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Stapleton. People, Place or Pets with Personality Display or Print: Purple, Rachel Leetch, Stapleton; Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Black and White Display or Print: Purple, Rachel Leetch, Stapleton. Home Décor Using Photography: Red, Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Creative Techniques & Lighting Display or Print: Red, Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Creative Composition Display or Print: Blue, Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Candid Photography Display or Print: Purple, Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Expression Through Display or Print: Blue, Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Home Décor Using Photography: Purple, Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Level 3 Portfolio: Purple, Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton. Home Décor Using Photography: Red, Citori Kramer, Stapleton. Poultry Junior Showmanship: Purple, Layla Sanchez, North Platte. Cockerel: Purple, Layla Sanchez, North Platte. Pullet: Purple, Layla Sanchez, North Platte. Rabbit Intermediate Showmanship: Red, Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Buck: Purple, Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Science, Engineering & Technology One Additional Item (Finishing Up): Red, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Welding Article: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton; Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton. Clover Kid Animal Sculpture: par- ticipation, Cora Leetch, Stapleton. Other Exhibit: partic- ipation, Jhett Peterson, Stapleton. Showmanship — Grand Champion: Bladen Williams; Reserve Champion: Coralee Schurr; Purple: Coralee Schurr, Bladen Williams; Blue: Grady Puls, Piper Puls, Raelyn Toberer. Poultry Standard Size Pullet — Purple: Ashley Easterday, Coralee Schuirr, Ansley Williams, Ansley Williams, Ansley Williams, Ansley Williams; Blue: Grady Puls, Piper Puls, Bladen Williams, Ansley Williams, Ansley Williams. Cock — Blue: Bladen Williams. Hen — Purple: Ashley Easterday, Grady Puls, Piper Puls, Coralee Schurr; Blue: Ansley Williams, Bladen Williams, Bantam Cock — Purple: Bladen Williams; Blue: Ansley Williams. Hen — Purple: Coralee Schurr, Coralee Schurr; Blue: Bladen Williams, Poultry/Crossbred Cockerel — Blue: Bladen Williams. Cock — Purple: Coralee Schurr. Ducks Young Drake — Purple: Raelyn Toberer. Young Duck — Purple: Raelyn Toberer. Adult Duck — Blue: Bladen Williams. Egg Production Pen — Purple: Ashley Easterday, Grady Puls, Piper Puls Overall Poultry — Grand Champion: Raelyn Toberer; Reserve Champion: Ashley Easterday. Companion animal Guinea Pig, Hamster, Gerbil, & Other Mammals Grand Champion: Dawson Ruda; Reserve Champion: Dawson Ruda; Purple: Dawson Ruda, Dawson Ruda; Blue: Raelyn Toberer, Madison Woehrle.
Stapleton. Red, Rate Peterson, Stapleton. Intermediate Showmanship: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton. Blue, Shelby Layher, Stapleton; Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Senior Showmanship: Purple, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton. Blue, Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Mares 5 and under: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton; Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton; Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Mares 6-12: Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Shelby Layher, Stapleton. Blue, Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Geldings 6-12: Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Lindsay Newman, Stapleton; Rate Peterson, Stapleton. 13 and Older Mare: Purple, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton; Rate Peterson, Stapleton. 13 and Older Gelding: Purple, Shelby Layher, Stapleton; Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Blue, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton; Colby Hubert, Stapleton. Red, Colby Hubert, Stapleton. Junior Western Horsemanship: Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Rate Peterson, Stapleton. Blue, Colby Hubert, Stapleton. Intermediate Western Horsemanship: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton; Shelby Layher, Stapleton. Red, Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Senior Western Horsemanship: Purple, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton. Red, Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Junior Western Pleasure: Blue, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Colby Hubert, Stapleton; Rate Peterson, Stapleton. Intermediate Western Pleasure: Purple, Shelby Layher, Stapleton. Red, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton; Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Senior Western Pleasure: Purple, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton; Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Level II 3 yr Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure: Purple, Nickolas Rohr. Beets — Purple: Nickolas Rohr. Carrots — Blue: Ashley Easterday, Nickolas Rohr; Red: Donald Rohr. Slicing Cucumbers — Blue: Ashley Easterday; Red: Donald Rohr, Nickolas Rohr. Muskmelon or Cantaloupe — Blue: Ashley Easterday. Yellow Onions — Blue: Ashley Easterday; Red: Donald Rohr, Nickolas Rohr. White Onions — Red: Ashley Easterday. White Potatoes — Blue: Ashley Easterday; Red: Nickolas Rohr. Red Potatoes — Blue: Ashley Easterday. Miniature Pumpkins — Blue: Ashley Easterday. Rhubarb — Purple: Donald Rohr, Nickolas Rohr. Salad Tomatoes — Blue: Nickolas Rohr, Donald Rohr. Dill — Blue: Donald Rohr, Nickolas Rohr. Mint — Blue: Nickolas Rohr; Red: Donald Rohr. Floriculture Gladiolus — Blue: Donald Rohr. Marigold — Purple: Nickolas Rohr; Blue: Donald Rohr. Lillies — Red: Ashley Easterday. Black-Eye Susan — Blue: Ashley Easterday. Flower Notebook — Blue: Madison Woehrle. Foliage Potted Houseplant — Blue: Nickolas Rohr. Desert Garden — Blue: Donald Rohr. Fairy or Miniature Garden — Purple: Grady Puls, Raelyn Toberer, Madison Woehrle; Blue: Piper Puls, Coralee Schurr. Beef Senior Beef Showmanship — Grand Champion: Nickolas
Rohr; Reserve Champion: Madison Woehrle; Purple: Nickolas Rohr, Madison Woehrle; Blue: Donald Rohr; Red: Ashley Easterday. Junior Beef Showmanship — Grand Champion: Creighton Uhrich; Reserve Champion: Janae Brockmeier; Purple: Janae Brockmeier, Creighton Uhrich Blue: Raelyn Toberer, Traevyn Koch, Cole Dean. Market Beef Overall Market Beef — Grand Champion: Nickolas Rohr; Reserve Champion: Creighton Uhrich. Rate of Gain Champion — Nickolas Rohr. Purchased Crossbred Market Steers — Grand Champion: Nickolas Rohr; Reserve Champion: Creighton Uhrich; Purple: Nickolas Rohr, Creighton Uhrich; Red: Donald Rohr. Homeraised Market Steers — Grand Champion: Creighton Uhrich; Reserve Champion: Nickolas Rohr; Purple: Donald Rohr, Nickolas Rohr, Creighton Uhrich; Blue: Donald Rohr, Ashley Easterday, Ashley Easterday, Traevyn Koch; Red: Traevyn Koch. Breeding Heifers — Grand Champion: Creighton Uhrich; Reserve Champion: Creighton Uhrich; Purple: Creighton Uhrich, Creighton Uhrich; Blue: Donald Rohr; Red: Janae Brockmeier. Bucket Calf — Grand Champion: Janae Brockmeier; Reserve Champion: Raelyn Toberer; Purple: Janae Brockmeier, Raelyn Toberer. Stocker/Feeders — Grand Champion: Madison Woehrle; Reserve Champion: Creighton Uhrich. Replacement Heifer Calves — Purple: Creighton Uhrich, Ashley Easterday; Blue: Ashley Easterday. Market Steer Calves —
Purple: Creighton Uhrich, Madison Woehrle, Ashley Easterday; Blue: Traevyn Koch, Janae Brockmeier, Cole Dean, Cole Dean. Market Heifer Calves — Purple: Creighton Uhrich, Madison Woehrle. Swine Junior Swine Showmanship — Grand Champion: Kyson Dean; Purple: Kyson Dean. Market Swine —Blue: Kyson Dean, Kyson Dean. Sheep Senior Sheep Showmanship — Blue: Dallas Weitzel. Junior Sheep Showmanship — Blue: Aubrey Weitzel. Market Lambs — Blue: Dallas Weitzel, Dallas Weitzel, Aubrey Weitzel. Rabbit Senior Rabbit Showmanship — Grand Champion: Dallas Weitzel; Purple: Dallas Weitzel. Junior Rabbit Showmanship — Grand Champion: Coralee Schurr; Purple: Coralee Schurr; Blue: Aubrey Weitzel, Lauryn Ruda. Breeding Rabbit — Purple: Coralee Schurr. Pet Rabbit Senior Doe — Purple: Aubrey Weitzel, Lauryn Ruda. Senior Buck — Purple: Dallas Weitzel. Overall Rabbit — Grand Champion: Coralee Schurr; Reserve Champion: Lauryn Ruda. Poultry Senior Poultry Showmanship — Grand Champion: Ansley Williams; Reserve Champion: Ashley Easterday; Purple: Ashley Easterday, Ansley Williams. Junior Poultry
Cake Decorating Round Layer Cake — Purple: Ansley Williams. Advanced Cake Decoration — Blue: Ashley Easterday. Decorated Cupcakes — Purple: Ansley Williams; Blue: Ashley Easterday. Decorated Cookies — Red: AmaLeigh Utterback. Food preservation Grand Champion: Madison Woehrle; Reserve Champion: Grady Puls. 1 Jar Fruit Exhibit (Unit 3) — Purple: Madison Woehrle. 1 Jar Tomato Exhibit (Unit 3) — Purple: Grady Puls, Madison Woehrle. Ag/Conservation Grand Champion: Nickolas Rohr. Rope — Purple: Nickolas Rohr. Science & Technology Grand Champion: Coralee Schurr; Reserve Champion: Piper Puls. Rocket Skill Level 2 — Purple: Coralee Schurr; Blue: Lauryn Ruda. Rocket — Purple: Piper Puls; Blue: Grady Puls. Wood science Recycled Woodworking Display — Blue: Aubrey Weitzel, Dallas Weitzel. First Woodworking Article — Blue: Sam Weitzel. Welding Welding Article — Blue: Dawson Ruda. Horticulture Grand Champion: Grady Puls; Reserve Champion:
Elizabeth Fetty Stapleton. Blue, Kolton Palm, North Platte; Rate Peterson, Stapleton. Market Heifers (Logan/ McPherson): Purple, Arena Fetty, Stapleton; Rate Peterson, Stapleton. Jan.-April Yearling: Purple, Jace Williams, North Platte. Bucket Calf: Purple, Kolton Palm, North Platte; Rate Peterson, Stapleton; Jace Williams, North Platte. Clothing Embellished Garment with Original Design: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton; Avery Weems, Stapleton. Blue, Briley Kramer Stapleton. Barn Quilt Created Less than 4x4: Blue, Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton. Quilted Exhibit-Medium: Purple, Avery Weems, Stapleton. Intermediate Model Beyond the Needle Garment, Ages 10- 12 Years: Blue, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton. Dog Junior Showmanship: Blue, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Beginning Novice: Division A: Red, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Dog Accessory: Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Blue, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Dog Photo: Blue, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Dog First Aid Kit: Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Foods, Nutrition and Food Preservation Loaf Quick Bread: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton. Blue, Briley Kramer, Stapleton. Creative Mixes: Red, Keali Florea, Stapleton. — Purple: Lauryn Ruda. BEGINNING FOODS Grand Champion: Madelyn Kugler; Reserve Champion: Madison Woehrle. COOKING 101 Cookies — Purple: Donald Rohr, Nickolas Rohr, Madelyn Kugler, Ellaray Kock, AmaLeigh Utterback. Muffins — Purple: Whitney Wall; Blue: Donald Rohr, Nickolas Rohr, AmaLeigh Utterback. No Bake Cookies — Purple: Ellaray Koch. Cereal Bar Cookies — Blue: AmaLeigh Utterback; Red: Nickolas Rohr. Granola Bar — Purple: AmaLeigh Utterback. Brownies — Purple: AmaLeigh Utterback. Snack Mix — Purple: Ellaray Koch; Blue: Donald Rohr, AmaLeigh Utterback. Table setting Purple: AmaLeigh Utterback Cooking 201 Loaf Quick Bread — Purple: Madison Woehrle; Blue: Lauryn Ruda, Donald Rohr. Creative Mixes — Purple: Madison Woehrle. Biscuits or Scones — Purple: Donald Rohr. Advanced foods Grand Champion: Madison Woehrle; Reserve Champion: Grady Puls. Cooking 301 Specialty Rolls — Blue: Nickolas Rohr. Shortened Cake — Blue: Madison Woehrle. Cooking 401 Double Crust Fruit Pie — Blue: Madison Woehrle.
Logan County Fair Beef Junior Showmanship: Purple, Kolton Palm, North Platte; Rate Peterson, Stapleton; Jace Williams, North Platte. Senior Showmanship: Purple, Arena Fetty, Stapleton; Elizabeth Fetty, Stapleton. Market Steers (Logan/ McPherson): Purple, Healthy Baked Product: Purple, Layla Sanchez, North Platte. Coffee Cake: Blue, Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton. Other Baked Item: Purple, Layla Sanchez, North Platte; Lauren Balcom, Stapleton; Kempten Florea, Stapleton. Horse Junior Showmanship: Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Colby Hubert, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton. Junior 1 Reining: Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Colby Hubert, Stapleton. Blue, Rate Peterson, Stapleton. Intermediate Reining: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton. Blue, Shelby Layher, Stapleton. Red, Natalie Newman Stapleton Senior Reining: Purple, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton. Rate Peterson, Stapleton. Red, Colby Hubert, Stapleton, Intermediate Hippology: Blue, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton; Shelby Layher, Stapleton; Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Senior Hippology: Purple, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton; Lindsay Newman, Stapleton.
Ethnic Food Exhibit: Blue, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton. Mints: Purple, Avery Weems, Stapleton; Ethan Weems, Stapleton. Home Environment Accessory: 3D (string art, etc.): Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Noah Anderson, Dunning. Blue, Citori Kramer, Stapleton. Red, Rachel Leetch, Stapleton; Riley Leetch, Stapleton, Jace Williams, North Platte. Accessory-Original Floral Design: Blue, Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton. Furniture-Recycled/ Remade: Purple, Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton. Other Exhibit Made for the Home: Blue, Citori Kramer, Stapleton. Needlework Accessory: Red, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Simple Accessory Made Using Wood: Red, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Simple Accessory Made Using Clay: Blue, Rachel Leetch, Stapleton; Riley Leetch, Stapleton. Metal Tooling or Metal Punch Accessory: Red, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Storage Item: Blue, Layla Sanchez, North Platte. Bulletin or Message Board: Blue, Citori Kramer, Stapleton. Other Exhibit Made for the Home: Purple, Citori Kramer, Stapleton. Red, Riley Leetch, Stapleton. Original Pencil or Chalk Drawing: Blue, Lauren Balcom, Stapleton. Red, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Home Accessory Clay Sculpture: Red, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Other Exhibit Made for the Home: Red, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Original Acrylic Painting: Blue, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton; Citori Kramer, Stapleton.
Red, Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Green Horse Reining: Purple, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton. Junior Trail Class: Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Colby Hubert, Stapleton. Blue, Rate Peterson, Stapleton. Intermediate Trail Class: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton. Blue, Shelby Layher, Stapleton; Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Senior Trail Class: Purple, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton; Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Junior 1 Barrel Racing: Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Colby Hubert, Stapleton. Blue, Rate Peterson, Stapleton. Intermediate Barrel Racing: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton; Shelby Layher, Stapleton. White, Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Senior Barrel Racing: Purple, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton; Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Junior Pole Bending: Purple, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Colby Hubert, Stapleton. Blue, Rate Peterson, Stapleton. Intermediate Pole Bending: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton; Shelby Layher, Stapleton. Blue, Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Senior Pole Bending: Purple, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton. Blue, Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. Junior Working Ranch Horse: Blue, Noah Anderson, Dunning. Red, Rate Peterson, Stapleton. White, Colby Hubert, Stapleton. Intermediate Working Ranch Horse: Red, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton. White, Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Senior Working Ranch Horse: Blue, Lindsay Newman, Stapleton. White, Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton. Junior Hippology: Blue, Noah Anderson, Dunning;
Pansy: Purple, Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton. Flower Garden Collection: Purple, Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton. Foliage Potted Plant: Purple, Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton. Fairy or Miniature Garden: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton; Briley Kramer, Stapleton; Rachel Leetch, Stapleton. Blue, Noah Anderson, Dunning; Riley Leetch, Stapleton; Rate Peterson, Stapleton; Layla Sanchez, North Platte. Desert Garden: Purple, Citori Kramer, Stapleton. Snap Beans: Purple, Avery Weems, Stapleton. Blue, Ethan Weems, Stapleton. Slicing Cucumbers: Purple, Avery Weems, Stapleton. Blue, Ethan Weems, Stapleton. Jalapeno Peppers: Purple, Avery Weems, Stapleton; Ethan Weems, Stapleton. Judging Contests Senior Range Judging: Purple, Lauren Balcom, Stapleton; Sadie Dimmitt, Stapleton; Tad Dimmitt, Stapleton. Blue, Jaylen Dimmitt, Stapleton. Junior Range Judging: Purple, Haylee Dimmitt, Stapleton. Blue, Rate Peterson, Stapleton; Jace Williams, North Platte. Photography Fun with Shadows Display or Print: Purple, Rachel Leetch, Stapleton. Blue, Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Get in Close Display: Purple, Rachel Leetch, Stapleton. Red, Natalie Newman, Stapleton. Bird’s or Bug’s Eye View Display or Print: Blue, Rachel Leetch, Stapleton; Natalie Newman,
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