King's Business - 1945-12

December, 1945


HEW GIFT BOOKLET “ He’s Coming Tomorrow” (a Christmas story) by Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Prophetic Scriptures, with 3 new Gospel Songs by Nancy H . Griffin. 36 pages 5 x 7J4 inches. Attractive covers and printing. Each 25c, 2 for 40c, 6 for $1.00. Gift envelopes. HIS W O R D Publications, Box 327, Monterey Park, Calif. HOLIDAYS AHEAD! Start now to stock up on staples for those cele­ bration feasts! Ralphs have all the well-known dependable brands of canned goods, flour, dried fruits, tea, coffee, cereals . . . all the non- perishable staples you can and should get now to avoid that' last-minute rush.

person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. His deity and perfect human­ ity, His sacrificial service and redemp­ tive work, His Holy Spirit and His intercession, His beauty and glory, His provision for answered prayer and acceptance before God, all are indicated, by the metals, woods, cloth and skins which the people were asked to provide. The gifts and labor were not obtained forcibly but were accepted by the Lord from those who gave with “willing hearts.” III. T h e R e s po n s e o f t h e P e o ple (35:20-29) When Moses ceased his instructions as to what was needed, the people departed to secure those things. They brought everything for the work of the tent of meeting, as well as for all of its service. The material was brought by both men and women of willing and wise Prayer Changes People A young preacher had just settled in his first pastorate in Philadelphia, when he was visit­ ed one evening by one of the laymen in his church. The man said bluntly to him, “You are not a strong preacher. In the usual order of things you will fail here, but a little group . of us have agreed to gather every Sunday morning to pray for you.” The young man saw that group of people grow to more than one thousand, prayi ng weekly for their pastor. The minister was J. Wilbur Chapman who later became one of the greatest preachers Amer­ ica has ever known. —The Evangel. hearts. Their God was to dwell in thpir midst and they would follow His directions. Hence, w h a t they brought became known as “the Lord’s offering.” It was a spiritual sacrifice unto the Lord. When finally the tabernacle should be completed, nothing of the blue, the purple, and the scarlet; naught of the gold, the silver, and the brass; no oil, no spices, and no sweet incense should be in evidence. Only the outer, unattractive; weather­ beaten badgers’ skins could be seen. However, this was the place where God would meet with His people. In like manner, nothing of the beauty and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ are seen by mortal eyes, but to those who are instructed by the Spirit with

THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Genesis to Revelatioli, Chapter by Chapter. Dr. Harlin J. Roper, Castor Scofield Memorial Church For Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, Young People’s and Missionary Societies, Vaca­ tion Bible Schools, Prayer Meetings, and Home Study. Samples 15c; 4 grades 50c; Complete set $2,40 THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY 2010 Bryan St. Dallas 1, Texas WHERE P R A Y E R PREVAILS Train for needed Christian service at this growing Bible School—“ built with prayer.” The good climate and mountain scenery of the famed Co­ lumbia River are an added inspiration. Accredited courses. FREE tuition, strong faculty, devoted student body. Ask for catalog. Interesting Monthly Sent Free for a Year to All Inquirers.

B I B L E Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., Pres. B. B. Sutcliffe. D.D., John G. Mitchell, D.D. Chairman of Trustee Board Vice-President 703 N.E. Multnomah St., Portland 12, Oregon

Wesit ybt EFICIENTCHRISTIANSERVICE In this ideal location amid inspiring Christian fellowship—you can prepare to “ Go somewhere for the Lord,” to win souls and live a spirit-filled life. Faculty of spiritual men and women. Complete courses in Missions, Gen­ eral Bible, Music and Teacher train­ ing. Learn to use God’s word_ effir ciently. Excellent recreational facili­ ties in 4-acre campus and gymna­ sium. Comfortable home atmosphere. Expenses reasonable. “ Start training here now for God’s work.” Summer school during June. W rite for

A Christian preparatory school offering accredited' four-year training for College entrance. Strong courses. Orthodox Christian teachers. Wholesome social, athletic, and extra-curricular activities.*

•Aeademystud­ ents enjoy the College atroos^ phere. Ad4 dresstheDcaiy Box B1245

catalog. Address Dr, Walter L. Wilson, Pres. KANSAS CITY B IB L E C 0 1 L E G E P. t. B«x7(35,h ft 2 KHsisCttjU.

S T AMM E R ? / . § This new 128-page book, “ Stammering, M Its Cause and Correction,” describes the ■ Bogue Unit Method for scientific correction of stammering and stuttering —successful for 44 ™ years. Free — no obligation. Benjamin N. Bogue, Dept. 4761 Circle Tower, Indianapolis, Ind. Denver Bible College SAM BRADFORD, President LEO LAPP, Dean Set to train workers for the Lord’s harvest. Four-year College offering Bachelor of Arts and Christian Education de­ grees; also five-yeai degree course in Education. Meets highest academic standards . . . the Bible is the center of every course of study. Also two-year and three-year diplo­ ma course in Bible. For information address Registrar. Box KB 2047 Glenarm Place, Denver 5, Colorado Please put The King’s Business on your Prayer List.

TU C TENNESSEE I 11 L MOUNTAIN r l I 3 J I U N Our work comprises all phases of mission­ ary endeavor, inclusive of Bible Memory Program in 65 counties of Tennessee, Ala­ bama, and Georgia. The Mission now owns 40-acre camp ground on which 12 cabins, etc., are to be erected for Bible conference work for young and old. Pray. For informa­ tion write: Rev. A. J. Levengood, Supt., Box 45, Dayton, Tenn. LANTERN SLIDES Your snapshots, films or slides can be re­ produced by me on beautifully colored glass slides 2"x2" (35mm) or 3|/j//x4,/. I receive repeat orders from the largest auditorium in this city. Lowest reasonable rates to missionaries and Christian workers. Phone CLeveland 66129 or send stamped addressed envelope. (No lists at present). C. WHITFIELD SIMS 6176 Myosotis St. Los Angeles 42, Caltf. U I C C I fi U 12 INSPIRED SERMONS EVANGELICAL— FUNDAMENTAL F R E E TO PASTORS, AD­ VANCED STUDENTS, EVANGE­ LISTS, PREACHERS PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR WORK GEO. BYRNE, 1005 No, LaSalle St., Chicago 10, Dl.

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