King's Business - 1962-06

EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR MISSIONARIES and CHURCHES SUBSTANTIAL S A V IN G S ........................ . A SUBSIDIZED MINISTRY A service dedicated to EVANGELICAL, FUNDAM ENAL missionaries, pastors and Non-Profit Christian Organizations to supply their needs on the mission field and in the churches at subsidized prices. O ur service N O T available to LAYMEN or STUDENTS. Write for our list. Missionaries should indicate board and field of service. Pastors give name of church. WE FEATURE NATIONALLY


B Y A L T H E A S . M I L L E R I have been very popular in school this year. Everyone smiles at me because I am a monitor. None of the kids want a citation from me for go­ ing up or down the stairs the wrong way,” Ardyth declared complacently. “ Oh, la de da!” 12-year-old Althea replied. “ How important can you get?” Mother’s youngest daughters were preparing for bed and it was time for evening prayers. But this conver­ sation had been too much for Moth­ er. Right in the middle of prayer she could not contain herself. Her daughters’ eyes were wide with won­ der as she burst into hysterical laugh­ ter. “ Are you laughing or crying, Ma­ ma?” Ardyth asked. “ I hardly know,” gasped Mother. “That’s all right,” giggled Ardyth. We like to hear you laugh. But why did you laugh?” “ At Althea’s dramatics. Honey, you’ll be the death of me yet!” “ I’ll study drama when I get to high school. Then I’ll really know how to express myself,” Althea said. “ Deliver me, Missy, if you ever can express yourself better than you can now! You are dramatic enough as you are. Now shall we get back to prayer?” “ Dear Lord,” Ardyth continued her prayer, “ thank you that Mama likes to laugh with us. I’m so glad you gave me her to be my mother. Some mothers don’t laugh.” For a long time after her little girls were asleep, Mother pondered the reason for Ardyth’s thanks. “Mama likes to laugh with us.” The laughter was a tonic to Mother’s spirits at the close of a hard day. It came as a re­ sult of the fusion of at least two fac­ tors — an appreciation and thankful­ ness for the ways of children, and for the spontaniety of their reactions to the influences on their lives. How good God is to bless His crea­ tures with wholesome laughter! His Word says: “A merry heart doeth good like [is a good] medicine . . .” (Proverbs 17:22). How long has it been since you’ve had a good laugh with your children? JUNE, 1$62

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R O O M R E S E R V A T I O N N o t e : Please fill in as much information as possible

Name .............................................................. Arrival Date ......... Address ......................................................... Day of Week .......... City ................................................................... Time of Day ......... Accommodations Desired With Bath .................. Without Bath Amount enclosed as confirmation of reservation $ ............. Number of Guests ..................... Adults ..................... Children Plan to Stay: Day(s) ..................... Week ..................... Month Desire Information Concerning Permanent Residence Signed .................................................... Date .............. Phone ...

(See helpful advertisement on back cover)

W HEA TON COLLEGE • Wheaton, Illinois Dept. K62 Please send me without obligation: Booklet entitled, Pleasant Tomorrows, explain­ ing Annuity Plan In detail: Booklet, The Division of Biblical Education and Philos­ ophy at Wheaton College. Name ........................................................................................... Age ........... Sex ...........

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