issues. Union Bible Seminary, Dept» 497, Westfield, Ind.

There are honorable debts, of course, and God knows all about them. But too often Christians are pathetically careless in this direction. We read in John 1:4: “The life was the light of men.” Light always illuminates. Not only our profession, but also the life pulsating through our testimony, must bear the light. Jesus said, “Take ye away the stone.” We read that they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid, and that Jesus said, “Lazarus, come forth.” And I say, men and women, that we can have a revival, in our lives and in our churches, when we want it. When we face honestly those things which we know to be wrong, and bring them to the blood of Christ for cleansing, when we cast away every stone in the path to His progress, then will come the display of divine power and the re­ newal in us of spiritual life. Evangelist Eilers Leonard Eilers, “the preaching cow­ boy,” recently conducted meetings in the First Baptist Church in Fullerton, Calif., and in the Atwater Park Baptist Church, Los Angeles. His schedule for the next few weeks is as follows: Feb. 25—March 10, First Baptist Church, Montebello, Calif.; March 13-24, Oak View Homes Baptist Church, OJai, Calif.; March 31—April 28, Nampa, Idaho and vicinity; May, First Baptist Church of Fellows, Calif., and the First Baptist Church of Ventura, Calif. If any reader is interested in corresponding with Mr. Ellers concerning meetings he may be reached at his permanent ad­ dress, which is 124 No. Florence St, Burbank, Calif.

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