King's Business - 1945-12


regard to Christ and His own, there is a Heavenly glory In “the place of meeting,” between the Lord and His Church.

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Points and Problems L ‘Take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him" (Ex. 28:1). We note from this word to Moses that the appointment of the office and personnel of the priesthood was a definite act of God’s sover­ eignty. Man had no part in i t This matter was of such great importance that it had to be done by God alone. The priest was the mediator between God and the people. He presented the sacrifices at the altar, and, on the Day of Atonement, he took Into the holy o f holies the blood with which he sprinkled the mercy seat. He was but a shadow of the perfect High Priest, even the Lord Jesus Christ, who before the foundation of the world was appointed by God as both priest and sacrifice for a needy people. No man-appointed priest could fill this office. 2. 'Th is is the thing which the Lord commanded" (Ex. 35:4). In this chap, ter God’s plan for supporting His work in the world is presented. The offering which was taken for the building of the tabernacle was to be: (1) “ From among you” (v. 5). That is, God’s people are responsible for the support of God’s work. Appeals for this purpose should not be made to the world. (2) By those who are "o f a willing heart” (v. 5). Five times the word "w illing” appears In this chapter. God’s work is to be supported by the voluntary offerings of His people, not through sales and suppers, taxation and assessments. (3) Accord­ ing to ability, "gold, and silver, and brass,” etc. (Cf. 1 Cor. 16:2.) (4) An offering prompted by zeal for God’s service, “ every one whose heart stirred him up” (vs. 21,26). (5) An act of worship, "they brought the Lord’s of­ fering” (v. 21). Ten times the word “ offering” is used in this chapter. Giving is as much a part of worship as any other part of God’s service. When God’s plan for the support of His work is employed, God’s blessing follows. See Exodus 36:5-7.

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For the Children

B uilding A T ent C hurch E xodus 25:1-8

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MEMORY VERSE: “ I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord” (Psa. 122:1). AIM: To teach that to give willingly is the most Important part of making any gift to the Lord for His service.

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