King's Business - 1962-06

Meeting God •••Outdoors

N ot o n i . y through the indescriba­ ble beauty of His handiwork in nature, but also through His greatness in the individual life, one can quick­ ly sense the presence of the Lord. He is manifested in every counsellor, teacher, and speaker. The towering pines and snow-capped mountains seem to bring one closer to the Sav­ iour. Hume Lake has been blessed of God as its leaders have sought to de­ velop, promote, and conduct programs in order to win young people to Christ. A well-rounded schedule of camp and conferences are held from June through September. Some are or­ ganized by the management while others are sponsored by separate evan­ gelical groups and denominations. Situated in California’s Sierra moun­ tains, overlooking beautiful Kings Canyon, Hume Lake is interdenomina­ tional in scope. There is a specialized camping program for every age group. The Junior high camp is suited to fit the distinctive needs of the young person in this age group. Rev. Ken Poure, a former Biola student and dy­ namic personality, is the main speak­ er. He is also featured during the high-school week. One highlight of the summer is the week of June 16-23 when hund­ reds of high schoolers gather at Hume. During this week, Professor •Richard McNeely of Biola will be speaking along with the Biola quartet: Mike Cockran, Robert Hilts, Roger Hosier, Charles Stahl, and pianist Ken Briggs. Hume presents a new innovation this year for collegians. Scheduled for September 3-7, Rev. Ken Poure will be the dean. Rev. A1 Brown, pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church in Fresno, who is a Biola graduate, and Dr. Ted Cole, pastor of First Baptist Church of Pomona, will be speakers for the week. As one of the largest conference grounds on the West Coast, Hume Lake offers outstanding opportunities for meeting God outdoors and provid­ ing a vacation with a true spiritual purpose. Riding, hiking; swimming, horseback riding, boating, fishing, and many more activities will give one an active or relaxing time with Chris­ tian friends and fellowship. For the past 16 summers, I have been privileged to be at Hume Lake. It was here I accepted the Lord as my Saviour and here also that I dedi­ cated my life to Him. With both my parents active in the work, I can cer­ tainly give praise to Christ that He has allowed me to meet Him anew and afresh each summer at Hume Lake.


by Sharon Warkentin

. calm waters on LAKE HUME . . . a girl and counselor . . . the WORD.

Camp Director Walter Warkentin (left), confers with Rev. Kenneth Poure (center), and Recreation Director Bogdanoff concerning conference.

A well-rounded program of recreation in­ cludes horse-back riding. Camp counselors know that nightly devo­ tions prove "fruitful" in spiritual reaping.

Young people enjoy breakfast "cook-out" on Inspiration Point. Singing around the dining room table pro­ vides enjoyment for all.



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