King's Business - 1915-04

Two Great Books for the Times by the noted and successful evangelist Rev. R. A. Torrey, D. D. Those live Christians who are looking for the imminent coming of Our Lord, and who therefore desire the best obtainable information on this topic, will be deeply interested in “The Return of the Lord Jesus” Recently issued Dr. Torrey bases every statem ent upon Scripture, and speaks with no uncertain sound. This book is also invaluable in awakening honest b u t un­ informed Christians to one of the most precious truths bequeathed by Christ to H is followers. The book also contains a convenient classification of Scrip­ ture passages, “Pre-Millenarianism o r Post-Millenarianism— Which? by Rev. J. H. Sammis, and “How 1 Became a Pre- Millenialist,” by Rev. Jam es H. Brooks, D. D. Cloth, fifty cents; paper, twenty-five cents.

“The Wondrous Joy of Soul Winning” Dr. To rrey ’s most recent book

deals with the great mission of the truly-alive Christian. It shows not only the blessedness of this sacred ministry, bu t also the im­ perative duty resting upon all true beliévers. R e a d i t — a n d p a s s i t o n ! Cloth, fifty cents Either of the above books will be sent upon receipt of list price by The B io la Book Room Bible Institute of Los Angeles 539-558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Cal.

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