King's Business - 1915-04

The Best Books Against False Teachings ANTI-CHRISTIAN SITPERNATURAUSM By Kenneth Mackenzie. The false CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IN THE LIGHT OF HOLY SCRIPTURE By I. M. Haldeman. Mr. Haldeman

teachings of Christian Science, Theosophy, Buddhism, Hypnotism, and other anti- Christian supernatural religions, are shown to be unscriptural _____ ______ Paper, 25c “ EUGENICS” —A NEW MOVEMENT By Philip Mauro. Tells why this latest fallacy is surely the work of the devil. — .....................................................Paper, 5c THE CAUSE AND CURE OF INFIDEL­ ITY By David Nelson. The causes are shown to be man’s wicked nature and his lack of information; the cure, the ap­ plication of the Word of God and prayer. ........................................................Cloth, 50c CAN A CHRISTIAN BE A SOCIALIST? By William Robertson. An eye-opener to any truly “ born again” person who has a leaning toward socialism. Paper, 5c THE FINALITY OF THE HIGHER CRITICISM By William B. Riley. A successful de­ fense of “ the faith once delivered” against the doubting spirit now brooding over the educational institutions of Amer­ ica., .............................................Cloth, 40c THEOSOPHY; OR, BUDDHISM ABROAD By William B. Riley. Shows that the­ osophy comes from the somewhat foetid East. Paper, 5c; smaller booklet, lc, 12 for 6c. THE OTHER SIDE OF EVOLUTION By Alexander Patterson. Shows that evolution is not accepted by all scientists, and that the theory in question lacks a demonstration ....................... Cloth, 60c CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FROM BIBLE VIEWPOINT By Florence E. Culver. This splendid small booklet very clearly sets forth in parallel columns the teachings of Mrs. Eddy and what the Bible teaches about God, the death of Jesus Christ, the resur­ rection, the prayer, marriage and sickness. _____________ ___Paper, 5c; 12 for 50c WHY I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN SCIEN­ TIST By William Evans. One of the best statements of the reasons why no one should be a Christian Scientist.— Paper, 15c THE ANTIDOTE TO CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By James M. Gray. How to Deal with Christian Science from the Bible and Chris­ tian point of view........... .......... Cloth, 75c

writes: “ I have had only one object in writing this book: to show that Christian Science is wholly outside the Bible and has no right to the name ‘ Christian.’ ” The New York Examiner says: “ The proof is absolute; it is clearly stated; it is ex­ haustive.” ------------------------- Cloth, $1.50 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By William B. Riley. This pamphlet treats of the fundamentals of Mrs. Eddy’s faith. Part of the booklet is devoted to Mrs. Eddy’s definition of man—first, in denying his mortal body; second, in de­ claring him the idea of God____ Cloth, 5c MILLENNIAL DAWNISM By I. M. Haldeman. The blasphemous religion which teaches the annihilation of Jesus Christ is here exposed in a most trenchant way. ......... ................ Paper, 10c WHAT OF THE DEAD? By William B. Riley. An answer to Russellites and others who believe in the doctrine of soul-sleeping._____ Paper, 6c THE MORMONS AND THEIR BIBLE By M. T. Lamb. The object of this book is to give the general publie a clearer insight into the puzzling problem of Mor- monism..................................... Paper, 25c IN THE NET By A. B. DE MILLE. A warning to Protestants concerning convent schools. The attention of uninformed parents should be called to this book__ Paper, 20c SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISM RE­ NOUNCED By D. M. Canright. The author of this expose was for twenty-eight years a prominent minister and writer of that faith ..............................Cloth, $1.00; paper, 60c SPIRITUALISM EXPOSED By A. Sims. Scriptural evidence and facts of experience showing the evil na­ ture and awful tendencies of spiritism. ....................................................... Paper, 15c THE MODERN GIFT OF TONGUES: WHENCE IS IT? By G. H. Lang. A testimony, an ex­ amination, and a solemn warning.............. _______________ ___________ Cloth, $1.00 CONCERNING SPIRITUAL GIFTS — ESPECIALLY TONGUES By Philip Mauro. The author shows the importance of commending to those who are interested in the Tongues Movement a more excellent way.................. Paper, 10c

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