King's Business - 1915-04




It is constantly called upon to conduct services among the young people, and often is asked to take charge of the Sunday night services by the churches of Los Angeles and vicinity. From its membership men have gone into the evangelistic field, to needy fields at home and to the regions beyond. Some are giving acceptable service as preachers. Its long life has been a positive proof that young men can be gripped and held by the old Bible, if it is a whole Bible. With a membership of 150 men, coming from all denominations, the Club has proved conclusively that the Bible has lost none of its power, and that it is in itself suffi­ cient to hold young men. Pearly Gates, ready to walk into the city of the New Jerusalem; and that pianist, why, she nearly took me off my feet. It was simply great. After the singing a lady got up and sang something about if we cared more for the world than Jesus. Spe­ cial. prayer was made for two of the girls and a note of praise given for answered prayer of the previous week. Say, let me tell you, those girls expect to get their prayers answered. It would pay some of these faithless people to go down and learn how to use the “wireless” to heaven. There would be something doing in this city, if they did. An attractive young lady got up and read the Scripture. I wish every min­ ister in the city had heard her, they could have taken a few pointers home with profit. My! how she read it. Her whole soul was in it. I felt that If that were all, I had had a feast of good things, but the best is yet to come. The message is given by dear “Mother” Horton. Truly, she is a born mother, and to see her smile would drive the blues so far away they wouldn’t know how to get back. Are you homesick? Is mother gone to the better land? - Come in touch with “Mother” Horton. There is always room for one more in her heart. “She told how the past two weeks she had talked of Satan and his power, and that now she was going to talk about Christ.

TT IS a Bible Class, although it is called a “Club,” and yet it is different from many Bible classes. It is nine years old, and it has never omitted a Monday night gathering. It studies the Bible. It has never had a social, an entertainment or a secular lec­ ture. It has never been drawn into politics, or sidetracked by any vagaries. It has an old-fashioned, orthodox, statement of doc­ trine to which every member subscribes. It is aggressive. It believes that men are lost, and that they can be saved by faith in the crucified, risen Christ, and its mem­ bers seek to win men. They are fishers of men. T A7 HAT is our Lyceum Club? It is a * * soul winning and spiritual uplift work among young women in the city and ad­ jacent towns. The sole text book used is the Word of God, in the use of which the girls become happily expert. The hot lunch together, the hearty wel­ come given to newcomers and the social fellowship, are all pleasant indeed, but when, after the 150 to 200 girls sing as only earnest girls can, the Bibles are opened and we look into the bright expectant faces, we cease to wonder at the great work this club has accomplished for God during the eight years of its existence, for the power of the Holy Spirit is acknowledged by both teacher and young women, and to God is given all the glory. The following is a letter sent in by a young woman after vis­ iting the Club: “Have you ever been at the Lyceum Club on Tuesday-evening at the Bible Institute? You should have been there the other night. Why, that singing alone would make you feel five years younger. They sang “The Way of the Cross Leads Home,” and it made me feel they had their hands on the


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