King's Business - 1962-06


fo r an e ffe c t ive

A BILL OF EXCEPTIONS When Jesus was on earth and spake with men, He filed a bill of exceptions. It is made up of four counts, four excepts of equal importance, all together describ­ ing the way of life. 1. “ Except y e be converted” (Matthew 18-3). “ Right about face,” mentally and morally. 2. “ Except a man be born again” (John 3:3). When we turn and yield, God imparts His Spirit, Jesus comes in to abide, His life is ours, we are new creatures. 3. “ Except ye repent” (Luke 13:3). To repent is to turn away from sin, with God’s help. When you accept Christ, therefore, you have One to fight your battles. 4. “ Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees” (Matthew 5:20). Righteous­ ness that can satisfy God is impossible in our own strength. When faith unites us to Christ we are clothed with His righteousness. —adapted from J. Wilbur Chapman GRACE— I I. What Is Grace? II. It Is a Free Gift III. Unto Whom Is It Given? 1. To those who confess they are lost. 2. To those who take the lowest place. 3. To those who know they are un­ worthy. 4. To those who stop working for sal­ vation. 5. To all men. — D. L. Moody GRACE— II I. Law Cannot Save the Sinner II. The Distinction Between Law and Grace III. What Is It To Be Under Grace? IV. Unbelief Is a Hindrance to Grace V. How To Be Partakers of Grace VI. Every Necessity Is Provided for in Grace — D. L. Moody THE HANDS OF JESUS And when he had thus spoken, he shewed

B I B L E and S C I E N C E A D V E N T U R E F I L M S


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I Bible • M issions e Pastorology • Evangelism • G reek • Music # Christian Education

• S pa ciou s cam pus • Consecrated Faculty e Spo rts e C h o ir e C lubs Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President for catalog PILLSBURYSt8STSE COLL Owatonna, Minnesota DeDt. KB

FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Grophs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAW INGS, full COLOR, large size. 13 colorful* hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Alum inum Telescopic Tripod and fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to. S TO RY -O -GR APH S , P.O. Box 145 -M , Dapt. KB, Pasadana 16. Calif. prophecy [ overs// W O R L D F A M O U S n e w s l e t t e r

them his hands (Luke 24:40). 1. They were a man’s hands. 2. They were pure hands. 3. They were calloused hands. 4. They were strong hands. 5. They were friendly hands. 6. They were wounded hands. 7. They were uplifted hands. 8. They are outstretched hands. JUNE, 1962


P. O. BOX 470— DEPT. KB



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