King's Business - 1962-06

LETTERS THANKFUL FOR "CULTS CRITIQUE" Just received my copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine and read the column on “ How Can We Help Jehovah’s W it­ nesses.” We have so many calling at our door and I am sure I haven’t answered them right. I always tell them I am a real bom again Christian as I have accepted Jesus Christ as my own personal Saviour. Mrs. Edward Nielsen, Monterey Park, California WORDS OF APPRECIATION We enjoy and appreciate THE KING’S BUSINESS more than words can say. May the Lord continue to bless this great min­ istry for His glory. Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Betts, Jackson, Michigan Please alow me to express my deep ap­ preciation for the bundles of Christian evangelical literature that have been for­ warded to me at the penitentiary from time to time. May God in His infinite mercy and love bless you. Richard S. Tripp, Walla Walla, Washington We enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS. This month’s article written about Mr. Paul Goodman certainly is a great help to young people. They cannot all go from home to serve, but can be a force at home in many ways. Mrs. T. M. Erwin, Lafayette, California NEW SUBSCRIBERS We have received two issues thus far of our new gift subscription. W e are here in San Jose, Costa Rica preparing for service with HCJB, in Quito. THE KING’S BUSINESS has been a blessing here as a “ respite” from our language learning. We are looking forward to fu­ ture issues. Leonard G. Booker, San Jose, Costa Rica As a new subscriber to your magazine, I want to express my appreciation for it and the timely articles published each month, especially the article “ Herbert Armstrong: Mr. Confusion” by the Rev. Roger Camp­ bell. It is timely, informative and sorely needed in these days of increasing aposta­ sy. Thank you for the fine magazine with its many stimulating and challenging articles. May God bless you. Rev. Howard Carlson, Totz, Kentucky Please find enclosed a check for a one- year subscription to THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS. You might be interested to know that I first saw the magazine on my way to Korea in the lounge of the S.S. CALI­ FORNIA BEAR. Captain Archibald Cook, who is a born-again Christian and whose son is an alumnus of Biola, is master of that ship. We were greatly blessed by the issues we read and so decided to subscribe. Lt. Paul Rader, Seoul, Korea E ditor ’ s N o te : The splendid article ap­ pearing in a recent issue of the King’s Business magazine-, “ Are Missionaries Un­ balanced" by T. Norton Sterrett was ori­ ginally printed in HIS magazine pub­ lished by Inter-Varsity Fellowship. The King's Business is appreciative of the splen­ did work of the author and publisher.

Each One Is Precious in Our Lord’s Sight Which Child Will You Sponsor? Choose One Now All our orphans are being taught God’s Word. Day after day the Good Seed is planted in their hearts. They pray, sing Chris­ tian songs and are led to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. You can share in this vital ministry by sponsoring an orphan for only $8 a month — just 26 pennies a day. Some have in­ terested a friend to share a sponsorship — only $4 each. Help expand the work by showing this appeal to acquaintances, your Sunday School or organization group or write for literature. More Orphans — More Sponsors Needed It would break your heart to see the piteous state of Korea’s beggar boys, homeless, ragged, destitute, whom the authorities now are rounding up. Many are being sent to us. The government is also closing many small, unlicensed orphanages and crowding many children into our Homes. We have several thousand un­ sponsored children. If they are to have food, clothing, shelter, medical care and school tuition, more sponsors are desperately needed. To train them as future Christian leaders in Korea, additional sponsors must be won. The child you select will know you as sponsor. You will have his or her picture and history. Your letters will be answered promptly in English, and any packages you may send will be gratefully acknowledged. Sponsors report they are THRILLED and BLESSED by this personal contact.


Each child has a tragic history. One of our orphans is Jang Byun Chan. His father died of disease in 1958. His mother was killed in a shipwreck in December 1959. Relatives took him in and cared for him for a while, but their own poverty was such that he was brought into our orphanage. No Sponsors — Heartbroken Children One Orphanage Superintendent writes that most of the children have been enjoying correspondence and pictures from sponsors for a year but a few have been without sponsors and are very discouraged. She says, “ It is simply heartbreaking for me to listen to their prayers that they want sponsors to come soon.” The thousands of unsponsored children in our orphanages are all hoping and praying for loving “ Daddies and Mommies” or “ Big Sisters and Brothers” — someone who cares. Answer their cry. Bring some child comfort and joy.

The ESEA is caring for over 13,000 Korean orphans, chil­ dren of lepers, deaf, dumb and blind children and war widows’ children. Its work is widely known. The Korean govern­ ment has given their highest honor to ESEA. It is registered with the Illinois Secy, of State and Internal Revenue Dept, of the U.S. Govt. Dedicated, con­ scientious, economical work through 10 years has produced wonderful and lasting results. More than 17 million meals are served each year in our 136 orphanages. Each one is a Christian institution with Bi­ ble believing staff and Board members. Sponsors are urgent­ ly needed. Write cr phone now.

THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. 4848 North Leonard Dept. K-62 Chicago 31, Illinois ------------------------------------CLIP A N D M AIL T O D A Y --------------------------------------------- □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. My choice is Number ---------- If this child has already been chosen when this arrives, I agree to support another whom you will select. With God’s help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giv­ ing $............................................................................ □ Please mail folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans.” Name ----------------------------------------------------------- -----„............................. Address --------------....________ ..._________________ _— ................ ........... City - _____ ____ .......... ............ Zone ........ State ....... — ..— .... Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association, Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-62, 4848 No. Leonard, Chicago 31, III., GL. 6-6181

JUNE, 1962


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