King's Business - 1945-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Come to the West Coast Conference on Evangelism Sponsored by THE SWORD OF THE LORD Dec. 3 0 -Jan. 6, at Los Angeles

MY G IFT Psalm 116:12, 13 What shall I render to the Lord, What sift to Him on Christmas Day, My debt of gratitude to pay, Out of my scanty, earthly hoard? + I cannot satisfy with tine, With gold, or myrrh, or incense sweet, Nor dare I lay at His blest feet The righteousness that is not mine. + There is one gift, and only one: A gift in giving which I take Salvation’s cup, my thirst to slake, As present for God's holy Son. + To drink so deeply that I part With things of earth and self and sin, And let His Spirit reign within: This gift will satisfy His heart. —Betty Bruechert. Penny and the Christmas Star (Continued from Page 409) ing? This is Christmas, 1945, and I want to see my presents. Wake up, lazy-bones.” “In a minute,” Penny answered. “A little child’s heart,” and “saying your prayers,” and “minding God”—that was what the Wise Men had said. These three things didn’t seem like the gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh that the Wise Men had, but they , were all she could give. She turned and buried her face in the pillow. Presently, she would go with Peter and open her own gifts, but be­ fore she did that, she wanted to give her three gifts to the King: her heart, her. prayers, and the promise of her obedience. She hoped He would like His birthday presents.

Because of the tremendous success of a similar Conference at Winona Lake, Indiana, in July, and because of popular demand that we conduct other such conferences in the major Cities of America, we are coming to the West Coast, and to the great City of Los Angeles, California. The same program that brought such amazing results and far-reaching bless­ ings at Winona Lake, will be presented in Los Angeles! No where else on one program can you hear so many of America’s outstanding success­ ful evangelists preach revival, tell how it is done, and demonstrate'solài winning passion and power. Here you can learn the methods of planning, organizing and carrying on revivals such as alone w ill save America and the world from ruin . . . save the churches themselves and the mihistiy from utter powerlessness. • • ¿-v/ You Can’t Afford to Miss!

Earnest Christians, Sunday School teachers arid officers* personal workers, pastors, preachers and- evangelists owe themselves, their country and their3 God the knowledge-and* inspiration this Conference will bring. Here you. will find practical help in. soul winning, prayer, evangelistic preaching,.the invitation and revival advertising. There-w ill be special devotional services led daily by famous preachers and soul winners. There w ill be clear, positive Bible teaching on prayer, the Holy Spirit, and on vital Gospel truth. Your prayer life will be quickened, and you will be conscious of a re* newed passion for souls! It is the kind of practi­ cal conference that gets results and brings lasting blessings. The Best in Gospel Music

Dr. Hyman J. Appelman

Come, Bring Your Pastor

What better Christ­ mas gift could you give your pastor than an “ all ex­ pense paid” trip to Los Angeles f o r these eight tremend­ ous days? It will be an investment of lasting, even eternal benefit!

Rev. Henry Holmbo, widely known evangelistic song leader, soloist, and popular “ Youth For Christ’’ leader, will direct the musical pro­ gram and the great chorus choir. The very best musi­ cal talent available will be presented but always with a definite emphasis .on the evangelistic note and not simply for entertainment. Great congregational song services and thrilling num­ bers by the chorus choir w ill be special features ev­ ery evening.

Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.

Dr. Hyman J. Appleman, Ft. Worth, Texas, America’s outstanding evangelist. God has blessed his ministry in bringing thousands upon thousands to Christ. A passionate preacher of unusual power. Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., Cleveland, Tenn., Founder and President of Bob Jones Col­ lege. Successful evangelist for many years. Fearless, uncompromising Gospel preacher^ Rev, -Jesse M. Hendley, At­ lanta, Georgia,, fiery, fervent evangelist Hear These Famous Speakers

Rev. Jesse M. Hendley-

All Conference Sessions Held in Church of the Open Door of unusual èxp'erience and power. Radio preacher and one of the -South’s greatest soul winners. Dr. John R. Rice, Wheaton,. Illinois. One of America’s greatest evangelists, widely known author and Bible scholar, Editor o f “ The Shord of the Lord.” Thousands saved, through his .writings and evang­ elistic ministry. Dr. Robert «7. Wells, successful young evangelist o f' Wheaton,; Illinois, Associate Editor of “ The Swprd of the Lord,” Founder of the Dallas Bible Institute, Conference Director. Others who xqill be announced at a later date.

P > lG U f Whether you plan? to attend the Con­ ference or not/ the" greatest assistance you can give to this great work' ik "to PRAY - ! By -all means, pray for aji outpouring of God’s p o w e r and .-the spreading of re­ vival fires!

Dr. John R.


DR. LOUIS T. TALBOT, PASTOR 558 SO. HOPE STREET Revival Fires Are Burning Again!

God has been pleased 1o send .the spirit of revival back to America, and once again, we are witnessing the great fires of revival sweep up and down the land. Wherever God's people are willing to pay the price, they are discovering that;the day. of . mass evangelism is back with renewed power and blessing. We must make the best of it by taking advantage of every opportunity to prepare ourselves and to help others stir the fire until it blazes forth in. the fulness of God's power. Come to Los Angeles for a great victory! ..Write today for program and further information: . . Evangelist Robert J. Wells, Conference Director Associate Editor of The Sword of the Lord ’


214 West Wesley Street

Wheaton, lUlneb’


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