King's Business - 1962-06

ThePlaceof the BIBLE inWheaton'sProgram...

At Wheaton, throughout more than a century since its founding in 1860, the Bible has been basic in the College’s strong persuasion and varied program. From its inception, Wheaton has served as a liberal arts college with studies and other activities designed to prepare its students for maturity and fullness in Christian life and service. Wheaton has been particularly concerned in helping to equip Christian young men and women for graduate study in various professional fields. With the Bible as the core of its curriculum and life, Wheaton has tried to provide its students with a meaningful integration of varied subject matter, and a highly developed sensitivity to ethical, moral, and spiritual values. Because of its conviction that there is no discrepancy in the pre-eminence of the Bible and the presentation of a quality academic program that is truly educative, each student at Wheaton must have-not a course, but 16 credit hours of Biblical studies for graduation, regardless of his major field. This represents two hours of Bible each semester of the normal four-year collegiate program. All Wheaton faculty members are dedicated to the persuasion that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and that it is of prime importance in matters of life, faith, and practice. Their academic excellence is reflected in the world-wide performance of Wheaton students in graduate schools, the professions, and all avenues of Christian service. Wheaton’s teachers, as active Christians, are personally interested in both the intellectual and spiritual development of their students- Each year they reaffirm their convictions (as do the College trustees, administrative officers, and full-time staff personnel) by subscribing to the Doctrinal Platform. They are convinced creationists who believe in a historical Adam and historical Eve, the parents of the human race, who were created by God, and not biologically descended from lower forms of life. Devoted to the scientific method of study, they believe, as the Bible majestically states: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ” . . . and . . . “God created man in His own image."

A Tower of Strength in Christian Education Since 1860

5. We believethat the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, according to the Scrip­ tures, as a representative and substi­ tutionary sacrifice; and that all who be­ lieve in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood. 6. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascen­ sion into Heaven, and in His present life therefor us, asHigh Priest and Advocate. 7. We believe in "that blessed hope," the personal, pre-millennial and immi­ nent return of our Lord and Saviour. Jesus Christ. 8. We believe that all who receive by faith the LordJesus Christ areborn again of the Holy Spirit, and thereby become children of God. 9. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and unjust, the everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the ever­ lasting punishment of the lost.

THE WHEATON PLATFORM 1. We believe in the Scriptureofthe Old and NewTestaments asverbally inspired by God, and inerrant in the original writ* ings, and that they are of supreme and final authority in faith and life. 2. We believe inoneGod, eternally exist­ ing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit 3. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man. 4. We believe that man was created in the image of God; that he sinned, and thereby incurred, notonly physical death, but also that spiritual death which is separation fromGod; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, and, inthecaseofthosewho reach moral responsibility becomesinnersinthought, word and deed.

You, too, can have a share in furthering Wheaton’s distinctive program . . . of Christian education through Wheaton annuities. At the same time you will benefit through guaran­ teed, lifetime income, tax advantages, and freedom from re-investment problems. ! W ife today for Pleasant Tomorrows giving fuff

WHEATON COLLEGE • Wheaton, Illinois Dept. K 62 Please send me without obligation: [U Booklet entitled, Pleasant Tomorrows, explaining Annuity Plan in detail. □ Booklet, The Division of Biblical Edu­ cation and Philosophy at Wheaton College.

details of Wheaton’s annuity program. Or, write for the interesting and in­ formative booklet . . . The Division o f Biblical Education and'Philosophy at Wheaton College . . . describing in detail the basic position of Bible in Wheaton’s curriculum. “ FOR CHRIST AND HIS KINGDOM”



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