King's Business - 1962-06



The wilderness journey begins and ends at the beautiful Firs Chalet on Mount Baker, Washington.



The trail leads through deep green valleys and meadows.

I N these days of modern conveni­ ence, the average vacationist sel­ dom has much of an opportunity to get close to the unmarred beauty of God’s creation, much less to spend time alone with the Lord. In 1961, Director Grant Whipple, and his associates at the Firs Bible and Missionary Conference near Bell­ ingham, Washington, instituted a unique idea: “Wilderness Journey.” The area for this unusual camping ex­ perience was in the primitive north Cascades of the Mount Baker National Forest. The program met with such success as far as spiritual and physical refreshment were concerned that Au­ gust 17 to 28 has been set for the 1962 trek. The area selected is com­ pletely primitive, having been set aside with the prohibition of roads and logging. It remains in its un­ touched natural state. The summer camping adventure is guided by experts in the field, with short trips taken first to condition the “ tenderfeet.” The beautiful Firs Chalet on Mount Baker is the gate­ way to the eleven-day unforgettable experience. For those who may be familiar with the area, the unmarred section is en-

tered through Hannegan Pass, then one turns north to Copper Mountain, and on to Copper Lake. From there the group will drop down from the high country of some 6000 feet through virgin timber to the Chilli­ wack River. As to some of the more basic rea­ sons for this unique camping experi­ ence, Mr. Whipple states, “We believe that the close-knit fellowship and spir­ it that is engendered will be condu­ cive to effective spiritual counselling with both non-Chistians and Chris- tian young people.” Young people who have never known anything but the rush and noise of city life will certainly never forget this experience. “We feel these youth will come back with a new appreciation of God’s great out-of-doors,” Mr. Whipple con­ tinues. “ This is some of the most beau­ tiful, scenic and majestic country left in the United States.” Without question those who are privileged to share in this unique ex­ perience will return with the words of the Psalmist ringing in their ears, “ The heavens declare the glory of God, and firmament showeth His handiwork!”

JUNE, 1962


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