

GREGGCHAMBERLAIN New arena ice rates raise tears and fears

ROCKLAND | The price for arena ice time is a hot item. This year’s budget for the City of Clar- ence-Rockland calls for an increase in the ice time rates at the city’s arenas. That has local youth sports groups worried that few- er kids will be able to afford to play hockey or ringette or go for gold in figure skating. Council approved the new rates during its March 11 regular session without discus- sion or comment. This in spite of fears that Larry Van Every of the Rockland Minor Hockey Associa- tion and others expressed during a March 6 public review meeting that the planned increase would amount to a 10 per cent in- crease for registration fees for minor hockey and other winter sports groups catering to youth. “A 10 per cent increase for registration fees, straight match, that’s $100 per kid,” Van Every said. “A hundred dollars more per kid could mean fewer kids (signing up) next year.” He noted that the biggest losers in the situation are boys and girls from lower- income families who then have to choose between recreational sports and basic ne- cessities. The ice rate fees include both the new Clarence-Rockland Arena twin-rink facility

and the older single-sheet Clarence Creek Arena. The new rates would all take effect in September at the start of the 2013-2014 winter sports season. For sports clubs and other groups, the new fees go from $160, $165 and $195 an hour each for the Monday-to-Friday, day- time, evening, and late-night sessions to $170 an hour for the morning and after- noon periods, and $195 an hour for the eve- ning session from 5 p.m. until closing time at both arenas. The weekend rate of $165 for mornings and afternoons, and $195 for evenings goes to a flat $195 an hour from opening time to closing. Steve Whittaker, with the Clarence Creek

Skating Club, noted that the elimination of one non-prime time ice rate period will make it harder on budgeting for groups like his and that could affect Clarence- Rockland’s future presence in winter sports competition. “We finally have an opportunity to pro- duce skaters who can represent Clarence- Rockland at a national level,”Whittaker said, “but if we lose the non-prime time period, it will have a huge impact on the skaters in our community.” For other groups using the arenas, the ice rates for the 2013-2014 season go from $160, $165 and $195 for the daytime, eve- ning, and late-night sessions Monday to Fri- day to $170 an hour for daytime and $225

for evenings from 5 p.m. until closing. The weekend rate of $195 an hour increases to $225. Special event ice time rates for the Clar- ence-Rockland arena from April to August this year will be $225 an hour. The Clarence Creek Arena will not have ice in the summer. Slab rental rates for both arenas during the summer season for activities that do not require ice are also going up by five dollars an hour for clubs, individual contract rent- als, and special occasion use. Events like wedding receptions that re- quire use of arena slab space will cost $550 or $450 a day depending on whether or not alcohol is featured. Any extra setup time re- quired will cost $35 an hour.

Les caisses populaires Orléans et Trillium sont fières d’annoncer la nomination de M. Stéphane- Jacky Blanchard à titre de directeur, Gestion de patrimoine, pour les deux caisses. M. Blanchard détient un baccalauréat en administration des affaires et une maîtrise en administration publique. Dans le passé, il a acquis une solide expérience du milieu des affaires et du domaine financier puisqu’il compte plus de 23 ans d’expérience au sein du Mouvement Desjardins. Les habiletés de gestionnaire de M. Blanchard sauront conjuguer résultats et esprit d’équipe et ses compétences seront un atout important pour les caisses populaires Orléans et Trillium. Grâce à l’appui d’une équipe de personnes qualifiées, M. Blanchard entend poursuivre les efforts entrepris pour offrir des services financiers de haut niveau, accessibles et adaptés aux exigences des membres. Nous lui souhaitons la bienvenue auprès de l’équipe des caisses populaires Orléans etTrilliumet beaucoup de succès dans ce nouveau défi.

Vive la relâche !

2, 95$ *

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School’s out! _ __ ___ Kids menu always

$ 2. 95 *

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Stéphane-Jacky Blanchard, M.I.A. Directeur Gestion de patrimoine

9071 County Road 17 ROCKLAND, ON


1234, Adresse de la rôtisserie, VILLE * Taxes en sus. Offre valable jusqu’au 17 mars 2013. En salle à manger des rôtisseries St-Hubert et St-Hubert Express participantes. Maximum de deux repas à 2,95 $ par repas pour adultes. Enfants de 9 ans et moins. Ne peut être jumelée à aucune autre offre spéciale ou promotion. ** Jusqu’à épuisement des stocks. MD/Marque de commerce de St-Hubert S.E.C., employée sous licence. © Tous droits réservés. * Taxes extra. Offer valid until March 17, 2013. At participating St-Hubert and St-Hubert Express dining rooms. Maximum of two $2.95 meals per adult meal. Meals created for kids 9 years and under.Cannot be combined with any other special offer or promotion.**While supplies last. TM/Trademark of St-Hubert L.P.,used under license.©All rights reserved.


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