King's Business - 1962-06

News of missionary, orphan and relief activities of the American Mission to Greeks New Testament interpretation fromthe original Greek Text NEW TESTAMENT LIGHT!

personal evangelism by Benjamin Weiss W h e n did you last speak to some­ one about what the Lord means to you? You say you have very few contacts outside your own Christian group? You might start practicing on them! No, you can’t buttonhole just any one and start talking about spiritual matters. A good place to start would be to pray that someone will cross your path who will listen to your wit­ ness. The Holy Spirit prepares people for a word of witness, and He gives you the words to say. But, you say, just how do I start a conversation? Here are a few possi­ bilities: The most common topic is the weather. If it is a beautiful day, just say that you are thanking God for it. And if it is a bad day, remind those around you that the sunshine of God’s love is still shining on the clouds. Screaming headlines may be an­ nouncing a national emergency. Fear is rising like a tidal wave across the nation. Is your God still the God of the nations? Mention this to an un­ saved friend. Someone may mention a personal problem to you: illness, accident, dis­ illusionment or what-not. Tell him you know Someone who can provide the solution. A man was standing at the cash register, waiting to pay for his break­ fast. Someone was grumbling about the gloomy weather and this man re­ marked, “ This is a wonderful day.” “What’s wonderful about it?” was the exasperated retort. “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it,” he quoted, and it caught the interest of the cashier and led to her receiving Christ as her Saviour. Two teenage girls were walking down the hallway of the school. One mentioned that she had no hope of solving her problems. The other, a Christian, used the opportunity to tell her friend that Christ was the answer. A passenger on a bus had a con­ versation with a serviceman who ex­ pressed some of his heartaches, diffi­ culties and yearnings. His seat-mate, a Christian, told him about the way of life that was satisfying and by the end of the journey, the soldier had started on a new way with the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

with Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary of the American Mission to Greeks, Inc.

F e a tu r in g t h e f in e s t in „s a c re d m u s ic

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JUNE, 1962


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