EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR MISSIONARIES and CHURCHES SUBSTANTIAL S A V IN G S ........................ . A SUBSIDIZED MINISTRY A service dedicated to EVANGELICAL, FUNDAM ENAL missionaries, pastors and Non-Profit Christian Organizations to supply their needs on the mission field and in the churches at subsidized prices. O ur service N O T available to LAYMEN or STUDENTS. Write for our list. Missionaries should indicate board and field of service. Pastors give name of church. WE FEATURE NATIONALLY
B Y A L T H E A S . M I L L E R I have been very popular in school this year. Everyone smiles at me because I am a monitor. None of the kids want a citation from me for go ing up or down the stairs the wrong way,” Ardyth declared complacently. “ Oh, la de da!” 12-year-old Althea replied. “ How important can you get?” Mother’s youngest daughters were preparing for bed and it was time for evening prayers. But this conver sation had been too much for Moth er. Right in the middle of prayer she could not contain herself. Her daughters’ eyes were wide with won der as she burst into hysterical laugh ter. “ Are you laughing or crying, Ma ma?” Ardyth asked. “ I hardly know,” gasped Mother. “That’s all right,” giggled Ardyth. We like to hear you laugh. But why did you laugh?” “ At Althea’s dramatics. Honey, you’ll be the death of me yet!” “ I’ll study drama when I get to high school. Then I’ll really know how to express myself,” Althea said. “ Deliver me, Missy, if you ever can express yourself better than you can now! You are dramatic enough as you are. Now shall we get back to prayer?” “ Dear Lord,” Ardyth continued her prayer, “ thank you that Mama likes to laugh with us. I’m so glad you gave me her to be my mother. Some mothers don’t laugh.” For a long time after her little girls were asleep, Mother pondered the reason for Ardyth’s thanks. “Mama likes to laugh with us.” The laughter was a tonic to Mother’s spirits at the close of a hard day. It came as a re sult of the fusion of at least two fac tors — an appreciation and thankful ness for the ways of children, and for the spontaniety of their reactions to the influences on their lives. How good God is to bless His crea tures with wholesome laughter! His Word says: “A merry heart doeth good like [is a good] medicine . . .” (Proverbs 17:22). How long has it been since you’ve had a good laugh with your children? JUNE, 1$62
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