King's Business - 1945-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Your New Improved Young People's BibleStudg Quarterly A fresh, original study fo r each Sun­ day in the quarter— topical, devotional, biographical, synthetic, missionary. A lso planning ideas and suggestions how to make your m eetings interesting. Send 15c for current issue | ONLY. 10c fo r complete samples o f sound Sunday School papers and quar­ terlies. FREE: C atalog o f Sunday School and Church supplies. Christian Publications, Inc, 1507 N, Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. Insist on the ORIGINAL. •■Forty-six Years* Suprem­ acy« Never equalled. Con­ densed Thought. Digest and Text, of Lesson. Full Exposi­ tion. Other features. Flexible Binding. Postpaid. F. H. Revell Co., 158 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N.Y. A VALUABLE GIFT wi l ’JipL V ' "PROPHECY" FREE—Full set of 165 choicest Bible verses—separate tickets— scientific arrangement for mem­ orizing. | “PROPHECY” is the monthly handbook of vital information and Bible study issued by Ameri­ can Prophetic League, Inc., edit­ ed by Dr. Keith L. Brooks with . a competent research staff. Clip this adv. Free sample of PROPHECY if desired. Address PROPHECY, Box B B, Sta. Eagle Rock, Los Angeles 41, Calif. m t>y r a t o r r e y 1946

to eat” (Ex. 16:15). The bread was called “manna.” The people gathered it and made it into thin cakes which tasted like wafersmade from honey. Every day for forty years, the quails and manna were sent by God as food for His people. You would think that the people would have been grateful to God for doing such a wonderful thing for them, but often they forgot Him and did sinful things which grieved Him. Have you forgotten some of the things that the Lord Jesus has done for you? Are you still thanking Him for dying on Calvary for your sins? Are you telling others how He saved you when-you received Him as your Saviour?

Extend the testimony of

your Church, Sunday S'chool or Youth Groups to every home. Distribute regu­ larly ... results will amaze you. THE DOORSTEP EVANGEL D R. WILLARJD M . A LD RICH , Editor P. O. Box 1-B Vancouver, W ash

Scripture-Text BI RTHDAY BOOK (Packed in Lovely G ift B o x )

$1.50 — Postpaid 22 Outstanding features, some of which are • Lined Pages • Space for 5 names, full address and year of birth on each page • Scripture-Text on each page • Easter Dates through 1967 • The Beatitudes • The Books ,of the Bible • Birth Stones • And 15 other Features Order From The Cedar Publishing Company #7 Waterloo, Iowa Sag you saw our ad- in The King's Business

LESSON FOR J A N U A R Y 2 0 Law Essential to Liberty LESSON MATERIAL: Ex. 20:1-17. . OOLDEN TEXT: *'| will delight myself m thy commandments, which I have loved1' (Psa. 119:47).

Outline and Exposition I. T h e S o u r c e o f t h e L a w (E x . 20:1, 2)


"Bookof H e lp s ’ • Get your free copy of this 136 page book for j S u n d a y S c h o o l^ a n d Christian workers. Chock full of new ideas, quality supplies at re a so n a b le prices. Full of visual aid m aterials, D.V.B.S. helps, m aps, b o o ks, B ib le s, p la q u e s , e tc . S p e c ia l program materials and

“ God spake all these words.” They did not originate in the Babylonian writings, nor were they conceived in the mind of Moses. These were God’s own words, which He spake to a cer­ tain people whom He had redeemed, freed from bondage, and brought out of the land of Egypt. Hence, these words were not addressed to the Egyptians from whom Israel was de­ livered, nor to the Canaanites to whose land Israel was going, nor to the peoples of the wilderness through w'hich Israel was passing. The law was not given to the Church, but only to the Israelites.

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