Catalogue TFH 2022 ANG

Sand & Water | Tactile

Hourglass Sand & Water Tray The feel of sand between your fingers, the coolness of the water against your skin! Designed to allow wheelchair access, the Hourglass Sand & Water Tray has two separate wells that encourage rummaging about in all sorts of materials, a great inspiration for gross motor work, sorting, body awareness and tactile stimulation. The Hourglass Sand & Water Tray features height-adjustable legs, a pair of casters for mobility, and a draining tap. • Tray 120 x 74cm, Adjustable clearance: 60 - 86cm 8HGSW $825.00

Shape lets you get under and “Into” the space

HG Stretch Cover Fabric fits smartly over the Hourglass to “put it away”. 8GHCV $45.00

To place an order Tel: 514 273-9186 / 1 800-361-0378 Fax: 514 273-8627

Be aware and always supervise use.


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