King's Business - 1940-03


March, 1940


MILDRED M. COOK» Managing Editor W. F. KEMPF» Advertising and Circulation Manager

What Every Jew

O fficial Organ o f The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Incorporated

ShouldKnow e Here is a fresh Gospel approach- to the Jew. It is designed to enable you to reach the Jew personally. There are now twelve separate leaflets in our new series, “What Every Jew Should Know.” They are brief, mostly four pages; they are attractively printed, with at­ tention-getting titles, and written with a God-given native under­ standing o f the Jewish mind. • The subjects will interest you: 1. W hat is a Christian? 2. W as Abraham a Jew ? 3. Don’t Go to Jerusalem. 4. Son, Remember. 5. H ow Many Times Have You Been B orn? 6. A Modern Jew L ooks at Jesus. 7. D octoring a D octor. 8. An Open Letter to a Rabbi. 8. T hirty-three Prophecies F u l­ filled in One Day. 10. An A stonishing Tom Kippur Prayer. 11. Do Christians W orship Three Gods? 12. Let’ s H ang the Hamans! • Already, reports come of the Lord’s rich blessings upon these tracts. Over 250,000 have so far been printed. • They are yours for the asking, in the Lord. Just say how many, of each. You will ,of course prom­ ise the Lord to give them out faithfully. • If you wish to pay cost, or postage, or both, you may figure about $2.00 the hundred, assorted. Or, if you feel led of the Lord to help us in the larger printing and circulation of these economical and effective tracts, your gift will be put to work immediately, and will be received as of His pro­ vision. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEW S, Inc. 31 Throop Ave., B rooklyn, New Y ork. Dear F riends: I want to help in your great G os­ pel literature program fo r the Jews., Here is $..................... May the Lord bless your testim ony. N am e..............................................................’ S tre e t........................... C ity ................................... S ta te.............. ..

SheSitileTamil#Oïïag^ine Motto: “ Vnto him that loved us9and washed us from our sins in his own blood.99- — Rev. 1 :5.

Number 3

March, 1940

Volume XXXII

TABLE OF CONTENTS • Ransom D. Marvin, Staff Artist

Daily Devotional Readings........................... .................................... .*..............82 Around the King’s Table— Editorial ....... ................................................84 Views and Reviews of Current News — Dan Gilbert .............................. 85 The Fact of the Resurrection— W . Graham Scroggie -------------------------86 Encouragement from the Risen Christ— W . E . Edmonds .....................87 The Most Momentous Day in Human History —Louis S. Bauman ......88 Stones That Hinder— Herbert, Lockyer ........-........................................... -89 Christian Philosophy of Purpose, Property, Pain — Roy L. Laurin........9\ The Bible Institute Family Circle..................................................... ........95 Tunior King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker ................ L ____ ........._____ 97 International Lesson Commentary........................................ ..........................99 Notes on Christian Endeavor —Mary G. Goodner ......................... .........110 Our Literature Table............ ............................................... ......... ...............119 I N F O R M A T I O N F O R S U B S C R I B E R S THE KING’S BUSINESS is pub­ lished monthly at the rates below, payable in advance, for either old or new subscribers, in the United States or its possessions. These rate include postage. REMITTANCE: Should bo made by Bank Draft, Express or P-. O. Money Order pay­ able to “ The King’s Business.’’ Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month,

on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING: For information with refer­ ence to advertising in Tip] KING’S BUSI­ NESS, address the ADVERTISING MAN­ AGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern represen­ tative, Religious Press Association, 1108-10 Colonial Bldg., 13th and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa: Entered as Second Class Matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office ' at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or dam­ age to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.

50 cents—For one annual subscrip­ tion, 50 cents per year (Twelve maga­ zines). One two-year subscription, $1.00 (Twenty-four magazines). 25 cents—For one six-months’ sub­ scription (Six magazines). Subscriptions to Cuba, Dom. Repub­ lic, Haiti, Spain, Central and South Am erican countries, except the Guianas and British H onduras, 50 cents per year. To all other foreign countries, including the Guianas and B ritish Honduras, 75 cents per year. (Canada 62 cents.) It requires one month fo r a change o f address to becom e effective. Please send both old and new addresses.


558 South Hope Street

Lot Angeles, California

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