King's Business - 1945-12


December, 1945

For the Children A B a s k e t B o a t E x o d u s 2:1-10, 23, 24

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THE END OF THE WAR opens up New opportunities for Gospel and Kelief Service among Russian peoples in all European lands. We need funds to enable us to Reprint Bibles Reinstate Missionaries Restore Prayer Houses Re-establish Mission Stations Relieve the Distressed The need constitutes an unprecedented challenge. Will YOU help us, by your prayers, to meet it? Gifts and correspondence to Dr. F. J. Miles, International Secretary THE RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Inc. 1844 W. Monroe St.f Room 2, Chicago, 12, III. Sample copy of “ The Friend of Russians’* with details on reqiiesti

MEMORY VERSE: “ And he said, Certainly I will be with thee” (Ex. 3:12). AIM: To teach the story of the early life of Moses, and of the op­ pression of the Jewish people. APPROACH: Many of you boys and girls have a baby brother or sister in your home. How proud you are of that baby, and how Careful you are to see that it is protected from harm! The Bible tells us how God took care of a certain baby whom He wanted to use in His service when he grew up. LESSON STORY: A long, long time ago in the land of Egypt there lived many of God’s people, the Jews. Into one of these J e w i s h homes the Heavenly F a t h e r sent a beautiful baby boy who later was named Moses. Pharaoh, the wicked ruler of the land, hated the Jews, and about the time of Moses’ birth, he ordered that all the Jewish baby boys be killed. Moses’ mother and father and sister, Miriam, were very unhappy about this law, and were careful to keep their baby hidden in the house. This they were able to do until Moses was three months old; then they were afraid that when Pharaoh’s soldiers passed by their house, they might hear the baby crying and come in and take him away. So they prayed a great deal to the Heavenly Father, asking Him what to do, and He answered their prayers. Moses’ mother did a very wonderful thing: she made a little basket boat for the baby. She was careful to make it just the right size for the baby Moses, and then she covered it with a kind of tar to make it waterproof. She put the baby in the basket boat, and hid it in the water among the tall grasses near the bank o f the river. Miriam stood nearby where she could watch her baby brother and see that no harm came to him. One day Miriam heard voices. The ruler’s daughter, the p r i n c e s s , and her servants were walking toward the river. When the princess saw the basket boat, she sent one of her maids to get it. How surprised she was to find in it a baby boy! Miriam went to ■the princess and offered to find a nurse to take care of the baby. The princess liked that idea. Miriam hurried home and brought her own mother back to the princess. When the princess gave Moses to the woman, and paid her some money for caring for him, she didn’t know she was giving the baby to his own mother! From that time on, little Moses was safe With his parents in their home. Didn’t the Heavenly Father have a good way of taking care of this baby?


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