King's Business - 1962-06

Christian Camp and Conference Issue "If 1 We re A Communist” page 13



The Teaching

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enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is bom of the flesh is flesh; and that which is bom of the Spirit is spirit. 7Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be bom again. 8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is bom of the Spirit.

eth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 ft He that believeth on

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T h e K i n g s

R ea ch C h ild ren !

A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

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S. H. Sutherland, President

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

JUNE, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-two

TROUBLE L — a tract for 1 h BOYS AND A G IRLS^ fl

Vol. 53, No. 6

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

k t i t k A TRIP TO THE MOON — M. R. DeHaan ...................................... 10 UNIFORMITARIANISM — Bolton Davidheiser ................................... 12 IF I WERE A COMMUNIST — William Ward Ayer .......................... 13 A WILDERNESS JOURNEY — The Firs Bible and Missionary Conference ........................................................................ 14 MEETING GOD OUTDOORS — Sharon Warkentin ............................ 16 RURAL OUTREACH — A Unique Summer Experience ..................... 17 HAS THE CHURCH FAILED — Vance Havner ................................. 19 GOD CALLS HOME TWO SAINTS ........................................................... 20 SEARCH FOR SPRING — Betty Bruechert .......................................... 36 MATRIMONY — Velden Javie West .................................................... 40 A JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM — Ed Steele 41 F e o t a THE CHRISTIAN SENTINEL — Nelson Dilworth ............................ 4 A MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherlan 8 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .................................................... 24 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ............ 26 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore .................... ................. 28 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................. 29 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ......................................................... 30 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry .......................................... 32 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................ 33 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ............................................. 34 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ....................... 35 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ......................................................... 39 Ceiumu VOX POP ....................................................................................................... 6 READER REACTION 7 NUGGETS OF GOLD .................................................................................... 25 HOMILETICAL HELPS ............................................ 27 Coven Dr. Grant Whipple, Director of The Firs Bible and Missionary Con­ ference, Bellingham, Washington, prepares staff for second annual Wilderness Journey described on page 14 of this issue. The Biola Family Bible Conference with Dr. M. R. DeHaan will be held at The Firs August 19 to 26. — All Rights Reserved — VIRGIN IA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith E l EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager LOIS SW IHART: Advertising Manager


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SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'T h e King's Business." JUNE, 1962

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.


J 3


The Christian Sentinel

by Nelson S. Dilworth California State Senator. Retired bells, saying a pleasant word in my behalf and leaving a handbill or cir­ cular. If my precinct and district cam­ paign workers were of one mind on some controversial issue, I worried about letters from people that I had never heard of before. So, if you are concerned over legis­ lation or national matters, hunt up the candidates, meet them BEFORE election. Pick the one that you feel will render the best service to our state and country and work for his election AND LET HIM KNOW IT. Attend meetings in his behalf, discuss his strong points pleasantly and casu­ ally with your acquaintances. Visit his campaign headquarters and help with the labor there. Then don’t be surprised if a letter from you after election is treated almost as a com­ mand. Of course, some candidates are backed by large organizations and feel that they need not bother them­ selves with attention to the letters from “ little people.” When you find such an official, you will often find good reason to support some one else next time. I should not neglect to point out that the United States Senators from California, representing sixteen mil­ lion people, find it humanly impossi­ ble to give close personal attention to individuals on any large scale. So we must not expect too much per­ sonal attention from-them. By all means, write to your rep­ resentative but, better still, try to help send good men of courage and integ­ rity to our legislative halls in the first place. Make their acquaintance at home before they go off hundreds of miles to the Capital and get desper­ ately busy with the controversies of a legislative or congressional session. Our free popular form of govern­ ment will not work by itself. It is but an opportunity for Us to achieve good government. The immortal Ed­ mund Burke of the English Parlia­ ment said centuries ago, “ All that is necessary for evil men to succeed is for good men to do nothing.”

V ery m a n y tim e s during my twen­ ty-four years in the Legislature citizens have asked me whether letters to their representatives in the Legis­ lature or Congress were effective. Did the officials addressed pay attention to the letters? I will try to answer in generalities that are approximately correct for the average citizen dealing with the average legislator at the State Capitol or in Congress at Washington. To be realistic, I must state at the outset that officials vary widely ■in their methods of attending to their mail. Letters on controversial subjects are effective with the majority of officials, especially so, if there is a decisive majority of sentiment. The representatives who disregard or neglect their letters from constituents are usually not the men who remain in office for a long period. A large number of letters written on the same typewriter and the same let­ ter paper are always subject to evalu­ ation. This trick used to be employed by some professional lobbyists but they have learned better. Sometimes innocent citizens unfamiliar with political life are led to make the same mistake. The official usually can tell quickly if letters are the spontaneous and personal expression of citizen constitutents. By all means, if you are deeply con­ cerned about any measure being con­ sidered, write to your representative. However, I have something better to suggest. I can speak from long experi­ ence, too. I paid the closest attention to the letters and of those people who had worked for my election in my campaigns, eight primaries and eight general elections. These people had attended meetings and spoken in my behalf. They had distributed informa­ tion about my candidacy to large numbers of families by pushing door









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APPEALS FOR FUNDS For years I've listened to radio appeals, "Unless we hear from you (subdued sigh) this week we will be com­ pelled to drop some of our ra­ dio stations and thus rob many people (audible sob) of the work we are doing for God." Comparable "panhand­ ling" letters with enclosed return envelopes flood the mail. Is there any other con­ clusion than that they are begging for support of their work under false colors. This racket resulted in a lengthy study. When I am in l o v e with iny Saviour and those for whom He paid the price of redemption, I give "sacrificially" not to get a tax-deductible receipt, always so prominently men­ tioned. I am sure that the an­ gels in heaven smile sadly and the imps of hell laugh uproariously. H. M. "Dad" Hillis, Glendale, Calif. MOTION PICTURES CONDONED OR CONDEMNED I am somewhat puzzled when an honest inquiry in the Vox Pop section seems to bring an endorsement f o r Hollywood films which bear Bible names, or are based on Bible charac­ ters. Should liberal relig­ ionists be denounced for dis­ torting the Bible? Should a separation from worldliness not be emphasized among Bi­ ble believers as well as a separation from worldliness? Could it have been that lead­ ers were seeking the appro­ bation of the world when they first began to introduce ra­ tionalism into the Christian church? Rev. Howard S. Barnes, West Milford Baptist Church, West Milford, West Virginia

This new column of THE KING’S BUSINESS is devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex­ pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. CHRISTIANS AND THE U.N. The United Nations is a sincere, honest attempt by man to bring peace on earth. It is doomed to f a i l !Only the coming of Christ as King can bring peace, for then He will be world ruler. Donald R. Wahner, Scotts­ dale, Arizona. I take issue with the per­ son who suggested that we not condemn the U.N. (January, 1962). I wonder how much this person knows about how deep­ ly it is entrenched with lib­ erals, socialists a n d yes, communists. The same is true of the State Department. Let us, as God-fearing people, do what we can to get the U.N. out of the United States or the United States out of the U.N. The U.N. isn't our only ray of peaceful existence ; it is the true Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Frances J. Gorton, Port­ land, Oregon. QUESTIONS RADIO SPEAKER I would like information about a well-known radio evangelist who is heard sev­ eral times a day on two dif­ ferent stations in our areas. He purports to be an evange­ lical, but I have heard that he has been married several times and the woman he now lives with is not his wife. How does one check on these things? Why don't radio sta­ tions exercise more control on those who are heard over their facilities?

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Mrs. Mary Jackson, Portland, Oregon



LETTERS THANKFUL FOR "CULTS CRITIQUE" Just received my copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine and read the column on “ How Can We Help Jehovah’s W it­ nesses.” We have so many calling at our door and I am sure I haven’t answered them right. I always tell them I am a real bom again Christian as I have accepted Jesus Christ as my own personal Saviour. Mrs. Edward Nielsen, Monterey Park, California WORDS OF APPRECIATION We enjoy and appreciate THE KING’S BUSINESS more than words can say. May the Lord continue to bless this great min­ istry for His glory. Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Betts, Jackson, Michigan Please alow me to express my deep ap­ preciation for the bundles of Christian evangelical literature that have been for­ warded to me at the penitentiary from time to time. May God in His infinite mercy and love bless you. Richard S. Tripp, Walla Walla, Washington We enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS. This month’s article written about Mr. Paul Goodman certainly is a great help to young people. They cannot all go from home to serve, but can be a force at home in many ways. Mrs. T. M. Erwin, Lafayette, California NEW SUBSCRIBERS We have received two issues thus far of our new gift subscription. W e are here in San Jose, Costa Rica preparing for service with HCJB, in Quito. THE KING’S BUSINESS has been a blessing here as a “ respite” from our language learning. We are looking forward to fu­ ture issues. Leonard G. Booker, San Jose, Costa Rica As a new subscriber to your magazine, I want to express my appreciation for it and the timely articles published each month, especially the article “ Herbert Armstrong: Mr. Confusion” by the Rev. Roger Camp­ bell. It is timely, informative and sorely needed in these days of increasing aposta­ sy. Thank you for the fine magazine with its many stimulating and challenging articles. May God bless you. Rev. Howard Carlson, Totz, Kentucky Please find enclosed a check for a one- year subscription to THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS. You might be interested to know that I first saw the magazine on my way to Korea in the lounge of the S.S. CALI­ FORNIA BEAR. Captain Archibald Cook, who is a born-again Christian and whose son is an alumnus of Biola, is master of that ship. We were greatly blessed by the issues we read and so decided to subscribe. Lt. Paul Rader, Seoul, Korea E ditor ’ s N o te : The splendid article ap­ pearing in a recent issue of the King’s Business magazine-, “ Are Missionaries Un­ balanced" by T. Norton Sterrett was ori­ ginally printed in HIS magazine pub­ lished by Inter-Varsity Fellowship. The King's Business is appreciative of the splen­ did work of the author and publisher.

Each One Is Precious in Our Lord’s Sight Which Child Will You Sponsor? Choose One Now All our orphans are being taught God’s Word. Day after day the Good Seed is planted in their hearts. They pray, sing Chris­ tian songs and are led to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. You can share in this vital ministry by sponsoring an orphan for only $8 a month — just 26 pennies a day. Some have in­ terested a friend to share a sponsorship — only $4 each. Help expand the work by showing this appeal to acquaintances, your Sunday School or organization group or write for literature. More Orphans — More Sponsors Needed It would break your heart to see the piteous state of Korea’s beggar boys, homeless, ragged, destitute, whom the authorities now are rounding up. Many are being sent to us. The government is also closing many small, unlicensed orphanages and crowding many children into our Homes. We have several thousand un­ sponsored children. If they are to have food, clothing, shelter, medical care and school tuition, more sponsors are desperately needed. To train them as future Christian leaders in Korea, additional sponsors must be won. The child you select will know you as sponsor. You will have his or her picture and history. Your letters will be answered promptly in English, and any packages you may send will be gratefully acknowledged. Sponsors report they are THRILLED and BLESSED by this personal contact.


Each child has a tragic history. One of our orphans is Jang Byun Chan. His father died of disease in 1958. His mother was killed in a shipwreck in December 1959. Relatives took him in and cared for him for a while, but their own poverty was such that he was brought into our orphanage. No Sponsors — Heartbroken Children One Orphanage Superintendent writes that most of the children have been enjoying correspondence and pictures from sponsors for a year but a few have been without sponsors and are very discouraged. She says, “ It is simply heartbreaking for me to listen to their prayers that they want sponsors to come soon.” The thousands of unsponsored children in our orphanages are all hoping and praying for loving “ Daddies and Mommies” or “ Big Sisters and Brothers” — someone who cares. Answer their cry. Bring some child comfort and joy.

The ESEA is caring for over 13,000 Korean orphans, chil­ dren of lepers, deaf, dumb and blind children and war widows’ children. Its work is widely known. The Korean govern­ ment has given their highest honor to ESEA. It is registered with the Illinois Secy, of State and Internal Revenue Dept, of the U.S. Govt. Dedicated, con­ scientious, economical work through 10 years has produced wonderful and lasting results. More than 17 million meals are served each year in our 136 orphanages. Each one is a Christian institution with Bi­ ble believing staff and Board members. Sponsors are urgent­ ly needed. Write cr phone now.

THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. 4848 North Leonard Dept. K-62 Chicago 31, Illinois ------------------------------------CLIP A N D M AIL T O D A Y --------------------------------------------- □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. My choice is Number ---------- If this child has already been chosen when this arrives, I agree to support another whom you will select. With God’s help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giv­ ing $............................................................................ □ Please mail folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans.” Name ----------------------------------------------------------- -----„............................. Address --------------....________ ..._________________ _— ................ ........... City - _____ ____ .......... ............ Zone ........ State ....... — ..— .... Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association, Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-62, 4848 No. Leonard, Chicago 31, III., GL. 6-6181

JUNE, 1962


WhoAre the Dividers of the Brethren? by Dr. S. H. Sutherland



Today, a great deal is heard about the divi- sive nature of Bible-believing Christians, espe­ cially those who call themselves "conservatives” or "fundamentalists.” At frequent intervals dur­ ing recent years, individuals or groups of in­ dividuals have appeared on the theological scene promulgating some new doctrine or set of doctrines. And when it is discovered that there is a rather large segment of the church of Jesus Christ which refuses to go along with the particular vagary of the moment, preferring rather to stand on the historic Christian position as revealed in the Word of God and as taught by the church through the centuries, then there goes up the cry that they are "divisive.” The strange part is that it is always the fundamen­ talist, the one who holds to the historic doctrines of the Word of God, who is thus labeled. Fifty years ago, when modernism began to rear its ugly head in church circles, by repudiat­ ing all the great foundation truths of the church and the Word of God, there arose a group of believers who did not go along with the modern­ istic notions. Sure enough, these fundamentalists were called divisive! Along with modernism in theological circles, there developed a widespread belief in the theory of evolution. Once again, those who disavowed the evolutionary hypothe­ sis and rested upon the Word of God as the final authority, were called divisive. Still later, there arose within fundamental and pre-millennial circles those who disavowed eschatology as it has been taught in the last few decades. Those who refused to go along with the views of a- millennialism were called the divisive ones. In pre-millennial circles, the pre-tribulation rap­ ture of the church was an accepted fact. Then there emerged a group

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SOUTHAMERICA 1 Million Jews Who Need Christ— How Long Must They Wait? The need and the opportunity can be read between the lines from a letter Dr. Garten- haus wrote to a friend: “Sometimes I almost wish I had not gone to South America, for since then the burden of that dark continent has weighed very heavily on my heart. I met several very capable Jewish Chris­ tians, prospective missionaries, and I am asking the Lord to help me raise the support for five more missionaries. With His help I shall get it. “Everywhere I went I found the doors and hearts of the people wide open. More than ever I believe that God’s time to favor Zion has come.” Share with us this burden not only for the million Jews of South America, but of other parts of the world. Write for free copy of our bi-monthly THE EVERLASTING NATION, rich in news of world Jewry. Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus, President Dr. Robert G. Lee, Chairman Advisory Board INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, INC. IBJM P.O. Box J256, Atlanta 1, Ga.



ultimately have been classified and labeled as "neo-orthodox” and now all who refuse to go along with this position are termed divisive. We submit, however, that it is high time the facts be under­ stood. It is not the fundamentalist, at all, who is the divisive one. The fundamentalist position today is the same as it has been through the years. Rather, it is these newcomers who are divisive. They are the ones going off on various tangents and seeking to destroy the effectiveness of the historic church position. Actually, the latest divisive movement is the so-called "ecumenical movement” which is gaining such widespread popularity in these days. By trying to force union among the various denominations, they are actually dividing the denominations. It is not the ones who are holding the line who are the divisive ones, but it is these upstarts who are causing the damage. This historic position of the church in regard to the great fundamental doctrines is clear and well-established. The main body of the church, through the centuries, has held to the infalli­ bility of the Bible. The church, through the centuries, has held to the fact of the miracles occurring exactly as recorded in the Bible. The church has held to the doctrines of the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and His vicarious atonement on Calvary’s cross. The church, through the centuries, has held to the doctrine of the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. From time to time, however, deniers of the Christian faith and of these great doctrines influence those weak and unlearned in the faith, or those with no particular convictions in regard to these doctrines and thus gather to themselves somewhat of a following. They present their heretical views with a great show of Christian love and forebearance, with great persuasiveness of personality. But when someone dares to arise and question their doctrinal position, he is immediaely labeled "divi­ sive.” Alas! even many who do not follow these new-fangled theo­ logical vagaries unthinkingly take up the cry — "The fundamen­ talists are divisive!” Let it be emphasized, once again, that every time, without ex­ ception, when a real Bible-believing Christian unites in any way whatsoever with one who doubts any of the great doctrines found in the Word of God, or who proclaims some modern-day variant of historic Bible truth, it is the Bible-believing Christian who must give up his own beliefs in order to join forces with the proclaimer of false doctrine, no matter how innocuous that teaching may appear to be. It is high time true Bible-believing Christians began to pro­ claim loudly and clearly their absolute refusal to go along with a doctrinal deviate, regardless of the charm of his personality and the attractiveness of his message. Ministers, Christian leaders and Chris­ tian workers everywhere should make their united voices heard with ever-increasing volume and conviction by adamantly refusing to go along with these divisive movements and leaders and proclaim, once again, the whole counsel of God as expressed in the Word of God and as classified in the great doctrines that are found in the Word of God. Let this new breed of doctrinal doubters know they have no place whatsoever in the church of the living God because they themselves are the dividers of the brethren! JUNE, 1962


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Dr. M. R. DeHaan

A ll th e world is in a dither and a daze over the dire imports of the amazing and rapid developments in space. But to the Christian believer who knows his Bi­ ble, this is nothing new. Interplanetary travel is not new. The most reliable record of history gives several previous accounts of interplanetary travel. These past excursions into space are a thousand times more thrilling than ever sending a man into space. These trips did not stop at some hundred or even thousands of miles. Let us look at several previous “ rockets” which make man’s puny satellites look like child’s toys and playing with blocks. Notice the first case in history. You have all read, I am sure, of a certain man described in the 5th chapter of Genesis who made the first successful interplanetary trip. He is still up there after four thousand years. His name was Enoch. One day he was walking with God, and all of a sudden God said, “ Enoch, let’s go home,” and without any three-stage projectile, without any jet propulsion, without any rocket of any type, whoosh! In the twinkling of an eye, he had left this world and gone beyond the realms of comprehensive space with God into heaven. No noise and no risk! You don’t think that was exciting? Beloved, that to me is ten thousand times more thrilling than any trip to the moon. There is another equally exciting account of another man who made the trip in the second book of Kings, and in chapter 2. There was a prophet of fire by the name of Elijah. One day he was giving final instructions to his successor, Elisha, in preparation for his departure, and after casting his mantle upon him, he was ready to go. And God separated them with a fiery chariot and horses, and then all of a sudden — the Lord didn’t send an atomic weapon, or load him in a cramped sphere with liquid oxygen and kerosene, but just created a whirlwind, just as easily as I take a breath. And Elijah went straight up and up and up in the whirlwind and all the way to heaven. Elijah didn’t take any chances; there was no question about it. He arrived safely at his destination. But there is one other interplanetary trip. It is the most amazing of all. Think with me about that story in the first chapter of the book of Acts. After the Lord Jesus Christ was born, lived, died, rose from the tomb, and spent forty days with His disciples, He went up

into a mountain. And there while His disciples looked, all of a sudden, not with a noisy roar of a projectile, but quietly, as He lifted His hands and He blessed His disci­ ples, He just went up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. The record is brief but intensely dramatic. “ And when he (Jesus) had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.” Acts 1:9 Almost immediately after He had reached Heaven, as the disciples stood in silent awe, wondering where He had gone, for they couldn’t see Him any more, and their hearts were filled with fear, He sent word back an­ nouncing His safe arrival, and so we read: “ And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; “Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:10, 11 SATAN’S SIN In the light of the age of interplanetary travel and satellites, it is indeed interesting to note what the sin of Satan was, which caused God to thrust him out and bring His curse upon the earth. The record is both in­ teresting and exceedingly dramatic. In the 12th verse of the 14th chapter of Isaiah, I read: “How are thou fallen from heaven.” Isaiah 14:12 Notice, Lucifer had somehow gotten up to heaven, and for some reason God removed the Devil from hea­ ven. He had no business there. His place was on the earth. That was where God had put him, but when he aspired to explore the heavens, with the evident intention and purpose of dethroning God and becoming the lord of the universe, God had him thrown out. “ How art thou fallen from heaven, O Luci­ fer, son of the morning: how art thou cut down to the ground, which didn’t weaken the nations! “ For thou hast said in thine' heart, I will ascend into heaven, I WILL EXALT MY



THRONE ABOVE THE STARS OF GOD: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.” Isaiah 14:12, 13 Lucifer said, “My goal is heaven, the very dwelling place of God. I am not satisfied to dwell on earth. I will conquer the heavens.” And what is he going to do when he gets up there? He says: “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH.” Isaiah 14:14 “ I’m going to wrest the authority of God from His grasp. I’m going to be the lord of the universe. I will ascend. I will go up. I will reach the heaven. I will go above the heights of the clouds. I will establish my throne on a platform in the universe, and I will be like the most High.” Red Russia has long proclaimed her hatred of God, and is making a god of herself. Russia has set out upon a program to get rid of God, and will even attempt to invade and attack heaven itself in her effort to dethrone God. Communism’s goal in the conquest of space is far different from ours. Russia is trying to get at God, and this Satanic mania is enabling her to draw upon the resources of the Devil for help and information. But let us remember, God will take care of the enemy. The trou­ ble with Russia is that with all her superiority in the field of conquering the heavens, she is on the wrong side of the battle. She is on the losing side. Our hope is not in catching up with Russia, but our hope is our turning to God and being sure we are on the winning side. And so we have here a parallel. Russia has committed herself to getting rid of God. Religion, we are told by them, is the opiate of the people. Man is going to get rid of God and all this “ god business,” and exalt himself above the heavens.

THE GREAT EXODUS Interplanetary travel is nothing new. Men before have left this earth, and disappeared into space. When Jesus arose from the grave, a company of Old Testament saints arose with Him, and presumably were whisked into hea­ ven in their redeemed bodies, two thousand years before man ever dreamed of space travel (Matthew 27:52, 53). But the greatest rocket journey to outer space still lies in the future. It will be accomplished by Almighty God Himself. Imagining that we will be able to save ourselves by our own efforts, according to the Bible is nothing but an idle dream. Whistling in the dark is supposed to be a helpful exercise in bolstering up one’s courage in times of fear, but mere whistling in the dark will not fool any ghosts or goblins who may be hovering about. In­ terplanetary travel in the not too distant future seems possible, but it will not save the human race! We need help from a higher source than human wisdom and human knowledge. Unless we do recognize the fact that only the intervention of Almighty God can save us from ultimate catastrophe, we face a most dismal future. The tremendous advantage possessed by an enemy nation who first can establish a platform in the sky, and perfect interplanetary travel, is beyond cal­ culation. The question has been posed, “What if Russia obtains information whereby she can control the weath­ er in any part of the earth?” They would thereby be able to control the rainfall, providing for a constant amount of moisture in their own country while shutting off the supply to her enemies, and so without firing a shot conquer us by starvation and famine. The implica­ tions are beyond contemplation. But the drean; of man to “ ascend” into heaven is an idle dream. Jesus settled this thing once and for all when He said: “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.” John 3:13 There is one who has already made a round trip from the outer reaches of space to this earth and back again. He is the only one who is able to accomplish this. No man will ever reach heaven except through Him and by Him. Soon this same Jesus will make an­ other appearance, and we shall go back with Him, ac­ cording to the sure promise of God. Talk about a thrill! Talk about excitement! Think of all the billions who have died, their bodies disinte­ grated, eaten by wild beasts, burned, and buried at sea. Think of all those billions, who in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when Jesus shouts from the air, will burst out of their tombs and out of their graves, and with their redeemed, glorified bodies, stand for just a moment, until we who are alive can join them, and then together with the millions and millions of living believ­ ers, together in one great cloud, this great company, in the twinkling of an eye, faster than the speed of light, will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and then accompany Him into heaven itself. You have an open invitation before it is forever too late. In the light of all the recent developments clearly indicating the end of the age, one who is concerned and alerted will face the facts and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Sav­ iour. For there is no other name ’ under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” “ For how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” Dr. DeHaan, founder-director of "The Radio Bible Class" will be featured speaker at the Biola Family Bible Conferences: Mount Hermon, California (near Santa Cruz), August 12-19; The Firs (near Bellingham. Washington,, . August 19-26.

JUNE, 1962


I n his second epistle Peter wrote about scoffers in the last days who would reject the promise of the Lord’s return, presenting as evidence their observation that since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” Peter mentions specifically that these people would wilfully disregard the scriptural account of the flood which destroyed the life which was upon the earth. The fulfillment of this prophecy may be said to have begun when James Hutton published his Theory of the Earth in 1785. He denied the belief held by the scientists of his day that there had been geological events in the past which were of a nature different from those we ob­ serve today. He stated that in explaining the origins of geological formations “no powers are to be employed that are not natural to the globe, no action to be admitted ex­ cept that of which we know the principle.” Little atten­ tion was taken of his view until 1802, when John Playfair published a book called Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory.

orthodoxy on this voyage was, of course, his reading of the first volume of Lyell’s Principles of Geology.” An­ other biographer calls it “ the book which influenced him more than any other.” Still another biographer re­ marks, “ Possibly, without Lyell’s Principles of Geology, Darwin would not have written his Origin of Species.” Darwin himself acknowledged his indebtedness to Lyell. He dedicated to Lyell his report of the voyage “ as an acknowledgement that the chief part of whatever scientific merit this Journal and other works of the au­ thor may possess has been derived from studying the well-known and admirable Principles of Geology.” Years later he said, I always feel as if my books came half out of Lyell s brain, and that I never acknowledge this sufficiently . . . for I have always thought the great merit of the Principles was that it altered the whole tone of one’s mind . . .” Darwin is the one to whom the credit is given for making the theory of evolution acceptable to men of science, and this theory has had a very prominent place

The geologist Charles Lyell took up the idea and he is the one whose writing .caused it to become the ac­ cepted theory among geologists ever since. In 1830 he published his two-volume work, Principles of Geology- Being an Attempt to Explain the Former Changes of the Earth’s Surface by Reference to Causes Now in Action. To this day geologists attribute the greatest geological changes to such phenomena as earthquakes, volcanic ac­ tion, tidal waves, local floods, and the like. This view is known as uniformitarianism. The year after the publication of Lyell’s book, a young man named Charles Darwin set sail on a voyage of scientific exploration which was to last five years. He took with him a copy of Lyell’s Principles of Geology, given to him by his friend Professor Henslow, a devout and orthodox man of science, who advised him “ on no account to accept the views therein advocated.” But this advice was not heeded and the reading of Lyell’s book marked the turning point in the life of Charles Darwin. One biographer says, “ Darwin’s point of departure from 12

in bringing about the present liberal theology which rejects the Gospel of salvation by grace through the atone­ ment of Christ. But this is not the end of the chain reaction from the pronouncement of the uniform itarian principle. Karl Marx wrote to his colleague Freidrich Engels concern­ ing Darwin’s Origin of Species, “ Darwin’s book is very important and serves me as a basis in natural science for the class struggle in history.” Marx found Darwin’s evolution theory so valuable to his cause that he desired to dedicate his book Das Kapital to Darwin, which honor Darwin modestly declined. From the efforts to Karl Marx has emerged Communism, w hich opposes the Gospel hv force. All of this has come about through the development of the same concept as that which denies that our Lord Jesus Christ will return as He promised and as the Bible prophesies that He will. Please turn to Science and the about this subject. Bible in this TH E KING'S BUSINESS

P au l wrote th e C o r in t h ia n s : “We have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the Word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God,” (II Cor. 4:2). Mankind’s worst enemy is the present-day Commun­ ist conspiracy. It is man’s worst enemy because it is God’s enemy. It denies the existence of God and the reality of man’s nature —- that he is a being made in God’s image and the object of God’s eternal love and saving grace. World communism in its philosophy and action is definitely anti-Christ. Communism is a religion — Satan’s religion — and I’d like to tell some of our leaders in high places that when they consort with the Communist crowd, they’re consorting with the devil, and they will bring our beloved land under divine judgment. The Christian believes that man is not a mere ani­ mal, but is the creation of God and needs redemption as a spiritual being. Instead of endeavoring to make men children of God, regenerating immortal souls, Communism says men have no souls, only bodies and minds; therefore, they are sub­ jected to brutal brainwashing until the mind and body are made completely obedient to the godless Communist philosophy. COMMUNISTS WINNING WORLD The Communist program, with its devastating brutal­ ity, atheism and materialism, is rapidly conquering the world, including the United States. Let us look squarely at the picture. 1903—Lenin established Bolshevism with 17 sup­ porters. 1962—One-third of the world is now under the dom­ ination of Communism with a billion people hopeless captives. At present the Communist blight is racing through the Caribbean and South America. Cuba is gone; the Dominican Republic is about to disappear; British Guia­ na is being taken over; Ecuador along with Uruguay and Venezuela seem to be seriously infected. America is now nearly surrendered, and Lenin’s pro­ phecy about the United States falling into the lap of the Communist world like an over-ripe apple is being ful­ filled. So let us face our question: “ If I were a Communist leader, instead of a Christian minister, what would I do?” Our people are easily conditioned today. They read little and think less. They listen and look and believe clever lies. HOLLYWOOD FILTH These days the movies are dirtier than ever. They call it “ realism” and they fool people with such deceit. Why do Christian people especially, or genuine Ameri­ cans of any kind, nod in assent when motion picture producers tell us that filth is merely a daring art form,

a portrayal of the whole of society? Today the industry is having a hard time to get people into the theatres and so some of them appeal to the lowest desires, in order to catch the young people especially and destroy their morals. Lately they have been pandering to perversion and homosexuality, claiming that this sodomy should not be debarred from the screen provided the subject is handled with delicacy. CONDEMN COLONIALISM I would certainly work for the elimination of J. Ed­ gar Hoover who, as head of the Federal Bureau of Inves­ tigation, has published pamphlets and books and made plain the Communist conspiracy in labor unions and elsewhere. I’d get rid of him if I could. If I were a Communist leader, instead of a Christian minister, I certainly would try to control the State De­ partment. I would want to get the Hisses and the Harry Dexter Whites and others in there so that they could work toward a Soviet America. And I, as a Communist, certainly would be tickled when the young people got out of high school, they knew nothing about the glory of American history. I would be happy over the fact that recently a group of New York high school graduates did not know who was the President during the War between the States, who knew little about George Washington or about the great giants who founded this nation. I would work hard to destroy patriotism and idealism, because I would know that lack of patriotism would make easy the brain-wash­ ing of these people. TAKE OVER THE CHURCHES I would substitute for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ a socialistic gospel that would help Communism. I would give them the idea of ecumenicity and tell them that the churches had better come together and get behind the great social movements of the day, especially the world brotherhood of Soviet Russia. I’d try to get the church tied to scores of secondary activities and the preacher side-tracked in social reform. I’d get radical clergymen to stop witnessing for Christ and participating in “ sit-down” demonstrations, thereby following Ghandi who worshipped the sacred cow calling it “ humanity’s mother,” rather than to follow Christ who came to deliver men from paganism and sin. Friends, let us be wise and discerning. All these things are being done in America by the Communists with great success. It’s about time the Church and every real Christian in it awoke out of his deadly sleep and got busy for Christ. Arise, O Church of Christ! Arise, 0 men of God! Put on the whole armour of God; stand and withstand in this evil day! Fight the good fight of faith. Christ, the Captain, leads against the foe and He will win the battle!


JUNE, 1962

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