King's Business - 1945-12

December, 1945


THINGS I HAVE LEARNED, by Bob Jones, D.D., LL.D. A series of short addresses given to the students of Bob Jones College by Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., the well-known southern evange­ list. This book sets forth good, prac­ tical advice for Christian young peo­ ple, and furnishes a field of material for young people’s leaders and Sunday school teachers. 224 pages. Published by Loizeaux Bros. Cloth. Price $1.50. CHRIST AND THE BELIEVER, by Wendell P. Loveless. A series of very delightful studies from the often mis­ understood book The Song of Solomon. The author is the well-known director of the radio department of the Moody Bible Institute, and a composer of many well • known c h o r u s e s . The theme of this book is, of course, the Lord Jesus Christ and our relation­ ship as believers to Him—a very de­ lightful book of the devotional type. 160 pages. Published by the Moody Press. Cloth. Price $1.50. STILL MORE OBJECTS THAT TALK AND TEACH, by Louis T. Talbot, D.D. The latest in a series of books dealing in object lessons, und sermonettes for children. This one contains forty les­ sons, each one centered around an object which is readily obtainable by the average reader. Dr. Talbot is famous for his power to attract young and old alike through the medium of these simple lessons. 92 pages. Published by Zondervan Pub. House. Paper. Price 60 cents. YOUNG MAN ON FIRE, by Mel Lar­ son. This is the story of the early life and present ministry of the presi­ dent of Youth fo r Christ International, Torrey Johnson. This book breathes the enthusiasm of this dynamic in­ dividual among our young people and deals mainly with his school life and present ministry. Mr. Johnson is as well known among our young people today as anyone on the public plat­ form. This book has a real appeal to young people, urging them to go and do likewise: namely, turn their entire life into the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. The author is Mel Lar­

SURGERY SPEAKS TO CHINA, by Major Paul A. Adolph. Written in the language of the layman, this volume sets forth the ever enlarging fields which are open to the-Christian phy­ sician in China. Major Adolph was a member of the China Inland Mis­ sion in the years before the war. His army service came when further work in China was impossible. But the volume closes with the author ex­ pecting to return to his chosen field. One point w h i c h is particularly stressed is the added points of en­ trance into China’s heart and life which are made manifest through the benefits of modern medicine and sur­ gery. An interesting volume, well written, and especially helpful to missionary candidates. 195 pages. Published by the China Inland Mis­ sion. Cloth. No price given. PATHS TO BEAUTIFUL WOMAN­ HOOD, by Clayton F. Derstine. A new approach and frank discussion of life’s problems from the standpoint of the Christian. This volume, in a dignified and yet frank way, dis­ cusses the questions which invariably arise in the minds of young women. A feature of the book is the explana­ tion of many terms which deal with the subject under consideration. Cer­ tainly a valuable volume to place in the hands of those needing this in­ struction. 90 pages. Published by Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . PATHS TO NOBLE MANHOOD, by Clayton F. Derstine. A companion book to the volume . by the same author for girls. This sets forth the life of high nobility and true purity for young men. The author ties up personal experiences on righteousness with Scriptural precepts. The book, while frank, is always kept on a high level of right thinking. 92 pages. Published by Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. \

son, whose name is becoming increas­ ingly known through his books on famous Christian personages. 115 pages. Chicago Youth Publishings. Cloth. Price $1.50. LECTURES ON THE BOOK OF ACTS, by H. A. Ironside. Another splendid, practical work from the pen of a beloved author. This volume is a verse by verse exposition of the Book of Acts. As is Dr. Ironside’s custom, this material was first preached in thè Moody Church of Chicago to large audiences before being committed to print. The author has the rare ability of being able to make transcendent truth understood by the average read­ er. 250 pages. Published by Loizeaux Bros, Cloth. Price $3.00. HIS TOUCH HAS STILL ITS ANCIENT POWER, by Thomas B. Rees. A pocket- size volume by an English evangel­ ist, setting forth twelve incidents of spiritual conversion or renewal. The author’s thought seems to be to show that the answer to today’s problems is found within the pages of a very old book, the Bible, and through the reading of a very old message, the Gospel. This work is engagingly writ­ ten and soundly convincing. 80 pages. Published by Pickering & Inglis, Ltd. Cloth. Price 3/6. THE WAIL OF A DRUG ADDICT, by Rev. D. C. Van Slyke. A very thrilling story of God’s power to take a man, for many years given utterly over to the drug habit, lift him from that pit, and send him out to preach the riches of God’s grace. This book is autobiographical and conceals noth­ ing in regard to the depths of degra­ dation which are reached by those in the throes of this despicable habit. Through this volume, hope is born for even the worst sinners. If God is able to lift this one, there is no one beyond His help. 121 pages. Pub­ lished by Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.25.

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