King's Business - 1915-04



“My soul strives blindly for relief, Chilled as by drifting snow, By doubts which scoff at the helief Of finding peace below.”

IV. In Separation from the World (vs. 6-14). . V. With Circumspection (i. e., with the eyes open) ,—S . Do not go to priest or prayer book, but go straight to the Son (to Jesus). “You can’t have an honest horse race until you have an honest human race.”— Josh Billings. “The preacher is no locomotive to pull you to heaven. “You carry a ball player on your shoul­ ders, but send a prodigal to the refriger­ ator car. “I ’m out to make Hell mad and Heaven sing.”— “Billy." I learn that you are agitated by many tempests, and that your soul is tossed to and fro by the waves.—The cross of Christ is divided among the world, and each man has his share. You should not, therefore, reject that which has fallen to you. Re­ ceive it rather as a holy relic, not in a vessel of silver or of gold, but in what is far better—in a heart .of gold,—in a heart full of meekness.— Luther. “Let it be counted folly, or fury, or frenzy, or whatever else; it is our wisdom and our comfort: we care for no knowledge in the world but this, that man hath sinned, and that God hath suffered; that God has made Himself the Son of man, and that men are made the righteousness of God.” — Hooker. These lines are credited to Czar Nicholas and were written a score or more of years ago, and are the more significant today of the fact that “uneasy rests the head that wears a crown.” May the mighty Czar soon find “Peace” : “My happiness was born at night, And 'suckled in the’gloom; My pleasures have dissolved in flight,- Heart stricken at my doom.

William HI. Anderson, State Superin­ tendent of the Anti-Saloon League of New York, has determined to again introduce into the New York Legislature “A Poison Label Bill,” which1 in one form was intro­ duced at a former recent meeting of that Legislature. The statement in the bill fa­ voring the label are these words: “This preparation contains alcohol, which is & habit-forming, irritant, narcotic poison.” There are many deadly things attractively advertised in the sphere of doing as well as of drinking; “habit-forming,” spiritually narcotic that should also be labeled “Poison” by legal enactment, History is commentary and confirmation of Solomon’s pessimistic and realistic phi­ losophy of the emptiness, “vanity” of all things “under the sun” that are not super- glorified by ."“the Sun beyond the sun.”. Prince Bismarck, one of General Grant’s two greatest men and the creator of the German empire, said in his old age: “I feel weak and languid, but not ill. My illness is want of the joys of life. My ex­ istence is no longer of any use; I have no official duties, and what I see as an on­ looker gives me no pleasure. ■Should I live longer it will still be the case. I feel lonely. I have lost my wife, and as regards my sons, they have their own business. With growing age I have also lost interest in agriculture and forestry. I rarely visit the fields and woods, since I can no longer ride and shoot -and move about as I like. Little by little politics begins to-tire me.” A Summer School of Religion at one of our great educational centers announces at the head of its program the topic, “The Re-valuation of the Bible.” So far as one can see it seems as if any re-valuation of the Bible can be nothing better than an e-val'uation of it.' Higher can no man go in rating the Bible than we have already gone. The writer of the 119th Psalm quoted T he B ible at “more than thou-

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