WhoAre the Dividers of the Brethren? by Dr. S. H. Sutherland
Today, a great deal is heard about the divi- sive nature of Bible-believing Christians, espe cially those who call themselves "conservatives” or "fundamentalists.” At frequent intervals dur ing recent years, individuals or groups of in dividuals have appeared on the theological scene promulgating some new doctrine or set of doctrines. And when it is discovered that there is a rather large segment of the church of Jesus Christ which refuses to go along with the particular vagary of the moment, preferring rather to stand on the historic Christian position as revealed in the Word of God and as taught by the church through the centuries, then there goes up the cry that they are "divisive.” The strange part is that it is always the fundamen talist, the one who holds to the historic doctrines of the Word of God, who is thus labeled. Fifty years ago, when modernism began to rear its ugly head in church circles, by repudiat ing all the great foundation truths of the church and the Word of God, there arose a group of believers who did not go along with the modern istic notions. Sure enough, these fundamentalists were called divisive! Along with modernism in theological circles, there developed a widespread belief in the theory of evolution. Once again, those who disavowed the evolutionary hypothe sis and rested upon the Word of God as the final authority, were called divisive. Still later, there arose within fundamental and pre-millennial circles those who disavowed eschatology as it has been taught in the last few decades. Those who refused to go along with the views of a- millennialism were called the divisive ones. In pre-millennial circles, the pre-tribulation rap ture of the church was an accepted fact. Then there emerged a group T h e S t o r y o f a N a i l Add drama, life and thrilling adventure to your Vacation Bible School, Sunday School or adult classes. Absorbing to all age levels with this missionary visual aid. Write today to ... WORLD VISION, Inc., Box O, Pasadena, California or WORLD VISION OF CANADA. Box 181-K, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. SOUTHAMERICA 1 Million Jews Who Need Christ— How Long Must They Wait? The need and the opportunity can be read between the lines from a letter Dr. Garten- haus wrote to a friend: “Sometimes I almost wish I had not gone to South America, for since then the burden of that dark continent has weighed very heavily on my heart. I met several very capable Jewish Chris tians, prospective missionaries, and I am asking the Lord to help me raise the support for five more missionaries. With His help I shall get it. “Everywhere I went I found the doors and hearts of the people wide open. More than ever I believe that God’s time to favor Zion has come.” Share with us this burden not only for the million Jews of South America, but of other parts of the world. Write for free copy of our bi-monthly THE EVERLASTING NATION, rich in news of world Jewry. Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus, President Dr. Robert G. Lee, Chairman Advisory Board INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, INC. IBJM P.O. Box J256, Atlanta 1, Ga. TH E KING'S BUSINESS 8
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