Catalogue TFH 2022 ANG

Developmental | Arches

Versatile Activity Arch Suitable for use on the floor or on a desk. Comes with three Velcro straps. Hanging toys not included. • 71cm x 69cm 8TTAC $129.00

Activity Arch Kit Squisher, Flexi Ring, Sleigh Bells, Ribbed Quoit, Tambourine. 8TACT


Grab n Go Proprioception Kit Bag, Fluffy Glove, Vibrating Cushtie Pillow, Vibrating Snake, Creative Peg Puzzle, Spring People, Vibrating Pillow With Knobs, Vibrating Hairbrush, 3 x Space Blankets, Weighty Snaky, Massager Brush, Weighted Scarf, Tactile Mitts, Vibrating Head Massager and Balance Board. Contents may vary. 9GNGPD $1,130.00

Brault & Bouthillier, official distributor

Multisensory rooms should always be used under supervision.


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