King's Business - 1915-04



-hers, looking into her tear-filled eyes, she heard the daughter say in gentle tones, “Christ’s finished work was done for me. From henceforth He is my Saviour.” Be­ hold, what hath God wrought?—M. A short time ago I was wonderfully led to a young woman, a highly intellectual woman who has studies most of the mod­ ern religions exhaustively. Theosophy, New Thought, Christian Science, etc. When I came to her she was laboring with Science which promised her healing, but found no comfort or peace in it. When I told her of the finished work of Christ and asked her i,f she could not accept Him as her Saviour and trust Him to supply all her needs, she joyfully surrendered herself to Him. Since that time Satan has heavily assailed her arid brought her to the point of death—but thanks be unto Him who giveth victory! through her faith in Jesus Christ and the prayers of faith, God has restored her to her family, and her two little ones, and her testimony is that now through faith in Jesus Christ she has the peace that passeth all understanding “All other ground is sinking sand.” She has found that Christ is sufficient for soul and body as well, and to comprehend in a meas­ ure the love that would make such pro­ vision. his own language was blessed of God, and very much appreciated by the men. The conversions, we felt, were only the first fruits of many others which we are trust­ ing Him to gather for His glory on the different ships. In his comfortable cabin there was found resting on the lounge a young officer, who when spoken to, seemed waiting for a chance to confess his hunger for the bread of life. “I know I am a sinner, and have realized that fact before and do now. • I

Early in the days of her seeking she con­ fessed, “I cannot look it up, for I have no Bible, never had one.” She thankfully bor­ rowed one which was offered and the blessed Guide-book completed the work be­ gun in her heart by the Author-Finisher of our faith.”—H. A MODERN MIRACLE. It' was wrought in a dingy little room. The worker had called to speak words of comfort and cheer to the sick, disheartened mother who sat helpless in her chair by the window. Near by, the daughter, a dir vorced woman, coarse-featured, loud-voiced and untidy, like the room, declaimed with heat and passion against hypocrites who professed to be Christian, and against the service in the little chapel next door, which she declared she would never enter. The worker spoke quietly of Christ and His Word, and knelt by the mother’s chair for a word of prayer. Then the Holy Spirit wrought His wonders. Through the work­ er’s lips He magnified the cross of Christ and proclaimed the victory and triumph of a risen Lord. In the daughter’s heart during the prayer, He did His blessed work, the hard, stony ground was broken up, and the seed bore fruit in instant, living faith, for when the prayer was finished, and the worker stood with the daughter’s hand in G OD’S blessing has been upon the work during the past month, and souls have been born into the kingdom. The men seemed more ready and better prepared for the message of the Lord, and the hearing they have given has been a cause of rejoic­ ing. We have had many good opportunities for dealing personally with officers and men, as well as passengers. Again and again we found six or seven different na­ tionalities represented on a single vessel, and having been accorded a hearty welcome, have felt that the Gospel given to each in

W O RK AT LOS ANG ELES HARBOR O scar Zimmerman, Sup’t.

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