King's Business - 1940-03


March, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Our Literature Table The New-Style Family Bible

searching •and challenging at the same time. Because o f their high quality andN the depth o f understanding o f human needs— w ith a consciousness that only the W ord o f God can adequately meet those needs— these sermons Will be a source of blessing and inspiration to all who read. 116 pages. Zondervan Publishing House. Cloth. P rice $1.00. F or those in' the tw iligh t years of life this m essage by the late Dr. F arr w ill bring pervading jo y and peace in the renewed sense o f the presence o f the Lord and an assurance that their lives a m not w ithout purpose though activity has les­ sened. How ever, this m essage printed in attractive booklet form- is not exclusively fo r elderly people but has a rich m eaning fo r others as w ell. 16 pages. American P rophetic League. Paper. P rice 10 cents. This devotional series fo r children has been prepared in attractive booklet form under the successive titles o f “ The God W ho Is Enough,” “ The L ovely One,” “L earning H ow to Pray.” They are sure to thrHl the heart o f every child w ho is privileged to own one, as w ell as Chris­ tian Tyorkers who are interested in the spiritual developm ent o f children. F or each day there is a Scripture verse, w ith a bit o f poetry or a hymn-—just thè same as the grow n-u ps use, except that this is distinctly children’s material. The boys and girls w ill have, real jo y in their own “ bent-knee time” as they fin d daily help that w ill intrigue them. At the same time the deeper truths of the W ord w ill becom e m ore vital in their ow n you n g lives. Child E vangelism Fellow ship. Paper". P rice 10 cents each. Untold possibilities in the spiritual grow th o f boys and girls aw ait the use o f this little booklet. Adapted particularly to a youn gster’s understanding, the w hole E pistle to the Ephesians has been out­ lined w ith illum inating explanatory notes. W ords that are comm only used and yet have little m eaning fo r a child are e x ­ plained and illustrated in such a w ay that the child w ill understand. Throughout the entire notes there is a. d efinite evangelical appeal to the child w ho reads. A ccom ­ panying the material is an index o f notes that w ill prove beneficial. 55 pages. Child E vangelism F ellow ship. Paper. P rice 10 cents. Comparable to the ancient fire-god , Moloch, whose cerem onials demanded hu­ man sacrifices, is a certain deadly m enace w hich is sw eeping the country, taking its toll in death, crim e, and atrocities o f all kinds. That m enace is the drug mari­ huana, or Indian hemp, prepared in cig ­ arettes and other form s. H aving investi­ gated this su bject as a pastor whose heart yearned over sin -sick youth caught in the quicksand o f imm orality and degradation, the author presents facts and testim onials from cou rt records which reveal that a startlingly large percentage o f crim e per­ petrated by the youth o f Am erica is traceable to this drug. The aim o f the book is not social reform . There is no remedy nor cure to o ffe r those enslaved by this horrible disease apart from the L ord Jesus Christ. To the end that young people m ight be warned and their lives surrendered to the only One w ho can keep them from sin this book is sent forth. 72 pages. Fundamental Truth Publishers. Paper. Price 25 cents Fruit in Old Age By FRED ER ICK W . FARR Daily Bread By RUTH P. OVÉRHOLTZER Ephesians ' With Notes for Boys and Girls B y J. IRVIN OVERHOLTZER The Moloch of Marihuana B y ROBERT JAMES DEVINE >

With the use of this Course, every ' Young People’s Society may ' be converted into- a School for Bible Training.

The sacred Scriptures have been set forth in a volum e that aims at greater readability in its large print, helpful m ar­ ginal references numbering about sixty thousand, and pronouncing aids fo r proper names. Some o f the additional features are the editorial presentation in which one hundred pages, are devoted to the history and conterits o f the sixty-six books, w ith a summary of each book, and fourteen pages of charts which are given to the Outline Harm ony o f the Gospels. Prepared especially fo r this Bible are f i f ­ teen pages o f maps and a “ fam ily record” section in colors. Yet w ith all these fe a ­ tures it is a very convenient size for handling. India paper, handsom ely bound. 1463 pages. The System B ible Company. Leather. P rice $9.75 and up. The Purposes of Calvary B y H ARRY RIMMER Third in the author’s “ Calvary” series, this book deals w ith the objects which God had in view as accomplishm ents o f Calvary. These chapters unfold the truths o f Divine D em onstration, New Destiny, New Desire, New Dynam ic, and New D o­ m inion—a ll made available to the believer because Christ died. The practical value o f the w ork is its stirring challenge to the reader to becom e adjusted to the divine plan fo r his own life. 142 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. P rice $1.00. One Moment, Please By RAYMOND B. DRUKKER A book o f “ Theme Talks fo r Y oung People,” this collection, o f a hundred one- page comm ents has the appeal of brevity, directness and apt illustration. The author is Secretary o f the Board o f Publication o f the R eform ed Church in America. “ Quotations gleaned here and there” en­ rich his w riting. 112 pages. Wm . B. E erd­ mans Pub. Co. Cloth. P rice 75 cents. Shafted Sunlight B y PAUL HUTCHENS It is a beautiful realization— whether one comes upon it in life or in fiction— that Christ *can restore a shattered life and make it useful again. That conscious­ ness grips the reader as he m oves through the chapters of the present volume, a story of flesh -an d-blood people o f this modern day. A ngel Farnum and her w him pering older sister and i abused father; Perry Munzel, zealous young preacher o f a whole Bible, and Dr. Barton who believed and preached only a part o f the B ook— these and others com e alive in these pages. From the first, the book deals w ith Angel F am um ’s torturing m em ory of a night o f sin. Such experiences as hers are (sadly enough) all too common today, but the author’s choice o f this subject may lim it the book’s distribution am ong younger readers. 214 pages. Wm . B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. . Cloth. P rice $1.00. Since music plays such a tremendous part in our lives— particularly in our worship— a hew impetus in service would be given a group in having an occasional devotional study o f the background of hymn favorites. Based upon material in “ Stories o f Hymns W e L ove” by Cecilia M argaret Rudin, “ Hymn P rogram s” has been prepared fo r children, young people and adults and has a bibliography accom ­ panying. 16 pages. John Rudin & Co., Inc. Paper. Introd. price 25 cents. A Man on the Run B y DOUGLAS M. WH ITE R efreshing, vitalizing m essages from the W ord are set forth in this book o f exposi­ tory sermons. R ealizing the great scar­ city o f expository serm onic material, the author has presented a group o f ju st such messages, that w ill . p ro v e . to be heart­ Hymn Programs Based Upon Stories of Hymns We Love

1940 SACRED BIOGRAPHY A Scriptural Study EachWeek—yaLessons The men and women o f the Bible and their message for today. Send 15c in stamps for current issue. CHRISTIAN PUBLICAIIQNSJNC 1562 N. Third Street — Harrisburg, Pa.

. . . about Y O U R Future Have you considered joining the happy group of more than 2,000 students who are equipping them­ selves for WORLD -W IDE CHRIS­ T IAN SERVICE at M O O D Y BIBLE I NS T I T UT E Here you have your choice of 7 inspiring, practical courses that will enable YOU to take the message of the Bible to a needy, waiting world. Coeducational . . • interdenominational

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The MODYBible Institute


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