King's Business - 1915-04



3. They deny a personal Holy Spirit. ‘The Holy Ghost is divine science.’ 4. They deny a personal devil. ‘There is neither a personal deity, a personal devil, nor a personal man.’ 5. They deny a personal man. ‘An illu­ sion.’ ‘There is no matter.’ 6. They deny the fact of sin. ‘All is. good; there is no evil.’ 7. They deny the forgiveness ' of sins. ‘God, which is life, truth, and love, never forgives sins.’ 8. They deny that Jesus Christ came in th i flesh. ‘An error of personal belief; an illusion; a belief that what is termed matter has sensation.’ This last is a dis­ tinct form of the Anti-christ. (Read 1 John ivT 3; 2 John vii., R. V.).” | H. G. McMaking, a former student of the Moody Bible Institute, now working in Chekiang Province, China, writes under date of November S concerning the work' as follows: “Our conference for Chris­ tians lasted three days, about ninety Chris­ tians attending. The different Biblical themes were taken by Chinese and foreign­ ers, and many spoke afterwards of the blessing they had received. Some Chris- tions bought literature for distribution among their neighbors, thus manifesting their love, for this year money is scarce on account of partial failure of crops. Many came a distance of forty English miles, and all ate their own rice. This gives evidence of the power of God’s word in their lives, for by nature they are probably the most mercenary people in the world. This week we attended an idol worship and fair, there being several thousands of people gathered together. The idol is over forty feet in height and is named Lu-ching. He is wor­ shiped because many years ago he is said to have brought a river into being, thus bringing good crops and prosperity to the people.' We preached to many hundreds during the day and sold many Gospels. We also passed through a village in which the people were making a thank-offering to an idol for the recent rains which had fallen.

The offering consisted of one thousand basins of food, made up of very many va­ rieties. The people afterward eat the food. This will give you some idea of the heathen darkness prevailing here.”—Christ. Work­ ers’ Magazine. The Foreign Missions statistics of the United States and Canada for the calendar year 1914 were announced at the annual meeting of the Foreign Missions Confer­ ence, in Garden City, Long Island, on Jan­ uary 14. These statistics were compiled under the direction of Rev. Dr. Fred P. Haggard, chairman of - the Jdome Base Committee of the Conference, and form a part of the valuable report of that com­ mittee to the conference on the' outstand­ ing features of the work of cultivating the home constituency on behalf of foreign mis­ sions.. The total income of American Foreign Mission Boards during the year was $17,- 168,611-18, as compared with the following returns for recent year: 1913 .............. ,............................. $ 16 , 043 , 631.76 1912 .. .;..;.........,..,........ 17 , 317 , 366.55 1911 .. ..;,....,.:.......,............. 12 , 290 , 005.00 1910 .. ....,.... ............. 11 , 908 , 671.00 1909 ................ 11 , 317 , 405.00 1908 ............................... 10 , 061 , 433.00 1907 ............ 9 , 458 , 633.00 1906 ........................... 6 , 980 , 448.00 1905 .. ....... r...^;-.-.......:................ 8 , 120 , 725.00 1904 ......................................... 7 , 807 , 992.00 1903 .................................. :......... 6 , 964 , 976.00 1902 .. ...................I .................. 6 , 727 , 903.00 • 1901 ....,;,:...................I...___ ___ 6 , 228 , 173.00 Other interesting facts are revealed, as follows: $4,243,967.60 were contributed by natives to the work being conducted by American missionaries; there are 9969 mis­ sionaries enrolled by the several organiza­ tions; 159,286 persons were baptized during the year, as compared with 121,811 the year before; 9946 churches are reported, a gain of 510; there are 606 colleges, theological seminaries and training schools, and 12,696 other schools, with a total attendance of 547,730.

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