King's Business - 1915-04



when the Spirit of the Lord came upon David, mere lad as he was and undis­ ciplined in all the arts of kingship and state­ craft, he was qualified for God’s work. The one great qualification for acceptable service to God is the anointing with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5, 8). "SoSamuel rose up, and went to Ramah.” (1) Samuel Seeks a King. vs. 4-5. Samuel went where the Lord sent, and did what the Lord said. v. A: 1 Sam. 3:10. The elders (judges) of Bethlehem dread Samuel, judge of Israel, v. 4; D.eut. 16: 18-19. Samuel’s errand was peace, peace based on sacrifice, v. 5; Col. 1:19-20. Samuel commanded: “Sanctify your­ selves" and, second, invited: “Come with me to the sacrificial feast. - v. 5; 1 Cor. 11:28. Samuel himself sanctified Jesse and his sons. v. 5; 1 Thess. 5 :23. Questions:> Why did Samuel seek an­ other king? -16:10-23. What had God commanded him? 16:1. Where is the first mention of Bethlehem? The last? John 7:42. What was the rank of Bethlehem in Judah ? Micah 5 :2. (2) Seven Sons of Jesse Rejected, vs. 6 - 10 . Samuel mistakes the manly Eliab for the man. v. 6; John 19:33. Samuel blunders; proving that neither insight nor foresight, but revelation, makes a prophet, v. 6; 2 Sam. 7 :2-5. Man looks on, but God looks in, v. 7; Acts 12:21-23. Jesse’s guesses, vs. 8-10; 1 Cor. 2:16. Samuel speaking as Seer, and not as Samuel, vs. 8-10; John 9:25. Questions: What seven imperial kings has God rejected? Nimrod, Solomon, Nebuchednezzar, Cyrus, Alexander, Caesar, Anti-Christ. Dan. 5 :27. LESSON

The work which God- had bidden Samuel do he had done, and haying done it, he returned home to wait until God should send him on some other errand. As he re­ turned to his home, there must have been in his heart a strange mingling of sorrow over the definite rejection of Saul, and joy over the choice of David and expectation of what God would now do through him. OUTLINE. How will not the Lord’s Anointed judge? Isa. 11:3. What blunder did the “ifules” make through fleshly judgment? 1 Cor. 2:8. (3) Samuel Anoints Davis as King. vs. 11-13. Samuel questions Jesse, v. 11; Mark 12 : 6 . Jesse owns to one more son. v. 11; Isa. 9:6. Samuel delays, the feast till he comes, v. 11; Heb. 10:37. Jesse sends for David, v. 12; Gal. 4:4, 5. David’s trifold loveliness, v. 12; Ps, 45: 1-3. The Lord identified His choice, v. 12; Matt. 3:16-17. SamueT anoints David with “oil,” from a “horn,” before his brethren, v. 13; Heb. 1:9; Luke 1:69. The abiding Spirit comes on David, v. 13; John 3 :34. Samuel’s work done he returns to his own place, v. 13; John 17:4. Questions What other instances of un­ looked for preferment in Scripture, are you reminded of? Gen. 48:14, 17-19, etc. What did Jesus say of the order of pre­ ferment? Mark 10:31. What about a certain “stone” ? 1 Peter 2:6, 7. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Man’s sentiments must and should give way to the Divine judgment, ch. 16:1. (2) The cure for Samuel’s sorrow was a call to service.

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