Requirements Certification V13

Training systems

Requirements for Certification / V13 2023-12-04


1. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................3

2. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS...............................................................................................................................3

3. CHANGE LOG – REVISION 13 .........................................................................................................................5

4. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................5

5. REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION BODIES .............................................................................................6

5.1 5.2 5.3

General Requirements for Certification Bodies

6 6 8

Qualifications of Audit Team Members for Certifying a Training Provider Withdrawal of Approval of Certification Bodies or Individual Auditors

6. THE CERTIFICATION PROCESS .......................................................................................................................8

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9

Request for Certification

8 9 9

Multi-Setting Offers Initial Certification

Surveillance (and Surveillance Re-certification)

11 12 13 14 14 15

Extension of Scope

Estimate for Man-Day Allocation for Certification Process

Transfer Between Certification Bodies

Remote Auditing

Issue of Certificates, Audit Reports and Requirements to Inform GWO

7. MULTI-SITE CERTIFICATION ..........................................................................................................................16


Eligibility of a Multi-Site Training Provider for Certification

16 17

7.2 Methodology for Auditing a Multi-Site Training Provider Using Site Sampling: Initial Certification

7.3 Methodology for Auditing a Multi-Site Training Provider Using Site Sampling: Surveillance (and Surveillance Re-certification) 18 7.4 Methodology for Auditing a Multi-Site Training Provider Using Site Sampling: Extension of Sites 20 7.5 Methodology for Auditing a Multi-Site Training Provider Using Site Sampling: Extension of Scope 21 7.6 Qualification of Internal Auditors 21 7.7 The Internal Audit Process 22 7.8 Multi-Site Training Provider Certificates 23

ANNEX 1 - GWO QUALIFICATION FOR NEW AUDITORS ........................................................................................25

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