King's Business - 1940-03


March, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

life. It is not forced upon us against our will, but it is constantly within our reach if we will “stoop down and drink and live.”—Charles Askwith. 5. Guidance' “When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). We may be as sure of the guidance of the Holy Spirit as the chosen people were sure of the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. He will guide us into all the truth about the character of God, the" work of Christ, the present possibility and the future destiny of man; but He will guide us also in the smallest details of daily experience.—Selected. “ W a tc h " “Watch ye therefore, and’ pray al­ ways” (Lk. 21:36). 6.

DAI LY Devot ional Readings

L My Prayer “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35). Open my eyes, that I may see This one and that one needing Thee, Hearts that are dumb, unsatisfied, lives that are dead, for whom Christ died. Open my eyes in faith, I pray; Give me the strength to speak today, Some one to bring, dear Lord, to Thee: Use me, O Lord, use even me. —Betty Stam. 2. Lord of Our Happiness ‘‘Delight thyself also in the Lord” Psa. 37:4). The great reason that life is troubled and restless lies not without, but within. It is not our changing circumstances, but our unregulated desires, that rob us of peace . . . When a whole heart, full of varying, sometimes contradictory longings, is boiling within a man, how can he but tremble and quiver ? . . . Unbridled and varying wishes, then, are the worst enemies to our repose. What­ A series o f pungent and thoughtful sermons dealing w ith the su fferin g o f our Saviour. The Rev. Ghysels Is equipped w ith rare Insight into the teaching and m eaning o f these great Scriptural truths. These are 17 ser­ mons, 8 o f which are on Isaiah 53. 128 pages. Cloth. PRICE, o n l y ............................. . . . . . # • Samuel M. Zw em er The Glory of the Cross A series o f thoughtful and suggestive m essages on these su bjects: “ F irst of all . . . . Christ Died” ; “W e Have Not F ollow ed Cunningly Devised F ables"; “They B lindfolded Him".; “ They Bound H im " . . . “ They Spat on H im ” ; “ They Parted H is Garments Am ong Them” ; “My God, My God, W hy . . . ?"; “ Behold the Lamb o f God” ; “ They C rucified the L ord o f G lory.” 192 pages. Cloth. PRICE, only . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.00

soever we make necessary for our con­ tentment, we make lord of our happi­ ness.—Alexander Maclaren. 3. Eating Manna “And the children of Israel did eat manna . . . until they came to a land inhabited” (Ex. 16:35). It is a great blessing to be hungry. Lack of hunger is a sign of illness. When our soul does not crave spiritual food, it is sick. Hungry souls are healthful souls. Jesus Christ is our manna. He is the Bread of Life. There was no substitute for the desert’s manna. There is no substitute for Jesus Christ.—Selected. 4. Appropriate “Oh, how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee” (Psa. 31:19). God has provided for us all that we need; has stored it for us in Jesus Christ; has communicated it to us by the Holy Spirit—but it must be appro­ priated by faith . . . Prayer, Bible study, and worship are all means of grace whereby we may receive the water of The conception o f the vast sig n ifi­ cance and the utter centrality o f the cross is the central thème o f this heart­ stirring message. It deals w ith sub­ je c ts, as “ The Cross in the Old Testa­ ment” ; “The Cross in the Mind o f Jesus” ; “The Cross and Satan” ; “The Finality o f the Cross,” etc. 192 pages. Cloth. A A PRICE, only ............................^ J fc a W • Vance Havner ' • Blood, Bread and Fire A series o f unique m essages on the Christian’s threefold experience. - Dr. Havner has the ability o f w riting pungent things in an effective manner. Sermon titles; “ Shall/ W e Crown or C rucify Jesus?” ; “And He Stood Speech­ less” ; “W here Are Y ou at Calvary?” ; “ Faith in Christ Jesus,” etc. 119 pages. PRICE, only . . . . . . . . . . . S I A A

We live in an atmosphere that has a constant tendency to unfit us for Christ’s coming. The world tends to draw us down by its gratifications and its cares. There is only one way by which we can rise triumphant above these things — by constant watching unto prayer, that is, by sleeplessness unto prayer. Pray! Pray! Pray! —R. A. Torrey. [Continued on Page 93] LENTEN READING SUGGESTIONS . • James M. Ghysels Wounded For Our Transgressions • F, J. H ucgel The Cross of Christ The Throne of God • Andrew Murray \ The Power of the Blood of Jesus

In this strong book the author deals w ith subjects as; “W hat the Scriptures Teach A bout the B lood” ; “ R econcilia­ tion, Cleansing. Sanctification Through the B lood” ; “ Dw elling in The H oliest Through the B lood” ; “H eavenly Joy Through the B lood,” etc. 128 pages. PRICE, o n l y ...................................... • Andrew Murray The Blood of the Cross A series o f pow erful m essages deal­ ing w ith the various subjects connected w ith the shedding o f the blood o f Christ on the cross. Dr. Murray includes a communion message, “The A ltar Sanc­ tified by the B lood,” and a stirring evangelistic message, “ When I the B lood.” A lso many other interesting subjects treated, 126 pages. CfeAlf PRICE, only .......................... . . ^ W ^ Ideal fo r Lenten reading, this little book contains nine chapters on sub­ jects as “W ill Dead Men Live A gain?” “W as the B ody of Christ Raised?” and “W hat Does the R esurrection o f Christ S ign ify?” ..............2 0 b PRICE Headquarters . . . Fundamental t Norman H. Camp The Resurrection of the Human Body

PROPHECIES OF CENTURIES FULFILLED IN A DAY 3c each, 30c a dozen, $2 a hundred H ere is an excellent tract that is o f special interest at this E aster sea­ son. It show s Old Testament prophecies that w ere fu lfilled at the time of the cru cifixion o f our Lord. May w e-su ggest that you purchase a quantity o f these to distribute am ong your friends— both saved and unsaved. The price is nom inal— 3c each, 30c dozen, $2 hundred. B IOLA BOOK ROOM Los Angeles, Calif. 560 S. Hope St.

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