King's Business - 1962-06

C U -1L T JP li i l c R l Tj 1 Q U E by Betty, Bruechert A friend has asked for informa­ tion in regard to Bahaism, the re­ form movement of Mohammedanism. In Wilmette, 111. stands an impos­ ing structure — the great multi-mil- lion-dollar Temple of Bahai, head­ quarters of one of the strangest re­ ligions in the world, which claims over 500 centers in Persia (now Iran), where it originated, and over 90 centers, with thousands of follow­ ers, in the U.S. The nine sides of the temple represent the nine stages through which this religion h a s passed to attain its present “ perfec­ tion.” The modem movement is the outgrowth of an earlier cult founded by the “ Bab,” a Persian prophet. Mos­ lems of the 19th century believed the Messiah would come in 1860 to mani­ fest the final victory of Islam over the world. They acknowledged Jesus as a prophet, believed Mohammed to be greater, and looked for a still great­ er prophet who would cause the world to accept the Koran as the final word of Allah. The “ Bab” claimed to be this prophet, the Messiah, introduced a new book, and gathered a group of disciples. Moslem authorities executed him, in Tabriz in 1850 and 20,000 of his followers were massacred. Lead­ ership passed to Bahaullah who car­ ried the Bab’s body to Haifa and placed it in a shrine at Mt. Carmel. He then directed the advance of this religion in all parts of the world. His son Abdul Baha, who succeeded him at his death in 1892, predicted a world war if the world ¿id not em­ brace Bahaism, and received great impetus to the cause by the outbreak of World War I. When he died in Palestine in 1921, his grandson, and the great-grandson of the founder, Shoghi Effendi, took over and great­ ly advanced this Oriental cult. At his death in 1957, nine leaders were elected to direct the affairs of this fanatical system which teaches that God is unknowable except through the Bahai prophet; that the mission of Bahaism is to unite all men in the one faith of Bahaism; that the final age of peace will come through the Bahai prophet of God. Needless to say, there is no Gospel in this cult, and Christians should seek to lead its followers to a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California

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