Catalogue TFH 2022 ANG

Noisy Toys | Auditory

Roly the Laughing Dog Movement sensitive pooch rolls about with delight when you activate his light sensor. 3 x AA. • 30cm 4ROLD $49.00

Wiggly Giggly Ball - Large Helium-filled ball with a live mouse inside! Roll the ball and the mouse squeals with delight. Newer models have replaced the mouse/helium combination with a mechanical squeaker (No animals were harmed during the writing of this text).

Rabit Tat Tat Excellent Illuminated drum pad with great features: Record and playback function with voice distortion; Follow the lights game; Drum along with familiar songs. 4 x AA inc. • Height 14cm x Length 44cm x Width 27cm 3MRTT $126.00

• 18cm dia 9WIGIL


Wiggly Giggly Ball • 12cm dia 9WIGIS


Grab n Go Auditory Sensory Kit Bag, Active Rainmaker, Bodhran Drum, Clatterpillar, Concertina, Singalong Nursery Rhymes Puzzle set 1 and set 2, Laughing Dog, Farm Sound Blocks, Vehicle Sound Blocks, Sound Activated Parrot, 3 Piece Traditional Percussion Set, Windchime, Bendy Bells, Noisy Tube, Sleigh Bells, Farmyard Answer Buzzers, CD Box Set, Set 3 Space Blankets, 2 x Egg Shakers, Tri-Me Sounds, Squistle, Sea Sound Toy, Squeak DropBox, Multi Voice Changer. Contents may vary. 9GNGAD $1,275.00

Basic Music Kit 19 musical instruments in a strong storage box. 4BAMK $341.00

Musical Cuboid The 6 switches play tunes by an award-winning arranger on drums, flute, piano, guitar, orchestra and tuba. Lights illuminate your instrument choice to the beat, and you can sing along using the songbook (included). 3 x AA. • 13cm 3EMBR $76.45

To place an order Tel: 514 273-9186 / 1 800-361-0378 Fax: 514 273-8627

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