WHEN HEARTS GROW FAINT by J. K. van Baalen. 119 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.00. This is a manual for living a joyous Christian life with special emphasis on dealing with obstructions that rise out of oneself, from other people, and from providential occurrences. THE SELF-INTERPRETATION OF JESUS by W . O. Carver. 181 pages; paper; Broadman Press, Nashville; $1.25. THE HEAVENLY GUEST: AN EXPOSITORY ANALYSIS OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN by H. E. Dana. 152 pages; paper; Broadman Press, Nash ville; $1.00. FLAMING FAGOTS by Rosalee M. Appleby. 252 pages; paper; Broadman Press, Nashville; $1.50. HYMNS TH A T ENDURE by W . Thorburn Clark; 168 pages; paper; Broadman Press, Nashville; $1.25. These four titles belong to a series of paperbacks known as Broadman Starbooks, and are reissues of earlier works. P.S. I LOVE YOU by E. Jane Mall. 166 pages; cloth; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $3.00. True story of a U.S. Army chaplain and his wife who adopted five children in Germany. One was J apanese-American and two were Ger man. The linguistic and other problems en countered are both humorous and serious. Prayer, love, and sympathetic study helped to solve the problems. MOST-LOVED POEMS by Avis Christiansen. 123 pages; cloth; Singspiration (distributed by Zon dervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids); $2.50. Selections from a lifetime of casting words in the poetic frame, many of which found their way into hymn collections. LAUGHTER IN THE HOUSE by Marie Chit wood. Story of Karen Shaw, a lovable child, Becky Miller, and Becky's father, a self-confident physician. Dr. Miller was cynical as regards re ligion, yet he had a hungry heart. He was a widower: she was the teacher of his daughter, and that is how the story gets under way. It eventually ends with a conversion and a marriage. THE CHILDREN'S SIMPLIFIED NEW TESTAMENT by Olaf M. Norlie. 603 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand ^Rapids; $3.95. The text is the same as his Simplified New Testament but pictures have been added, and the 'Psalms deleted. THE PREMILLENNIALISTS AND THEIR CRITICS by Chester E.. Tulga. 62 pages; paper; Eastern Baptist Institute, Somerset, Ky.; $.35. A concen trated summary of both sides of this great doc trine. The arguments of the critics are quite ef fectively answered. MODERN VIKING: THE STORY OF ABRAHAM VEREIDE, PIONEER IN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP by Norman Grubb. 205 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $3.50. The story of the International Christian Leadership Move ment and its founder. The I.C.L. is noted for its sponsorship of the annual Presidential Prayer Breakfasts _ in Washington, and from this have developed now Governors' Prayer Breakfasts in forty of the states. GEORGE MACDONALD, AN ANTHOLOGY edited by C. S. Lewis. 152 pages; paper; Double day & Co., New York; $.95. Macdonald was a Scott (1824-1905), who studied for the ministry, but devoted most of his life to writing. His observations are the kind that lend themselves to selection, and will be found stimulating in a number of ways. There is a strong emphasis on living out various spiritual truths. 52 THREE-MINUTE TALKS TO CHILDREN by Marion G. Gosselink. 160 pages; cloth; W . A. Wilde Co.. Natick, Mass.; $2.95. A full year of material ror children's services and programs. 52 PARABLES: SHORT TALKS TO YOUNG FOLKS by John Henry Sargent. 112 pages; cloth; W . A. Wilde Co., Natick, Mass.; $2.95. Each message is accompanied by Biblical passages and a short prayer. WHEN THE MOUNTAINS FALL by Randall E. Burchett. 151 pages; cloth; Zondervan -Publish ing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. Story of a couple who faced first extortioners, then war, but who through study of the Bible in its prophetic aspects found Christ as their Saviour. A novel of the last days before the Coming of Christ. GOD'S GREAT PLAN FOR YOU by Richard R. Caemmerer. 90 pages; cloth; Concordia Publish ing House, St. Louis; $2.00. The idea of this book is to help the reader see that he was made in the image of God, lost much of that image, and that God Is "busy giving the image back" and this to the purpose that one should reflect this image. A rather stimulating book for the young Christian, or one who is con templating the call of the Gospel. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms , 560 South Hope Street , Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy meal order service is also available. Free descrip- five books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.
A BREAK-THROUGH in modern biblical scholarship
They Called Him Mister Moody By Richard K. Curtis A new biography of Moody calls for some justification. Some forty works on him and his work have appeared to date, according to the bib liography in this one, and there doubtless are many more. The author observes that several operations go into the making of a. biography: the col lection of facts, the selection of those to be used, their arrangement of them and interpretation. Beyond all of this is the artistry of diction, and Dr. Cur tis has written delightfully. A good many people aided the au thor in gathering material for this work. The seriousness of the venture will be recognized from the fact that much of the work was done as a Ph.D. project at Purdue University. The au thor’s bibliographies and indexes are valuable in themselves. In addition to the early life and the ministry of Mr. Moody, his in fluence upon his contemporaries and his continuing influence are explored extensively. Moody’s language was picturesque and many stories are re counted of things he said and did. Dr. Curtis’s delineation of him is also picturesque, as may be seen from his statement, “Moody’s double-barreled messages pumped the lead of convic tion with one side and love with the other” (p. 266). The author is Chair man of the Department of Speech at Bethel College in St. Paul. 378 pag es; cloth; Doubleday & Co., New York- $4.95. BOOK ENDS _________ (A Review of Current Publications) WHEN JOHN WESLEY WAS A BOY by Helen B. Walters. 97 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.50. Juvenile fiction based on the true story of the Wesley family. ACCOUNTING METHODS FOR THE SMALL CHURCH by Manfred Hoick, Jr. 108 pages; paper; Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis; $2.50. A handy manual for financial officers and pastors of the average church. Emphasis is on practical considerations, with illustrations of sample forms and records. THE BIBLE IN THE BRITISH SCENE: THE BIBLE IN EAST GERMANY both by E. H. Robert son, 93 pages; paper; Association Press, New York; $1.25 each. Two of a series of studies of the use and influence of the Book of Books in its various translations. A good deal of re search has gone into these reports. The. author is Study Secretary of the United Bible Societies. THE ART OF WORSHIP: A GUIDE IN COR PORATE WORSHIP TECHNIQUES by Scott F. Brenner. 95 pp.; cloth; The Macmillan Company, New York; $2.75. A simple and yet profound examination of worship from the place (the building) to the dismissal, with attention also to special occasions— -baptism, confirmation, mar riage. and funerals. There is an appendix on music in worship. The mood of the book is moderately evangelical. The author is now en gaged in editorial work at Westminster Press. W ITH MY OWN EYES by Bo Giertz. 236 pages; cloth: The Macmillan Co., New fo lk : $4.50. A novel on the life of Jesus. The author is bishop of Gothenburg. Sweden, and has lived in Palestine. TEACHING YOUR CHILD ABOUT GOD by Claudia Royal. 186 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N J .; $3.95. Teaching comes first out of life, but if it is to be correct and useful it must not be left to chance. Prep aration must be made for it by the parents, and they must know how to develop it.
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