King's Business - 1962-06

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book reviews

by Arnold D. Ehlert Librarian, Biola College

fluence of women. The Bible is drawn heavily into these discussions. The quotation used on page 139 from Dr. P. B. Fitzwater indicates the stature of the author’s viewpoint and ma­ terial: “ The status of woman is the in­ fallible index of the national, social and spiritual health of the people in any age.” 144 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., G r a n d Rapids; $3.50. This volume is a reissue of volume 10 of the author’s Works, and was one of the famous Nichol’s Series of Stand­ ard Divines, Puritan Period, i t was first published in 1865. Thomas Good­ win was one of the “most brilliant lights of the whole Puritanical move­ ment.” He was sometime President of Magdalen College, Oxford. The in­ herent corruption of man is dealt with at great length in this book. Out of this grows his guilt, but this is compounded by the further guilt of sins committed. Punishment is seen as the immediate result of the wrath of God. The book ends with an ex­ position of grace as the only remedy. Those who have not read the Puritans will find this a little heavy, to say the least, but it is full of solid argument and rich truth. 567 pages; cloth; Sov­ ereign Grace Publishers, Evansville, Ind.; $6.95. The publishers of this volume have revived much of the old Puritan in­ fluence in Biblical studies by reprint­ ing many of the classic commentaries and doctrinal treatises. Marbury was rector of St. James’s, Garlickhithe, London, beginning in 1613, later of St. Peter’s, Paul’s Wharf. These two commentaries seem to be all he wrote. They originally appeared in 1649 and 1650. The extent to which Marbury explores the details of Scripture may be seen from the fact that there are fifty-six pages on Obadiah, verse 1. The mechanical organization of these old writings is somewhat stilted, but there is much of spiritual richness in this material. In one instance he re­ minds his readers that he is condens­ ing “many hours’ work in a few min­ utes of time” (p. 194). 763 pages; cloth; Sovereign Grace Publishers, Indianapolis; $6.95. Man's Guiltiness Before God By Thomas Goodwin Obadiah and Habakkuk By Edward Marbury

Facing the Unfinished Task Compiled by J. O. Percy

The Congress on World Missions took place in Chicago December 4-11, 1960. It was called by the Inter­ denominational Foreign Missions As­ sociation and was attended by about 500 evangelical missionaries from all over the world. The volume of forty- one chapters is a summary of the va­ rious forums and addresses. Ibis seems to have been the largest assem­ blage of missionaries in one place for such an extended conference. As such, it speaks with authority and urgency to all Christians. Many familiar names in mission­ ary circles are seen among the con­ tributors: Vincent Brushwyler, Theo­ dore H. Epp, G. Allen Fleece, William Culbertson, Rene Pache from Switzer­ land, Alan Redpath, Oswald J. Smith, and others. Forums were held on Africa, West Asia, Europe, East Asia, and Latin America. Mainly mission­ aries presided. Strategic addresses were given by many prominent Chris­ tian leaders, on such topics as, “The Battle for the Mind in Asian Univer­ sities,” David H. Adenay; “World Missions: Total War,” L. E. Maxwell; “ The Universal Church,” Rene Pache; “ The Theological Basis for Foreign Missions,” John F. Walvoord; and “The Evangelical Answer to Ecu- menioalism,” Charles J. Woodbridge. Many statistics are s c a t t e r e d throughout this volume. They add up to a tremendous challenge for mis­ sionary endeavor, and the concensus is that there are more open doors now than ever before. The book is a “must” for all Christian leaders and laymen who want to be informed. 281 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $4.50. The Dean of Women at Moody Bi­ ble Institute offers here a delightful volume of thirty chapters on various aspects of womanhood. Out of a wealth of experience and from a posi­ tion of influence, she takes up growth from girlhood to womanhood and many facets of adult female radiance and glory. A good deal of personal narrative understandably adds to ma­ terial token from literature and the lives of others. The purpose, and the likely result, of this book is spiritual growth, maturity, and Christian in­ The Christian Woman By Angelyn Grace Dantuma

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