King's Business - 1945-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

same experience. They have turned •away from self-righteousness and from worldliness to trust the Lord Jesus Christ.. He has become the Lord of their lives arid the Saviour of their souls. He has brought them together as one family of which He is the head (Eph. 3:15). They have the same de­ sires—to know the will of their Father and to do it. They love one another because they are brethren, having the same faith, the same Saviour, the same Father, and the same Holy Spirit (1 John 3:14). II. THERE IS A CHRISTIAN LIFE (John 10:10). This life unites in eternal bonds all those wbo are blessed by possessing it.. This life breaks down every bar­ rier of class, creed, color, and nation­ ality (Gal. 3:28). The love of Christ dwelling in the heart, and the life of Christ ruling the spirit, knit together the hearts of Christians in every part of the world. The unsaved are not included in this blessed circle.' They do not know Christ. They do not have His life in them. They must first be­ long to the Saviour; then they will be a part of this precious unity which is called “the unity of the Spirit” (Eph. 4:3). III. THERE IS A CHRISTIAN TESTI­ MONY (John 3:11). God’s people testify to that which has happened to them because of their meeting with the Saviour. Their testimony is about the person and the work of Christ. Their testimony binds them together in a blessed and holy unity. They testify to what they have seen in God’s Word and in God’s Son. They certify as to what God has said to them through His Word. They witness to what God did for them when they accepted the gift of His Son, the gift o f eternal life. All of God’s children everywhere have the same testimony which is in effect: “We were sinful and lost. God gave Christ to die for us, and He saved us from our sins.” IV. THERE IS A CHRISTIAN MES­ SAGE (Acts 8:4). The unity of God’s people is mani­ fested in their love for the Bible and the Gospel message which it contains. If one young person with his Bible meets another young person with his, at once they are united in happy fellowship. As you pass along the street, you may hear someone quoting the Scriptures and exhorting men to faith in Christ. If you are a Christian, you stop and at once your-heart is linked to that of the messenger. The message of the Word of God suits the heart of the child of God, and joins him to other believers in whom the Word of God dwells richly.

keep company with God’s people and separate themselves from the enemies of the Lord. They seek to learn , the truths of God from the Word of God and put them into practice. They de­ sire to win souls so they learn how to present the precious Gospel. They have power to bear fruit. IV. WE MAY HAVE POWER TO AC­ COMPLISH GOOD RESULTS (2 Tim. 2:15). Nowhere, in the Scripture are we encouraged to be careless or Ignorant in the service of the King. We read of some who were “ unskilled in the word of righteousness” (Heb. 5:13). It was because they did not seek out the truth and learn to know the mean­ ing of the Sciiptures. i What a sad epitaph for any life! The Lord speaks in a very severe manner about those who are careless with the Bible, slying, “ Cursed be he that doeth the Lord’s work deceit­ fully” (Jer. 48:10). The Revised Ver­ sion translates this adverb, “ negli­ gently.” God expects His children to know how to do His work effectively.

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There is a story of a man who had wasted his life, and who at the last, near the end, found peace in believing . A friend said to him, “Are you afraid to die?” He answered. “No, t am not afraid to die, but 1am ashamed to die.

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J a n u a r y .27, 1946 Living Daily as Christians A N E cannot live a Christian life unless he is a Christian. Lost sin­ ners may try to live like Christians. Even Satan is called “ an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). The trainer may force an animal to act like another beast, but this will not change the creature’s nature. If the soul is saved, then Christ comes to dwell in that heart and only then will “ the life also of Jesus . . . be . . . manifest in our mortal flesh” (2 Cor. 4:11). Living right will not make anyone a Chris­ tian. Accepting the Lord Jesus as Saviour makes one a Christian; then the right living will follow easily. For Those Who Have Topics I. THERE IS A ’HRISTIAN UNITY (John 17:22,23). Unity among Christians is based on the fact that they have all had the

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