King's Business - 1962-06

THRONE ABOVE THE STARS OF GOD: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.” Isaiah 14:12, 13 Lucifer said, “My goal is heaven, the very dwelling place of God. I am not satisfied to dwell on earth. I will conquer the heavens.” And what is he going to do when he gets up there? He says: “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH.” Isaiah 14:14 “ I’m going to wrest the authority of God from His grasp. I’m going to be the lord of the universe. I will ascend. I will go up. I will reach the heaven. I will go above the heights of the clouds. I will establish my throne on a platform in the universe, and I will be like the most High.” Red Russia has long proclaimed her hatred of God, and is making a god of herself. Russia has set out upon a program to get rid of God, and will even attempt to invade and attack heaven itself in her effort to dethrone God. Communism’s goal in the conquest of space is far different from ours. Russia is trying to get at God, and this Satanic mania is enabling her to draw upon the resources of the Devil for help and information. But let us remember, God will take care of the enemy. The trou­ ble with Russia is that with all her superiority in the field of conquering the heavens, she is on the wrong side of the battle. She is on the losing side. Our hope is not in catching up with Russia, but our hope is our turning to God and being sure we are on the winning side. And so we have here a parallel. Russia has committed herself to getting rid of God. Religion, we are told by them, is the opiate of the people. Man is going to get rid of God and all this “ god business,” and exalt himself above the heavens.

THE GREAT EXODUS Interplanetary travel is nothing new. Men before have left this earth, and disappeared into space. When Jesus arose from the grave, a company of Old Testament saints arose with Him, and presumably were whisked into hea­ ven in their redeemed bodies, two thousand years before man ever dreamed of space travel (Matthew 27:52, 53). But the greatest rocket journey to outer space still lies in the future. It will be accomplished by Almighty God Himself. Imagining that we will be able to save ourselves by our own efforts, according to the Bible is nothing but an idle dream. Whistling in the dark is supposed to be a helpful exercise in bolstering up one’s courage in times of fear, but mere whistling in the dark will not fool any ghosts or goblins who may be hovering about. In­ terplanetary travel in the not too distant future seems possible, but it will not save the human race! We need help from a higher source than human wisdom and human knowledge. Unless we do recognize the fact that only the intervention of Almighty God can save us from ultimate catastrophe, we face a most dismal future. The tremendous advantage possessed by an enemy nation who first can establish a platform in the sky, and perfect interplanetary travel, is beyond cal­ culation. The question has been posed, “What if Russia obtains information whereby she can control the weath­ er in any part of the earth?” They would thereby be able to control the rainfall, providing for a constant amount of moisture in their own country while shutting off the supply to her enemies, and so without firing a shot conquer us by starvation and famine. The implica­ tions are beyond contemplation. But the drean; of man to “ ascend” into heaven is an idle dream. Jesus settled this thing once and for all when He said: “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.” John 3:13 There is one who has already made a round trip from the outer reaches of space to this earth and back again. He is the only one who is able to accomplish this. No man will ever reach heaven except through Him and by Him. Soon this same Jesus will make an­ other appearance, and we shall go back with Him, ac­ cording to the sure promise of God. Talk about a thrill! Talk about excitement! Think of all the billions who have died, their bodies disinte­ grated, eaten by wild beasts, burned, and buried at sea. Think of all those billions, who in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when Jesus shouts from the air, will burst out of their tombs and out of their graves, and with their redeemed, glorified bodies, stand for just a moment, until we who are alive can join them, and then together with the millions and millions of living believ­ ers, together in one great cloud, this great company, in the twinkling of an eye, faster than the speed of light, will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and then accompany Him into heaven itself. You have an open invitation before it is forever too late. In the light of all the recent developments clearly indicating the end of the age, one who is concerned and alerted will face the facts and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Sav­ iour. For there is no other name ’ under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” “ For how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” Dr. DeHaan, founder-director of "The Radio Bible Class" will be featured speaker at the Biola Family Bible Conferences: Mount Hermon, California (near Santa Cruz), August 12-19; The Firs (near Bellingham. Washington,, . August 19-26.

JUNE, 1962


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