APPEALS FOR FUNDS For years I've listened to radio appeals, "Unless we hear from you (subdued sigh) this week we will be com pelled to drop some of our ra dio stations and thus rob many people (audible sob) of the work we are doing for God." Comparable "panhand ling" letters with enclosed return envelopes flood the mail. Is there any other con clusion than that they are begging for support of their work under false colors. This racket resulted in a lengthy study. When I am in l o v e with iny Saviour and those for whom He paid the price of redemption, I give "sacrificially" not to get a tax-deductible receipt, always so prominently men tioned. I am sure that the an gels in heaven smile sadly and the imps of hell laugh uproariously. H. M. "Dad" Hillis, Glendale, Calif. MOTION PICTURES CONDONED OR CONDEMNED I am somewhat puzzled when an honest inquiry in the Vox Pop section seems to bring an endorsement f o r Hollywood films which bear Bible names, or are based on Bible charac ters. Should liberal relig ionists be denounced for dis torting the Bible? Should a separation from worldliness not be emphasized among Bi ble believers as well as a separation from worldliness? Could it have been that lead ers were seeking the appro bation of the world when they first began to introduce ra tionalism into the Christian church? Rev. Howard S. Barnes, West Milford Baptist Church, West Milford, West Virginia
This new column of THE KING’S BUSINESS is devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. CHRISTIANS AND THE U.N. The United Nations is a sincere, honest attempt by man to bring peace on earth. It is doomed to f a i l !Only the coming of Christ as King can bring peace, for then He will be world ruler. Donald R. Wahner, Scotts dale, Arizona. I take issue with the per son who suggested that we not condemn the U.N. (January, 1962). I wonder how much this person knows about how deep ly it is entrenched with lib erals, socialists a n d yes, communists. The same is true of the State Department. Let us, as God-fearing people, do what we can to get the U.N. out of the United States or the United States out of the U.N. The U.N. isn't our only ray of peaceful existence ; it is the true Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Frances J. Gorton, Port land, Oregon. QUESTIONS RADIO SPEAKER I would like information about a well-known radio evangelist who is heard sev eral times a day on two dif ferent stations in our areas. He purports to be an evange lical, but I have heard that he has been married several times and the woman he now lives with is not his wife. How does one check on these things? Why don't radio sta tions exercise more control on those who are heard over their facilities?
“ Character Before Career” Accredited college preparation for boys. Distinctive Christian train ing. Grades eight to college en trance. Boys from sixteen states and sixteen foreign countries. Full athletic program. 70-acre campus, accessible by car or train. Fortieth year. For a catalogue , write the headmaster , Dr. Frank E. Gaebelein Box 80, Stony Brook, Long Island, N.Y. K N O W Y O U R
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