King's Business - 1962-06

P au l wrote th e C o r in t h ia n s : “We have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the Word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God,” (II Cor. 4:2). Mankind’s worst enemy is the present-day Commun­ ist conspiracy. It is man’s worst enemy because it is God’s enemy. It denies the existence of God and the reality of man’s nature —- that he is a being made in God’s image and the object of God’s eternal love and saving grace. World communism in its philosophy and action is definitely anti-Christ. Communism is a religion — Satan’s religion — and I’d like to tell some of our leaders in high places that when they consort with the Communist crowd, they’re consorting with the devil, and they will bring our beloved land under divine judgment. The Christian believes that man is not a mere ani­ mal, but is the creation of God and needs redemption as a spiritual being. Instead of endeavoring to make men children of God, regenerating immortal souls, Communism says men have no souls, only bodies and minds; therefore, they are sub­ jected to brutal brainwashing until the mind and body are made completely obedient to the godless Communist philosophy. COMMUNISTS WINNING WORLD The Communist program, with its devastating brutal­ ity, atheism and materialism, is rapidly conquering the world, including the United States. Let us look squarely at the picture. 1903—Lenin established Bolshevism with 17 sup­ porters. 1962—One-third of the world is now under the dom­ ination of Communism with a billion people hopeless captives. At present the Communist blight is racing through the Caribbean and South America. Cuba is gone; the Dominican Republic is about to disappear; British Guia­ na is being taken over; Ecuador along with Uruguay and Venezuela seem to be seriously infected. America is now nearly surrendered, and Lenin’s pro­ phecy about the United States falling into the lap of the Communist world like an over-ripe apple is being ful­ filled. So let us face our question: “ If I were a Communist leader, instead of a Christian minister, what would I do?” Our people are easily conditioned today. They read little and think less. They listen and look and believe clever lies. HOLLYWOOD FILTH These days the movies are dirtier than ever. They call it “ realism” and they fool people with such deceit. Why do Christian people especially, or genuine Ameri­ cans of any kind, nod in assent when motion picture producers tell us that filth is merely a daring art form,

a portrayal of the whole of society? Today the industry is having a hard time to get people into the theatres and so some of them appeal to the lowest desires, in order to catch the young people especially and destroy their morals. Lately they have been pandering to perversion and homosexuality, claiming that this sodomy should not be debarred from the screen provided the subject is handled with delicacy. CONDEMN COLONIALISM I would certainly work for the elimination of J. Ed­ gar Hoover who, as head of the Federal Bureau of Inves­ tigation, has published pamphlets and books and made plain the Communist conspiracy in labor unions and elsewhere. I’d get rid of him if I could. If I were a Communist leader, instead of a Christian minister, I certainly would try to control the State De­ partment. I would want to get the Hisses and the Harry Dexter Whites and others in there so that they could work toward a Soviet America. And I, as a Communist, certainly would be tickled when the young people got out of high school, they knew nothing about the glory of American history. I would be happy over the fact that recently a group of New York high school graduates did not know who was the President during the War between the States, who knew little about George Washington or about the great giants who founded this nation. I would work hard to destroy patriotism and idealism, because I would know that lack of patriotism would make easy the brain-wash­ ing of these people. TAKE OVER THE CHURCHES I would substitute for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ a socialistic gospel that would help Communism. I would give them the idea of ecumenicity and tell them that the churches had better come together and get behind the great social movements of the day, especially the world brotherhood of Soviet Russia. I’d try to get the church tied to scores of secondary activities and the preacher side-tracked in social reform. I’d get radical clergymen to stop witnessing for Christ and participating in “ sit-down” demonstrations, thereby following Ghandi who worshipped the sacred cow calling it “ humanity’s mother,” rather than to follow Christ who came to deliver men from paganism and sin. Friends, let us be wise and discerning. All these things are being done in America by the Communists with great success. It’s about time the Church and every real Christian in it awoke out of his deadly sleep and got busy for Christ. Arise, O Church of Christ! Arise, 0 men of God! Put on the whole armour of God; stand and withstand in this evil day! Fight the good fight of faith. Christ, the Captain, leads against the foe and He will win the battle!


JUNE, 1962

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