King's Business - 1945-12

GIFTS THAT ENDURE AND BLESS Books by Evangelist John R. Rice, D.D., Litt.D. “ Everything John Rice writes is readable” says d k . h y m a n j . a p p e l m a n “ A Beloved Author,” says m o o d y m o n t h l y PRAYER —Asking ancl Receiving

Dr. Rice is the author o f 43 books and pam­ phlets, is editor of The Sword of the L o r d, and is a full - time evangelist, con­ ducting union r e v i v a l c am­ paigns in prin­ cipal ci ti es in America.

Dr. J. R. Rice

Proclaimed by most Christian leaders as the best book on Prayer. Shows, you how to pray, encourages you to pray, strengthens faith in a prayer­ hearing and prayer-answering God. .Challenges you to ask big things^ of God. Shows you prayer hindrances. The final chapter is a searching message on “ The Sin of Prayerlessness.” KING’S BUSINESS says; “ This is a great work on the subject of prayer. The author is a man who believes in and who practices a fervent prayer life. . . . a very exhaustive study.” DR. H. A. IRONSIDE said: “ One of the most interesting, refreshing, and conclusive works on prayer we have ever consulted.” 328 pages, beautifully bound in royal blue cloth, gold stamped, attractive jacket. P r ic e ........................ . . . ☆ ☆ THE RUIN O F A CHRISTIAN is written specially to Christians to bring about a revival. It Scripturally “ reproves, rebukes, exhorts.” It gently probes the heart, diagnoses the ills, stirs the consciences of Christians. Very popular, 20,000 printed. CHRISTIAN HERALD says: “ Here is evangelistic preaching with all the fine passion, humor and drama of Dwight Moody. A book for the backslidden—and the careless who stand in peril of backsliding. Tw elve sermons that bless and burn—and challenge m ightily.” 16 chapters, 178 pages. Cloth bound. Price ....................................................................................... ☆ TWELVE TREMENDOUS THEMES “ This volume,” as Baptist and Reflector comments, “ deals with 12 of the most impor­ tant doctrines of the Bible and deals with them in a clear and impressive way.” Our Hope” says: “ Each message offers interesting reading and burns with zeal for souls.” Not dry hard-to-understand textbook material, but thrilling Bible preaching and teaching combined to give you a more thorough understanding of these great doctrines, to enrich your mind and warm your heart. Introduction by Dr. Robert G. Lee, Memphis. 178 pages. Cloth bound. Price............ .............................. ☆ ☆ THE COMING KINGDOM O F CHRIST Rich, scholarly, yet simple Bible teaching on the coming kingdom of Christ on earth. No speculation.' Over one-third of the book is actual Scripture quota­ tions! Comforting, informative, enriching. COL. REV. F. J. MILES, D. S. O. . . . D.D., says: “ It is the greatest collation of Scripture on its theme that has been compiled since John Wilkinson issued ‘Israel My Glory’ over half a century ago; it gives the chapter and verse au­ thority . . . quotes the majority, of these quotations from Scripture in full . . . closes on the practical application to the Church in relation to the rap-g*g *^§11 ture . '. .” Fifteen chapters, 148 pages. Cloth bound. P r ic e ............ ☆ | ☆ REVIVAL APPEALS Here are evangelistic .messages both sharp and tender, both Scriptural and fervent, tremendously used of God-to the salvation of thousands. This book w ill set revival fires burning. The jacket pictures great crowd of 3,767 in the revival campaign in. Cleveland, Ohio, March, 1945, with Dr. Rice preaching the last sermon in ’ this book, “ Missing God’s Last Train for Heaven.” 216 pages, cloth b o u n d . C A Price . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................................................... ☆ “AND GOD REMEMBERED . . .”

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Copies already printed of àthese books. They make ^excellent gifts. “ Musts” Jfor every home; ever: I preacher and S. S. teach J er should have them.

Tender and devotional. These mes­ sages will stir your love for Christ, will increase faith, make the old, old gospel story new, clear, and desirable. Has brought salvation, comfort, and hope. Six of Dr. Rice’s favorite messages as fol­ lows: (1) “ And .God Remembered . . .,” (2) Tears in Heaven, (3) “ Behold the Man!” (4) “ Where Is the Lord God of Elijah?” (5) The Exceeding Abundantly Able God, (6) The Torn Veil. Beautiful

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Sword of the Lord Publishers, Dept. KB 214 W. Wesley St., Wheaton, III.

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