portant rule that God had given to them, and they began worshiping idols. Before we criticize them for this, let us ask ourselves if there is any thing in our lives that we love more than we love God. If there is, we, too, are disobeying His commandment, “ Thou shalt have no other gods be fore me.” LESSON FOR J A N U A R Y 27 Religion in a Nation’s Life 20*29SSOISi MATERIAL: E x . 28:1;35:4-9, . “ T hou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve” (Matt. 4:10), Outline and Exposition | . • T h e C h o ic e o f t h e H ig h P r ie s t (E x . 28:1) “No man taketh this honour [o f the priesthood] unto himself, but he that It is related that a gentleman j | gave a little boy a dollar, say- j j ing, “ Now, you must keep that j | for yourself.” "Oh, no,” replied j | the lad, “ I shall divide it first, j j I’ll just keep my half.” "Your i j half?” asked the man in sur- j j prise, ‘You must have misunder- j | stood; it is all yours.” "Oh, no, j I sir,” said the boy earnestly. “ I j j always go halves with God.” If j J such giving were practiced { ! among Christians today, whose j J imagination could picture the re- { j suits? | is called of God” (Heb. 5:4). Aaron was not self-chosen, nor was he se lected by Moses; he was appointed by the sovereign direction of God, “ to minister” in the priest’s office. The ministry was one calling, even though his sons were associated with him. Typically, this pictures the union of the Lord Jesus and His people in their labor for God; the members of the Church, as priests, are workers together with Christ. II. T h e M a t e r ia l fo r t h e S a n c t u a r y (35:4-9) The Lord had declared that the pur pose of the tabernacle was, “That I may dwell among them” (Ex. 25:8). Hence, even the material yvas indi cated especially by Him; the people did hot suggest how or with what the tabernacle should be built. Every thing that went into the tabernacle building in some way typified the j
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