T he M anager ’ s H obby
........................................................................................................................................ ... THE HOBBY of the Manager is full of points, each with a “business end.” But it won’t sting!
printing. The turning out of one and one- half million copies of a four-color piece of work in a single order, in competition with a German establishment, and the printing of one hundred thousand copies of T he K ing ’ s B usiness , a magazine of one hun dred pages each month, indicate the capac ity of the plant. Its manager and his as sistants are efficient workmen and a high- grade product is guaranteed. Write the Biola Press and the manager will gladly furnish any information you may desire on the subject of printing. A G reat Medium TJ'OR the months of April, May and June, 1915, this magazine has a guaranteed paid circulation of 100,000 copies monthly. A few select advertisements of projects and commodities approved by the manage ment, will be admitted to its columns for the months of May and June, all orders to be received by the 15th óf the preceding month. Only such as can be accorded unqualified endorsement will be accepted. Advertisers should consider the exceptional value of this 100,000 list. Address Manager of The King’s Business for rates. I t is the meek who are to inhabit the earth, not the bulldozers. Samson knew his strength only too well, but he didn’t know his weakness. The lack of self-control is always serious weakness, and the strongest man is the one who is master of himself. In making your plan for the building of a character, be sure to make self-mastery one of its chief pillars.
Neither the business of the King nor “T he K ing ’ s B usiness ” can be successfully carried on lacking due attention to mate rial things. This magazine is not published for finan cial gain. It has been issued for seven years at great sacrifice and sent free wher ever good was to be accomplished. Its mission is to spread the Gospel doc trine of Salvation, and its friends should pay its way, for that is undoubtedly the avowed mission of every man and woman who reads it. To proiqpte the interests of The King, the manager of the magazine must needs urge upon the friends of the Bijile Institute the vital importance of exerting their best endeavors to increase the circulation of T he K ing ’ s B usiness . There is no profit-sharing plan here. Every surplus dollar will be expended in further spreading the Good Tidings. Send $1 for a year’s subscription and in duce one or more of your friends to do likewise. DO IT NOW. Be a missionary and be happy! See the point? See subscription blank in one of the back pages of this number. The Biola P ress T HE BIOLA PRESS, the printing de- partment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has one of the finest equipments to be found anywhere, designed for the quick execution of large orders, in style and finish unsurpassed. There are special facil ities for handling all kinds of religious
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