Ecommerce Subsector Breakdown
Key Trends
• Companies are increasingly looking for omnichannel capabilities to diversify sales channels and reduce reliance on digital advertising. • Generative AI’s breakout year is forcing fashion players to look beyond operational automation to capture value.
• Apparel and accessories for personal style and self-expression. Examples: Shoes, clothes, purses, glasses, timepieces, jewelry, leather goods and scarves. • Major retailers: eBags, Zara, Nordstrom, Clarks and Amazon
• Gadgets and tech solutions for modern living. Examples: Home appliances, cell phones, and smart streaming devices. • Major retailers: Amazon, BestBuy and Ikea
• The focus is on acquiring brands that can integrate technological advancements, particularly those enhancing the consumer experience.
• Companies are exploring partnerships rather than outright acquisitions, focusing on supply chain efficiencies and sustainability. • Amazon and Wayfair dominate the online furniture retail landscape and coexist as omnichannel retailers. • This subsector has shown resilience with a few strategic acquisitions aimed at expanding product lines. • Sustainability, social justice, and equality — consumers are paying closer attention than ever to the supply chains and production sources of their goods.
• Home and office furnishing. Examples: Beds, tables, lighting, shelves, and seating. (Omits permanent fixtures, like sinks, baths, electronics, and household appliances) • Major retailers: Amazon, Wayfair and Ikea • Recreation and personal skills. Examples: Video game consoles, musical instruments, art supplies, children's toys, sporting gear, and gardening equipment. • Major retailers: Walmart, Amazon and Target
Toys, Hobbies and DIY
Source: FE Internal Analysis.
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