King's Business - 1940-03

WHITE PIPE-TONE fo ld ing O R f f f ls The LAST WORD in substan­ tial. convenient folding organs. Marvelous volume, resonance and purity of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A.L. WHITE MFG. CO.

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1902 W. Grand Ave., Chicago, 111

Jii'nieson, Fausset and Brown A CRITICAL and EXPLANATORY Commentary On the Whole BIBLE A new clea r-typ e edition o f this fa ­ m ous and g r e a t C omm entary. O f th is new edition T heodore G raebner

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The Moody Bible Institute CorrespondenceSchoolcourse, SCRIPTURE TRUTH, is a masterpiece in simplified studies of the great truths of God’s Word. A fascinating course for all young Christians. Valuable illustrations, abundant Scripture quotations and references. Get the details of this great course TODAY! |• ~ I Dept. K361 I Please send FREE Bible Test and folder on the | I SCRIPTURE TRUTH course. Also prospectuson 16 ■ | Home Study Courses for individual and group study. ! I I Name. — 1---------------------- ------------------- ---- :...... j Address.___ _____ City & State— f t The H90BÏ Sible Institute ¿MJ ai I* CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 153 IN STITU TE .P L A C E « ' C H I C A G O / W l .

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