Safeguarding checks All appointments will be subject to two satisfactory references, a Disclosure check by the Disclosure and Barring Service, medical fitness for this role and evidence of identity and qualifications. All of the above checks must be completed before beginning work in the school. In the unlikely event of an unsatisfactory report being received following the issu- ing of a contract, the offer of appointment will be terminated without notice. General requirements All school staff are expected to: • Work towards and support the school vision and the current school objectives outlined in the School Development Plan • Contribute to the school’s programme of extra-curricular activities • Support and contribute to the school’s responsibility for safeguarding students • Work within the school’s health and safety policy to ensure a safe working environment for staff, students and visitors • Work within the GDST’s Diversity Policy to promote equality of opportunity for all students and staff, both current and prospective • Maintain high professional standards of attendance, punctuality, appearance, conduct and positive, courteous relations with students, parents and colleagues • Engage actively in the performance review process • Adhere to policies as set out in the GDST Council Regulations, Notes of Guidance and GDST circulars • Undertake any other reasonable duties required that are related to the job purpose from time to time.
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