ultimately have been classified and labeled as "neo-orthodox” and now all who refuse to go along with this position are termed divisive. We submit, however, that it is high time the facts be under stood. It is not the fundamentalist, at all, who is the divisive one. The fundamentalist position today is the same as it has been through the years. Rather, it is these newcomers who are divisive. They are the ones going off on various tangents and seeking to destroy the effectiveness of the historic church position. Actually, the latest divisive movement is the so-called "ecumenical movement” which is gaining such widespread popularity in these days. By trying to force union among the various denominations, they are actually dividing the denominations. It is not the ones who are holding the line who are the divisive ones, but it is these upstarts who are causing the damage. This historic position of the church in regard to the great fundamental doctrines is clear and well-established. The main body of the church, through the centuries, has held to the infalli bility of the Bible. The church, through the centuries, has held to the fact of the miracles occurring exactly as recorded in the Bible. The church has held to the doctrines of the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and His vicarious atonement on Calvary’s cross. The church, through the centuries, has held to the doctrine of the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. From time to time, however, deniers of the Christian faith and of these great doctrines influence those weak and unlearned in the faith, or those with no particular convictions in regard to these doctrines and thus gather to themselves somewhat of a following. They present their heretical views with a great show of Christian love and forebearance, with great persuasiveness of personality. But when someone dares to arise and question their doctrinal position, he is immediaely labeled "divi sive.” Alas! even many who do not follow these new-fangled theo logical vagaries unthinkingly take up the cry — "The fundamen talists are divisive!” Let it be emphasized, once again, that every time, without ex ception, when a real Bible-believing Christian unites in any way whatsoever with one who doubts any of the great doctrines found in the Word of God, or who proclaims some modern-day variant of historic Bible truth, it is the Bible-believing Christian who must give up his own beliefs in order to join forces with the proclaimer of false doctrine, no matter how innocuous that teaching may appear to be. It is high time true Bible-believing Christians began to pro claim loudly and clearly their absolute refusal to go along with a doctrinal deviate, regardless of the charm of his personality and the attractiveness of his message. Ministers, Christian leaders and Chris tian workers everywhere should make their united voices heard with ever-increasing volume and conviction by adamantly refusing to go along with these divisive movements and leaders and proclaim, once again, the whole counsel of God as expressed in the Word of God and as classified in the great doctrines that are found in the Word of God. Let this new breed of doctrinal doubters know they have no place whatsoever in the church of the living God because they themselves are the dividers of the brethren! JUNE, 1962
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