King's Business - 1962-06

science and the Bible by Bolton Davidheiser, Chairman, Science Division, Biola College

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tance by virtually all geologists and biologists of note, puts a burden upon those who do not accept it. But spe­ cialists can be wrong, a majority opin­ ion does not change facts one way or the other, and the Scriptures oppose both uniformitarianism and evolution. Textbooks of geology give the im­ pression that the strata are every­ where to be found essentially in the same order. Since this is not the case, it may well cause one to wonder whether the strata really do come in the order assumed by the scientists where there is no evidence other than the contained fossils. Various explan­ ations are given when the fossils do not fit the theories but in spite of the numerous “built-in safeguards” to the theories, some fossils are so grossly out of place that they cannot be made to fit. In such cases they may be con­ veniently disregarded or forgotten. Rock strata should lie with the youngest on top and the oldest at the bottom. More commonly than is generally realized, strata lie with older above younger, as judged by the fossils they contain. To explain this, the geologists assume that a part of the earth’s crust has slipped over an­ other part. After a certain amount of erosion, older material is left lying above younger. In Montana, for ex­ ample, a layer six miles thick and more than 12,000 square miles in area would have had to slide 35 miles or more over the surface of the earth. This seems physically impossible. Even if such a thing could happen, it could hardly be considered “ uni­ formitarian.” Admitting technical dif­ ficulties and lack of supporting evi­ dence, the geologists will not abandon the theory, for to do so would be to admit that the strata were not laid down in accordance with evolution­ ary theory. According to this theory, the fam­ ous Matterhorn of Switzerland was pushed more than 30 miles over younger rocks and another alpine mountain called the Mythen Peak must have been pushed to its present position all the way from Africa! For more on this subject see article "Uniformi- itarianism" elsewhere in this issue. *The Genesis Flood, by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris. 525 pages; cloth; Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Box 185, Nutley 10, N. J.; $6.95.

or more t h a n a cen tu r y the ac­ cepted opinion among men of science has been that geological for­ mations came about through known processes which are still going on. This is called “uniformitarianism.” Occasionally one can find admissions from the scientists that not all is well with this theory, as is seen in the following two statements from scien­ tific journals concerning mountain­ building. “ . . . the cause of the de­ formation of the earth’s outer layers and consequent building of mountains still effectively evades explanation.” “Many attempts to answer these ques­ tions have engaged the attention of the best minds, but the existing an­ swers leave much to be desired. Com­ plicated mechanisms in great variety have been adduced, but in all in­ stances cogent objections have been raised.” The bearing which the concept of uniformitarianism has on Christian belief is that it denies divine inter­ vention on a large scale, particularly casting doubt upon the universal flood of the time of Noah. Evidences against the uniformitarian theory have been collected recently and presented by Whitcomb and Morris* and this arti­ cle is based upon a portion of their book. Few fossils are being formed today. Creatures which die on land or in water are commonly eaten by others and any parts left over are scattered. In contrast to this, great masses of fossils were formed in the past. Spe­ cies which the scientists recognize as not living near each other geographi­ cally are found fossilized together. In many cases there is evidence that the burial which permitted fossilization was also the cause of death. These evidences and others indicate some sort of a catastrophe and do not sup­ port the uniformitarian point of view. On the basis of assumed uniformi­ tarianism and evolution, it is believed that the strata of rock can be arranged in a time .sequence in accordance with the kinds of fossils they contain. Then the sequence of the fossils in the strata is accepted as the best and the only direct evidence of evolution. The prestige which this circular ar­ gument holds because of its accep­






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