alumni news by Inez McGahey Stuart and Phyllis (Bapple ’47) Sendall- King have new office facilities in London for the work of the British Missionary Aviation Fellowship. Cal and Cornelia (Hettema ’45) Hibbard, Lima, Peru: “Amuesha Indians, who just 4 or 5 years ago could not read or write or tell you what a Bible was, traveled several hundred dangerous miles to at tend Bible school this year—not an or dinary Bible school: one taught by the Indians themselves, without pay or sup port!” Van V. ’13 and Gara Eddings sailed re cently for their field in Venezuela. “With
fourttt&r^pr^ctor Montrose, California
’'The Bible Institute Hour” KBBI 107.5 me 8:30 A .M . Monday through Friday To identify yourself when writing advertisers, simply mention "King's Business."
the administration responsibilities off our shoulders, we look forward to a ministry of prayer and edifying the churches.” Paul and Dorothy (Haley ’49) Smith, are serving the Lord with Wycliffe in Mexico. Paul ’53 and Dorothy Schwarze are serv ing the Lord in Indonesia with the Go-Ye Fellowship. Richard and Saundra (West ’58, ’59 SMM) Watson, Viet Nam, are serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Searle and Hilda (Halloran ’46) Hoog- shagen, are serving with Wycliffe in Mexico. Arlene Agnew ’51, Brazil, South Amer ica: “ The youth group in the church con tinues to grow in number and in spirit. The young people are developing leader ship ability, and from time to time I re joice to hear what the Lord is doing in their lives. Our goal is to deepen their desire to study the Word of God on their own. The Youth Programs I have been translating are reaching many of our churches in the three states.” Kenneth ’49 and Gladys (Wick ’47) Henry, Tokyo, have published over 700,000 books, which includes 160 different titles, through the Word of Life Press. This in cludes the first large evangelical Bible dictionary ever to be published in Japanese and a Japanese Amplified New Testament.
Winona Lake, June 1, ’62.— Adults now using aldersgate biblical series Study Guides report unusual kinds of classes developing. A young-adult Sun day-school class rotates leadership allow ing everyone a turn at leading. A week- night class sponsored and led by laymen meets for one hour of solid study in groups of four. In a second hour they share the results of their study. A Sun day night pre-service class is meeting the needs of Sunday-school teachers. Results are unusual too. In one church four conversions have occurred during a study of Romans. Three con versions have been reported from the week-night study mentioned above. The ALDERSGATE BIBLICAL SERIES ¡S a Bible book-study program. Forty pa perback books cover the Bible. A Study Guide leads the student directly into his own Bible for study. A Leader’s Guide does the same for the leader plus offering suggestions for the weekly hour of sharing. The Guides feature 13 les sons each— just right for a quarter’s study in Sunday school— or anytime persons get together who want to study. For information or to share a report on your ABS study, write to “ Editors,”
JUNE, 1962
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