King's Business - 1940-03

IN TH E B EA U T IFU L S E C T I O N O F T H E SOUTH W H ER E BOB JO N E S C O L L E G E IS LOCATED, THE T. V. A. is harnessing and devel­ oping natural resources for the production of POWER and LIGHT ... BOB JONES COLLEGE

IS HARNESS ING AN D DEVELOP ING TH E ENERGY AN D POWER LA TEN T IN YOUNG L IFE AN D PERSONAL ITY— training and sending leaders into the business and professional world with the light of aca­ demic knowledge and a burning Christian testimony. A survey shows that all graduates of Bob Jones College have good positions and are leaders in their chosen fields. More important, th ey are w itnesses f o r Christ. t h e H IGH QU A L ITY OF ITS A CAD EM IC STANDARDS , but also emphasizes restraint and discipline and a Christian philosophy of life as essentials of education. In Bob Jones Col­ lege heart as well as mind is trained— character as well as intellect developed. • A wide variety of courses offered includes: four-year college course . . . four-year high school course . . . four-year secondary teachers’ course . . . two-year elementary teachers’ course . . . one- year business and secretarial course. Bob Jones College is fully accredited as a four-year institution by the Department o f Education o f the State o f Tennessee. Credits are accepted by leading universities and graduate schools in all sections of the country. • r e c o g n i z e s n o s u p e r i o r i n


• FOR INFORMATION AND CATALOGUE WRITE Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., Acting President,


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